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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The adult world is just this dirty.

After transmigrating to the beginning of the Transformers Universe, Onslaught indeed provided Sun Cheng with some protection, to some extent saving him from the clutches of Starscream.

Even in the two years that followed, he waved the flag of Onslaught, swaggering and deceiving everywhere.

But with Onslaught, came both success and failure.

Sun Cheng's current formidable force, although he started from scratch, utilizing resources from two worlds, and employing various conspiracies and schemes, was built in less than three years.

However, there's one thing he couldn't deny: the foundation for the growth of his current influence was the initial exchange Sun Cheng made with Jazz's memory chip for more than twenty Decepticon Engineers from Onslaught.

"…It's best for you to know your place and not appear in front of me. Otherwise, don't blame me!"

Thinking of this, a murderous intent began to boil in Sun Cheng's heart.

The foundation of his power was built on that batch of Decepticons he obtained from the initial exchange with Onslaught. Despite acquiring all resources for the development and expansion of his influence in the past few years on his own, Sun Cheng couldn't ignore the fact that he owed much to that deal.

However, to suppress rebellion and, at the same time, to raise the banner high, he pushed Onslaught to the forefront, making him the nominal highest leader of the base for a long time.

Although Onslaught had not appeared in the past few years, due to Sun Cheng's past propaganda, he still had considerable prestige within his own forces.

In the past few years, Sun Cheng, who had dealt with Decepticons on many occasions, no longer naively believed that he could be friends with them.

It's either submission to power or enslavement by power.

This is the Decepticons, a regime established by Megatron.

Although Sun Cheng had realized his mistakes from his early years and had been gradually weakening Onslaught's influence within his forces for over half a year, especially in recent months, with the increasing presence of Elite Warriors under his command, Onslaught's name had completely disappeared from the propaganda.

If given another year or two, Sun Cheng was confident that he could completely uproot the poisonous weed he had planted within his forces with his own hands.

But now, time was too tight.

In just over half a year, there were probably still many Decepticons who remembered Onslaught.

Even if Sun Cheng's Decepticons were smart, Decepticons themselves were selfish and greedy creatures.

Sun Cheng didn't dare to gamble, fearing that the foundation he had worked hard to establish would be taken away by Onslaught and some ambitious Decepticons under him.

This was not just his imagination running wild because, despite the apparent discipline among his Decepticons, the reality was different.

Even with his suppression, especially among the Decepticon engineers under him, there were not many who were reliable.

He could turn a blind eye if they withheld some resources and energon to fill their own coffers.

After all, such a large force required the Decepticon engineers for all research, and Sun Cheng knew he couldn't have it both ways.

So, before the formation of more Decepticon engineering teams and the fading of the influence of the initial twenty-something old subordinates, Sun Cheng had to play deaf and dumb appropriately.

Moreover, there were some irreconcilable contradictions between Sun Cheng and the Decepticon engineers.

The Decepticons created by Megatron had the admiration for authority and force deeply imprinted in their bones from the very beginning of their existence.

So, even though Sun Cheng had been suppressing this viewpoint all along, he still couldn't prevent many of his Decepticon engineers, especially the first batch of old soldiers obtained from Onslaught, from yearning to transform into warriors.

And now, he didn't lack warriors among his subordinates; on the contrary, there was an almost limitless demand for advanced Cybertronian technology.

So, under Sun Cheng's suppression, it was hard to believe that there were no dissatisfied engineers among the Decepticon engineering teams who had been eager to become warriors and had been decisively rejected by him.

He considered himself not unkind to those Decepticon engineers, but even for the most appreciated Decepticons under Sun Cheng, such as Atlas and Hephaestus, who had already been promoted to senior engineers, he couldn't be sure of their thoughts.

"Best to keep your greed in check! Otherwise..."

A light snort, and the expression on Sun Cheng's face had returned to normal, only the steps towards Shipyard Number Four had become somewhat heavier.

Don't think that at this point in time, he wouldn't dare to conduct a thorough cleansing.

Thunder was waiting for Sun Cheng's next instructions, and he was also seriously considering countermeasures.

It wasn't until he reached Shipyard Number Four that he finally had instructions.

"Thunder, have Mirage allocate some satellite resources to continue tracking the flight trajectory of Onslaught. No matter where they land on Earth, I need accurate information at the earliest time!"

"I grant you military operational command within the scope of Base Two. Increase the alert level within the Base Two range to level two. Once it is confirmed that Onslaught has entered our alert range, immediately warn and evacuate... no, once it is confirmed that Onslaught has entered our alert range, notify me first..."

Thunder's response came quickly, "Understood, Commander-in-chief. Everything according to your instructions!"

Communication ceased abruptly, and Sun Cheng's originally relaxed mood couldn't help but darken a bit.

However, he didn't hurry to leave, continuing to take the opportunity to inspect Shipyard Number Four.

On the huge dock of Shipyard Number Four, a giant ship measuring over four hundred meters in length, more than one hundred and twenty meters in width, and over eighty meters in height was silently docked.

And it was the Explorer-class Cargo Spaceship, Ship Number Four.

This behemoth looked even larger than the Ford-class aircraft carriers that the Americans started building a few years ago.

But at this moment, it didn't seem particularly outstanding. The spaceship was a dark gray color, and its slightly flattened fuselage differed significantly from the design prototype of the Spaceship, the 'New World Explorer.'

When Sun Cheng arrived, a staggering number of robots were moving various equipment and electronic components along dense engineering frames, entering and exiting through several reserved gaps on the Spaceship's hull.

This was the outfitting process of Ship Number Four, the installation of internal equipment and various electronic components.

Even though Base Two had assembled hundreds of engineers, technical officers, and Decepticon engineers on each Spaceship, along with thousands of various types of robots assisting on the side, the outfitting process alone would still take at least two or three months.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 856: Return of Hynix 


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