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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Without much thought, Sun Cheng quickly came to a conclusion.

"The Skytiger Legion wants to divert the attention of Sentinal Prime!"

This conclusion wasn't difficult to reach because currently, on Earth, the Skytiger Legion had control over very few strongholds.

The Decepticon strongholds within the United States had already been mostly eliminated during the cooperation with the Autobots two years ago.

Although, after breaking ties with the Autobots, some Decepticons might attempt to re-establish strongholds within the sparsely populated regions of the United States.

But as a military superpower with years of research on Megatron's mechanical body, the technological and military might of the United States was undeniable.

At least Sun Cheng himself felt that unless Base Two exhausted most of its resources, it would be difficult to win a conventional full-scale war against the United States after a military conflict broke out.

While Base Two was located in South America, Starscream had attempted to probe this area more than once, but the Decepticons they sent were either killed or driven away.

In Asia, the Decepticon situation might be slightly better, but they wouldn't have a firm footing in East Asia.

In Northeast Asia, South Asia, and West Asia, there might be some Decepticon strongholds.

Australia and Europe were uncertain territories, as the U.S. Military, in collaboration with the Autobots, had launched multiple sweeps in these regions in recent years, and Sun Cheng couldn't be sure how many Decepticons were still active there.

Therefore, after abandoning all the mines in Africa, the Skytiger Legion would reduce its annual theft of various resources from Earth by half.

With such a significant cost, they must have a plan in mind.

After careful consideration, Sun Cheng couldn't think of a more likely target than himself, a potential rival.

"All right!"

Once he had made up his mind, he tapped his fingers on the conference table in the command room.

Instantly, the spacious command room fell silent.

"The Skytiger Legion has withdrawn so easily from all strongholds in Africa. Their goal is very simple: they want us to be the next target for Sentinal Prime, to disrupt the fragile understanding we've established with the Autobots with great effort!"

"The Autobots are still a valuable shield for us. As long as they exist, even if the Skytiger Legion makes a move against us, they won't go all out, fearing that the Autobots will benefit from it."

He glanced at Thunder, "Arrange the withdrawal and abandon all strongholds in Africa! If the Skytiger Legion wants to see us clash with the Autobots, we won't let them have their way."

There were some quiet discussions in the command room as some Decepticons were not willing to give up the strongholds in Africa, as each stronghold represented at least one mine.


Sun Cheng shouted, bringing the restless command room back to silence.

"I understand that you're all reluctant, but our assets are not easy to obtain either. Mora, how long do you need to confirm the location of Optimus Prime?"

The Skytiger Legion wanted to use Sentinal Prime to cause trouble for them, but Sun Cheng wasn't one to be pushed around without fighting back.

Mora pondered for a moment, "The last satellite tracking of Optimus Prime indicated that he was heading towards the primitive forest area in West Africa. The Autobots who left New Iron Fortress also headed in that direction. It's difficult for the satellite to track him in the primitive forest, but if you allow us to send drones into the area for a search, we should be able to find him within two days."

The drones he mentioned were not ordinary Earth drones made by various countries. They were a type of supersonic unmanned aircraft developed by Sun Cheng's Decepticons, inspired by Earth's drones and various military aircraft. These drones were specifically designed for infiltrating enemy territory and collecting intelligence.

They were small in size, weighing only 3,742 kilograms, less than four tons in total. However, they had an astonishing propulsion system that could take them up to an altitude of 14,000 meters and provide them with a short burst of nearly 2.17 Mach supersonic flight capability.

When cruising at a speed of 470 kilometers per hour, they could even fly continuously for 19,000 kilometers. Decepticon engineers had upgraded the optical aviation camera system, inspired by the Polar Bear's technology, enabling the drones to capture ground targets with sub-meter accuracy at an altitude of 7,400 meters in clear weather and targets with meter-level accuracy in harsh weather conditions.

The most expensive component was a special reconnaissance radar designed for Cybertronians, with the ability to rapidly detect electromagnetic spectra within a circular area of approximately 15 kilometers in radius on the ground, covering an area of over 700 square kilometers.

This equipment was not cheap; the production cost of one drone was nearly a fifth of that of a Golden Eagle fighter jet. The key was that this equipment had no combat capabilities and was considered transitional equipment. Even within Base Two, there were only a dozen or so of these drones in production, primarily used for surveillance to cover blind spots in the sky where the satellite system couldn't reach.

After some brief consideration, Sun Cheng agreed, "Base Two will allocate two drones for you. We need to find Optimus Prime as soon as possible."

Although these modified drones had an awkward position within their ranks, their technological capabilities were still formidable. Outside of the three major nations of China, the United States, and Russia on Earth, few other human countries could compete with this military equipment. The only threats to it were the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots.

With most of the Decepticons already withdrawn from Africa, if they happened to encounter the Autobots, losing one or two drones would be acceptable.

After instructing to reinforce vigilance in South America, Sun Cheng still felt uneasy. He sent six advanced warriors to Forerunner, where Black Market was currently in charge. He also added two anti-air missile battalions. Only then did he disband the meeting.

Each group of Decepticons had their own territories to manage, and very few stayed at the central control base. They quickly returned to their respective areas, and even Thunder went to carry out Sun Cheng's new orders.

Once they had left, Sun Cheng remained in the command room, deep in thought about the plans ahead.

The dark clouds of war on Earth were becoming heavier and heavier.

Although Sun Cheng had speculated before that Optimus Prime might not be able to defeat Sentinal Prime and might abdicate, he hadn't expected Sentinal Prime to take control of New Iron Fortress so quickly and immediately take action against the Skytiger Legion and them.

The reactions of the Skytiger Legion, led by Starscream, also made Sun Cheng feel a sense of impending danger.

Both of these forces were now restless, and the fragile 'peace' that had been maintained on Earth for the past two years was likely to come to an end because of it.

"We must find Optimus Prime as soon as possible and bring this young Autobot leader back into the picture."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 887: Predicament 


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