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It took thousands of transport robots half a day to transport hundreds of thousands of tons of goods to several designated warehouses at the Mars base.

Sun Cheng and his team had evidently caught a break with the weather this time.

It wasn't until four days later that a medium-sized sandstorm hit again, temporarily halting the surface operations and projects on Mars.

However, this didn't affect the Decepticons much. With over a year of construction, Mars base had undergone a drastic transformation.

In a spacious lounge, Sun Cheng, who had spent four days understanding every detail of the Mars base, took a brief break.

His body wasn't tired, but the precautions against potential attacks over the past six months had undoubtedly accumulated mental stress for Sun Cheng.

This stress had inevitably translated into fatigue, prompting him to take a few days off upon reaching Mars.

During these past few days, Sun Cheng had been exploring every corner of the Mars base.

Compared to his last visit, Mars base had expanded several times over.

Mariner Canyon was already the largest canyon on Mars and even in the entire solar system, boasting astonishing dimensions in length, width, and depth.

Therefore, building the base at the bottom of Mariner Canyon saved them a lot of effort.

With more robots and construction machinery being manufactured, the Decepticons could now easily carry out various engineering operations on the hard walls on both sides of the canyon.

For instance, the Central Control Center where Sun Cheng currently was; it was the earliest established area on Mars and one of the thirteen main zones.

The entire Central Control Center was built within the hard mountain walls, and the total construction area had now exceeded...

As a result, when Sun Cheng and his team arrived at Mars this time, just the Central Control Center where they stayed already had a built-in area within the mountain walls exceeding 17 million square meters. It could almost be called a small city.

With the arrival of this batch of Decepticons, the total number of Decepticons on Mars reached an astonishing six thousand.

During Sun Cheng's last visit to Mars, he had set up the first Decepticon breeding center.

Using the then-imperfect Decepticon breeding technology, Mars base had added over two thousand newborn Decepticons in the past year.

This efficiency and material consumption were far inferior to Base Two.

However, Sun Cheng didn't mind; he was even quite satisfied.

This time, with his arrival, a brand-new Decepticon breeding center had been packaged and brought over.

In the past year, Base Two's technology for breeding newborn Decepticons had matured, and they no longer needed to rely on massive materials and energy to gamble on probabilities.

Although Mars still hadn't completely solved the water and energy issues with its exclusive planetary resources, with the birth of more Decepticons, more exploration teams were formed to conduct a more detailed search of the entire Mars.

Before Sun Cheng and his team arrived on Mars, Decepticon exploration teams had already found more than ten underground ice lakes on Mars.

Coupled with the discovery of helium-3, although the water and energy issues were not completely resolved, the industrial and construction activities on Mars were no longer as restricted as before, allowing for smoother operations.

The leisurely days on Mars didn't last long.

A well-established management system was already in place, so Sun Cheng only read some data and information without directly intervening.

His visit to Mars this time had two important purposes, besides gradually relocating Base Two from Earth. One of them was to explore the laboratory said to be established above Mars by one of the ancient cybertronian Thirteen Primes, [Liege Maximo].

After taking a few days off, Sun Cheng became restless.

This time, he brought not only Decepticons from the Technical Division but also over two hundred Decepticon warriors.

With a command issued, a squad composed of ten advanced Decepticon warriors quickly assembled in a warehouse outside the Central Control Center.

"The place we are going to next may have some dangers!"

Although Mars was temporarily safe, no one dared to guarantee what might happen.

After all, Decepticons had a base on the Moon, and the satellites launched from Base Two to monitor the lunar orbit had captured instances of Decepticons flying from the dark side of the Moon to the Asteroid Belt for mining.

If Starscream and his group set their sights on Mars, they would have no means of resistance.

Among the Decepticons Sun Cheng brought to Mars this time, he specially selected twenty advanced warriors.

"Commander-in-chief, all warriors have assembled according to the command!"

When Sun Cheng arrived, a high-ranking Decepticon warrior was chatting quietly with a few others.

Although Base Two had known about the existence of the Mars base a long time ago, Sun Cheng deliberately restricted information about Mars to prevent an attack from the Moon.

So, before this visit, they didn't know much about the Mars base.

However, in the past few days, they had truly opened their eyes.

The environment here couldn't compare to Earth, but Cybertronians were not picky. Look at what the millions of years of Civil War did to their home planet, Cybertron.

The environment on Mars, though worse than Earth, was much better compared to the dead star that Cybertron had become, with magma erupting everywhere.

Moreover, the restrictions here were looser than on Earth, and the group of Decepticon warriors had been living comfortably in recent days.

However, their good days might come to an end.

Sun Cheng glanced at the assembled Decepticons. Apart from ten voluntary advanced warriors, he also appointed Adam, who was in charge of managing the Mars base, to select a hundred ordinary Decepticon warriors from Mars for this mission.

Seeing this batch ready for action, armed to the teeth, and eager expressions on their faces, Sun Cheng was satisfied and went straight to the point.

"At the inception of the Mars base, we discovered a hidden place on this planet suspected to be a laboratory left by the cybertronian Pathfinders who had visited here even earlier!"

"At that time, due to concerns about potential dangers inside, I suppressed the exploration plan."

"Now, it's time to pay a visit there!"

"I won't say more; all Decepticons, prepare for a tough battle!"

"Let's go!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 877: Exploration 2 


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