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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As Sun Cheng returned to the Central Control Center of Base Two with Hynix, only a few hours had passed.

Thunder and another group of Decepticon advanced warriors who remained at Base Two rushed to greet them.

Most of the Decepticon advanced warriors focused their attention on Hynix, who appeared like a giant.

Sun Cheng's Decepticon advanced warriors under his command were not unfamiliar with this somewhat dull and silent giant.

This Decepticon, reportedly cultivated from a fragment of the All Spark by their own Commander-in-chief, appeared silent most of the time.

However, when he was just an advanced warrior, he participated in numerous battles that endangered the Commander-in-chief and even in the fight on Terindad Island.

Following the military staff structure on Earth, Sun Cheng had the Central Main Control AI of Base Two, named "Teletraan", create a military combat database.

After every battle that he and his Decepticon warriors participated in, the combat data needed to be uploaded to the military combat database. This data was then used for learning and reviewing by all warriors under Sun Cheng, summarizing experiences of victory or defeat.

It was undoubtedly a good decision. Thanks to this, Hynix, a newly cultivated Decepticon of just over a year, had impressive performances in several crucial battles, making him known among Sun Cheng's Decepticon advanced warriors.

Therefore, when Sun Cheng released the news that he was preparing to select two to four teammates for Hynix for an upcoming mission, many advanced warriors were eager to join.

For Sun Cheng's Decepticon warriors, advancing to the next level was more challenging than technical branches. Warriors needed more military merit, which was not as easily obtained as the numerous research, manufacturing, and construction projects available in technical branches.

Hence, many advanced warriors set their sights on Hynix, hoping to gain more opportunities for battle by following him.

Sun Cheng had not yet noticed these thoughts among his subordinates.

Waving off the salutations from his subordinates, he led a group of Decepticon advanced warriors into a military conference room deep within the Central Control Center.

As he looked at the spacious room covering thousands of square meters, with Decepticon advanced warriors standing straight, anticipation and eagerness evident on their faces, Sun Cheng's confidence increased.

"Thirty-seven advanced warriors, four Elite Warriors..."

These were not all the fighting forces at his disposal. Quite a few advanced warriors were scattered around the periphery of Base Two and stationed in some countries controlled by Base Two in South America.

In addition, two Elite Warriors and seven or eight advanced warriors held positions in the Black Market.

They represented the influence Sun Cheng had slowly accumulated in the Transformers Universe over the past three years, using various means.

His cold gaze swept over all the Decepticons, and he spoke, "Teletraan, feed the latest intelligence on Onslaught observed by the satellite to the conference room!"

This was an experiment. Sun Cheng suppressed the gradually uncontrollable killing intent within him, and the icy blue glow in his eyes became even colder.

The internal suppression of Onslaught in Base Two had been ongoing for almost half a year. Because the Onslaught, once proudly flaunted as their banner, had never appeared in public from the construction of Base Two until now.

So Sun Cheng's trust in these warriors under his command was much greater than that in the group of Decepticon engineers.

After all, the batch of seasoned Decepticon engineers under his command were all Decepticon Engineers he had traded with Onslaught in the past.

As for whether these creators had any different feelings, at least Sun Cheng didn't dare to gamble.

However, these advanced warriors under his command, although a few of them were originally Decepticon Vehicons who surrendered in the beginning, the majority were warriors who had risen through the ranks from Decepticon Engineers after Base Two gained the ability to cultivate new Decepticons.

Most of them had only heard of the names Onslaught and Skyfire in propaganda, and that was it.

It was precisely because of this that Sun Cheng dared to take a gamble and make them understand the rift between him and Onslaught.

Inside the conference room, there was a slight change in the atmosphere the moment the word 'Onslaught' was mentioned.

A few Decepticon advanced warriors exchanged glances, silent and not saying much.

Starting half a year ago, the Commander-in-chief had begun to eliminate Onslaught's influence within Base Two; this was not a secret.

Now, whether in internal propaganda or in publicly released information, the word 'Onslaught' no longer appeared.

Decepticons weren't fools. The group of Decepticons under Sun Cheng's command, possibly influenced by him, demonstrated more rational behavior in daily life compared to the Decepticons bred by Megatron's Skytiger Legion.

So, over the past half year, many Decepticons began to question the reasons behind Sun Cheng's actions.

There were indeed Decepticons suspecting that Sun Cheng and the legendary figure, another giant - Onslaught, had fallen out.

There were even some smarter individuals who suspected the relationship between Sun Cheng and Onslaught.

"Is there really a trio of giants behind Base Two?"

"Could the trio of giants be just a lie from our esteemed Commander-in-chief?"

These kinds of clandestine discussions had actually been speculated by many Decepticons privately over the past half year and had even started to be discussed within small circles.

Behind all this was Sun Cheng quietly pushing everything forward.

Decepticons never felt shame in conspiracy; they obeyed the powerful and the victors.

The reason Sun Cheng's forces had only produced one dissenter, Swindle, was because he had, over the past three years, almost built his powerful force from scratch.

And Sun Cheng had always focused on improving his own strength, even though he didn't like fighting and never let himself fall from the position of the strongest force within his faction.

It was through past achievements and formidable strength that he could consistently suppress more and more Decepticons under him, making them act according to the order and regulations he established.

"I hope no one jumps out; otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As his gaze occasionally fell on the Decepticon advanced warriors whose expressions had slightly changed in the conference room, Sun Cheng muttered to himself.

And as the Central Main Control AI of Base Two, Teletraan quickly transmitted the latest Onslaught data captured by the satellite to the central projection device in the conference room.

As familiar scenes appeared one by one on the projection device, discussion within the conference room suddenly increased.

"Looks somewhat familiar?"

"That should be the Arctic Circle..."

"I remember now. It's located in the province of Newfoundland, Great Canada, in North America. The database was recently updated with battle data between humans and the Skytiger Legion..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 859: Reunion (Part 1) 


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