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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As Sun Cheng observed the fourth ship undergoing outfitting in the shipyard, the gloom in his heart dispersed somewhat.

"In another month, the first ship should be ready for flight testing!"

The four Explorer-class cargo spaceships represented the current construction limit of Base Two.

These spaceships, capable of carrying tens of thousands of tons of cargo and navigating the universe, even though they were only medium-sized, still cost astronomical figures. Not to mention the enormous amount of metal and rare earths needed for their construction both inside and outside, just the power system of each spaceship could almost purchase a Ford-class aircraft carrier. They were true resource-devouring behemoths.

They not only consumed resources but also required a staggering amount of manpower.

Just look at the various types of robots currently busy outfitting the fourth ship, and it becomes evident that hundreds of technical professionals, known as Decepticons, need to control at least tens of thousands of robots simultaneously.

However, with pros come cons, and the Explorer-class cargo spaceships were indeed worth the significant cost Sun Cheng had paid.

A spaceship capable of freely navigating the universe and carrying over twenty thousand tons of cargo at maximum capacity was immensely valuable.

The resources on Earth, for Earthlings who had not yet entered interstellar civilization, could be considered abundant.

However, most of the resources on Earth were non-renewable. Moreover, many rare metals either had little reserves on Earth or simply did not exist.

Sun Cheng knew of dozens of rare metals originating from the cores of deceased stars. Due to the planets' significant blastoffs, they would split into meteorites and be launched into the universe. Some young star systems or planets' gravity would capture them, gradually forming asteroid belts or wandering aimlessly.

While these metals might exist on Earth, they mostly arrived in the form of meteorites, either buried underground or scattered in small pieces, collected by enthusiasts as treasures.

So, the best way to obtain large quantities of these rare metals was to go to the asteroid belt for mining or directly use gravity weapons to capture comets in outer space.

Thus, a spaceship suitable for interstellar travel with impressive carrying capacity, like the Explorer-class spaceship, became crucial.

Although it was only a medium-sized cargo spaceship, the Explorer-class spaceship also had weapon systems, though not particularly remarkable.

Two plasma cannons and sixteen missile launch ports were only used to destroy small celestial bodies, such as sudden appearances of small comets in the space lanes, and to provide limited resistance against potential encounters with space pirates.

After spending some time in Shipyard Four, Sun Cheng, with the information on the construction progress of the fourth ship provided by the Decepticon engineer who rushed over, waved him off to continue his work.

Casually wandering around the shipyard, Sun Cheng's initial focus was on the fourth ship. However, as he roamed, his thoughts drifted to the Onslaught side.

Time passed quickly in his absentminded state.

Soon, a communication request popped up, automatically processed by the Core. Upon confirming that the request came from a Decepticon engineer under his command, Sun Cheng, who had snapped back to reality, understood the reason.

After answering the communication, the voice of a Decepticon engineer rang out.

"Commander-in-chief, Lord Hynix's new mechanical body testing is complete. We are ready for the final awakening ceremony anytime."

"Understood, I'll be there immediately!"

Closing the communication, Sun Cheng left Shipyard Four and headed for Hynix's new mechanical body transformation laboratory.

A dozen minutes later, as he returned to the familiar spacious laboratory, he saw that most Decepticons had stopped working. Only a handful were preparing for Hynix's final awakening.


Sun Cheng had just returned, and all the Decepticons who saw him were about to bow and salute.

He waved his hand to interrupt them but directed his gaze towards the colossal Hynix still lying on the ground.

"Let's begin!"

Sun Cheng ordered in a deep voice. Hynix was a Decepticon he had created from scratch.

Although Hynix's simple and silent nature made him seem less noticeable in everyday situations, Sun Cheng had much higher expectations for him than Forerunner and Thunder. Hynix had the potential to confront giant Devastators.

Even in the future, if Sun Cheng's influence and Skytiger Legion reached their peak, there was no reason they couldn't concentrate their efforts to develop Hynix into another Ancient Titan.

Moreover, Hynix's thoughts were much simpler than those of other Decepticons, making Sun Cheng more at ease with him.

"Once mastered, he will be the ace up my sleeve!"

While thoughts swirled in his mind, Sun Cheng's gaze remained fixed on Hynix in the center of the laboratory.

Following his instructions, the Decepticons wasted no time.

Under the command of a Decepticon engineer, dozens of technical officers and engineers swiftly connected various cables to Hynix's mechanical body.

After all the cables were connected, another engineer personally inspected them.

Upon completion, he nodded to the other Decepticon engineers.

The project's overall supervisor, an experienced Decepticon engineer, gave the order, "Activate!"

Instantly, standing in a corner of the laboratory, several technical officers quickly pressed buttons on various different devices and pulled down a hand lever.


A thick, long metal needle hanging above the laboratory shot out a dazzling blue arc.

The arc didn't hit Hynix below but struck one of the eight metal pillars surrounding Hynix.

Then, the hanging metal needle shot out a second, third, and fourth arc, activating each of the metal pillars around Hynix one by one. The dazzling blue arcs quickly formed an electric web, enveloping Hynix within.

Crackling electric arcs continuously struck Hynix.

At the same time, the hanging metal needle aimed again at Hynix's chest, which was still unconscious.

There, the armor on Hynix's new mechanical body's chest was open, revealing a circular machine inside, comparable in size to a car tire – Hynix's new Spark.

The inactive Spark, apart from the metallic sheen, had a perfect texture far beyond the current technology achievable by humans, making it slightly more conspicuous.

Sun Cheng didn't mind sacrificing the Spark extracted from an Elite Warrior. He watched with fervent eyes as a series of dazzling blue arcs shot out from the metal needle, relentlessly bombarding Hynix's new Spark and attempting to awaken it.

One, two, three!

As he counted to twenty-seven, the Spark, buried deep within Hynix's chest, which had a mere metallic sheen, suddenly began to tremble.

Simultaneously, it flickered like a malfunctioning LED lamp, intermittently extinguishing and then reigniting with a brilliant blue glow.

"Hynix, wake up!"

Sun Cheng silently called out in his mind. Most of the surrounding Decepticons, acting in unison, retreated to a safer distance, their eyes filled with awe and envy as they watched the laboratory's center, where the monstrous giant convulsed and trembled.

As the frequency of the Spark in Hynix's chest flickering on and off increased, emitting a more dazzling light, his mechanical body convulsed and trembled even more violently.

Finally, with a crackling sound, the metal chains that secured Hynix's limbs and mechanical body in the laboratory shattered easily.

Inside the laboratory, the monstrous giant lying in the center suddenly opened its eyes, and still in a daze, instinctively let out the first roar of awakening.


The colossal Hynix, awakened, had returned!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 857: Discovery of Onslaught 


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