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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng was not planning to give up on the meticulous efforts he had invested in South America for over three years. Instead, he was preparing for the worst-case scenario in advance.

Currently, the forces eyeing South America were numerous and formidable.

With the abundant advanced equipment leaked from the Black Market, the technological and industrial development between major human powers on Earth had been accelerating over the past two years.

Three years ago, a squad of Decepticon grunts was enough to give a major European and American power a headache, but now, it was uncertain.

However, with the connection to the Black Market, even though some European and American countries still considered him a mortal enemy, Sun Cheng shouldn't be actively provoked in the short term.

But there were Skytiger Legion and Autobots, and that was a different story.

With Megatron, Starscream, and the esteemed Sentinel Prime in the mix, Sun Cheng couldn't guarantee that Base Two wouldn't face an attack.

Feeling a lack of security, he hoped to be prepared before any tragedy unfolded.


After receiving the command, Thunder immediately gathered the responsible Decepticons and urged those selected to board the spaceship to start the process.

They would spend nearly a month in the universe. After all, the Explorer-class medium-sized cargo spaceship was much heavier than Sun Cheng's previously self-designed Hope-class, exceeding tens of thousands of tons.

Such a behemoth would require higher difficulty and technological demands to achieve the same speed as Hope-class.

Although Base Two had the capability, considering energy consumption, it had imposed certain restrictions.

Sun Cheng, along with the three cargo spaceships, prepared to set out for Mars.

This time, he had to take this risk.

In the past half-year, although Earth still appeared very peaceful, Sun Cheng, who was in the midst of a storm, could feel the looming threat that could erupt at any time and tear him apart.

So, while being vigilant against potential attacks, he wasted no time.

Hundreds of monitoring stations, along with anti-air systems, surrounded Base Two. In countries already infiltrated by Base Two in South America, extensive installations were set up.

All of this was done to destroy as many invaders as possible in the upcoming fierce war.

After the Decepticons boarded, Sun Cheng also boarded a Golden Eagle armed transport ship.

This time, protecting the three cargo spaceships on their journey to Mars was a fleet composed of 12 Golden Eagle fighters and 4 Golden Eagle armed transport ships.

According to intelligence gathered from various sources, with Shockwave arriving in the solar system, there might be a sizable Decepticon fleet.

Although these dozen spaceships were undoubtedly useless against Shockwave's Decepticon fleet, having them implied a capability for counterattack.

Without them, if the three cargo spaceships encountered the Decepticon fleet that happened to arrive in the solar system at this particular time, it would be a slaughter.

Surprisingly, this journey went very smoothly.

One month later, the fleet reached Mars, avoiding probes launched by certain countries on Earth and landing in the Grand Canyon region.

Mars Base had been under construction for over a year since Sun Cheng personally delivered the first batch of Decepticons.

Returning to Mars, as they entered the thin Martian atmosphere, they immediately sensed a change.

Monitoring stations established by the Decepticons on the Martian surface had already detected them and sent guiding information, directing the fleet to land at a designated platform within the Grand Canyon.

As the fleet entered the wide canyon, seemingly inconspicuous structures from a high-altitude perspective gradually became clear.

Orderly, spaceships descended onto the sparsely populated landing pads guided by the ground.

After the hatch opened, Sun Cheng was the first to disembark. Looking several kilometers away at the flat valley floor, massive structures were rising.

Countless robots moved between the buildings, seemingly busy transporting something.

Although called a landing pad, naming it an airport would be more appropriate.

Sun Cheng surveyed the area and saw that the spot where they landed had been leveled out, covering an area of at least several million square meters, almost three square kilometers.

The ground, using sand and rocks rich in iron elements mined on Mars, had been flattened by Decepticon engineers using specially synthesized cement materials.

Clearly, this place had been prepared in advance for the future fleet dispatched by Base Two from Earth.

In the distance, some robots were taking advantage of the calm moment without a sandstorm, working on expanding the airport, which seemed like it could at least double in size.

Since Mars had plenty of open space, that was the one thing it had in abundance.

A team of Decepticons had already rushed over to welcome Sun Cheng and the others.

Before the leading Decepticons could speak, he waved to dismiss the formalities.

"Skip the formalities. Get the transport team over here and start unloading the supplies from the spaceships!"


This time, when they came to Mars, although the three cargo spaceships weren't fully loaded, they were still carrying a considerable amount—tens of thousands of tons of various scarce resources on Mars.

Sun Cheng urged the Decepticons here to quickly arrange transportation, mainly because Mars was not like Earth.

Due to the thin atmosphere, Mars was challenging to protect, and extreme weather events, especially dust storms, were common on the surface.

Dust storms on Mars were not only powerful and long-lasting, but their impact sometimes covered nearly half of the Martian surface.

Encountering such harsh weather, even Decepticons had to take cover and cease most surface operations, moving activities underground.

Sun Cheng had visited Mars Base several times before and spent months here, so he was aware of the situation.

After receiving the command, the Decepticons stationed at Mars Base quickly mobilized a large number of transport robots to come to the airport and handle the cargo.

The Decepticon engineers, technical officers, and engineers requisitioned from Base Two also began orderly disembarkation from the transport ships.

Not long after, the originally somewhat vacant airport was bustling with the arrival of over a thousand Decepticons, adding a lively atmosphere to the place.

Whispers and conversations had not ceased. Sun Cheng, concerned about potential traitors within, had implemented information lockdown within Base Two long ago to protect the valuable asset of Mars Base in the Transformers Universe.

So, initially, only a few dozen Decepticon engineers and some warriors knew about the existence of Mars Base. Although the number of people who knew increased over time, this secret was restricted to a circle of engineers and advanced warriors.

As a result, there weren't many Decepticons within Base Two who knew about it.

Even some of the Decepticon engineers and advanced warriors who knew about the existence of Mars Base for the first time were now witnessing a miracle being constructed on the barren surface of Mars, from nothing to something.

This was Sun Cheng's miracle, and it belonged to all of them.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 876: Exploration 1 


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