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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On a frozen wasteland in the province of New York, General Castell lowered his binoculars.

"Report, the Anti-air firepower network has been fully deployed, and the heavy artillery will begin transferring to position #2 after completing five rounds of firing, as per the orders."

"Understood, bring Terrance to me!"

"Yes, General!"

A middle-aged officer with the rank of colonel swiftly arrived, surrounded by dozens of armored vehicles, within a makeshift command center established using command vehicles and onboard radar equipment. He saluted General Castell with military precision.

Castell waved him off, saying, "Colonel, there are no outsiders here."

"Very well."

Colonel Terrance removed his military cap, exhaling a breath of cold air, his face filled with concern.

"Old friend, what exactly is going on here? Why have we suddenly been sent to this remote location to wage a war against an unknown enemy on our own soil?"

They were part of the Mechanized Infantry Brigade under the Great Canadian Ground Forces Command (LFC) and had received urgent orders to assemble and were transported by military transport aircraft to this secluded place.

General Castell and Colonel Terrance had been friends for a long time, having met during peacekeeping missions in Africa in the 1990s. Due to career advancements and reassignments, they had served together ever since, both as officers and commanders, and their friendship was solid.

Glancing around to ensure there were no eavesdroppers, Castell General shared more information with his old friend.

"The word from higher-ups is that the United States has discovered an extraterrestrial settlement here in New York."

Colonel Terrance raised an eyebrow. "Do we really trust those United States bureaucrats?"

"It's not about trust; it's about our nation's situation. Don't you understand?" Castell General's words immediately silenced Colonel Terrance.

Great Canada, the second-largest country in terms of territory on Earth and one of the wealthiest in resources, had once been a colony of the United Kingdom. Today, it was an economic colony of its neighboring nation.

This was a well-known fact to all Great Canadians. Not only was their economy under American dominance, but their politics and military were also deeply influenced by Washington, D.C.

Even if a war erupted on their own soil, military command and the true situation were shrouded in uncertainty for these Great Canadian soldiers.

However, the two high-ranking military officers from Great Canada didn't dwell on this issue for long. Castell General quickly changed the topic.

"The heavy artillery has been arranged, and I've ordered the Anti-air Battalion to stay vigilant. The command headquarters just received instructions from the U.S. Military. They will soon launch another aerial assault on the extraterrestrials and prepare to deploy a portion of their ground forces."

"The headquarters has agreed to open up our data link. You need to coordinate to prevent any friendly fire incidents when the U.S. Military ground forces arrive."

Colonel Terrance furrowed his brow but then relaxed.

"I'll get to it right away."

Although this battle had erupted within the borders of Great Canada, neither General Castell nor Colonel Terrance, nor the Great Canadian Ground Forces Command in the rear, had any intentions of taking credit.

A few hours ago, the vanguard of their mechanized brigade, transported to this vicinity by military aircraft, had begun hastily setting up their defenses. Soon after, when they received the U.S. Military's request for joint operations and support using heavy artillery for long-range firepower, the LFC had agreed.

Then, things took a tragic turn.

Under the bombardment of several unidentified flying objects that resembled U.S. Military aircraft, dozens of self-propelled artillery vehicles from a heavy artillery battalion were swiftly annihilated.

This is the heaviest loss Great Canada has suffered since the Peninsula War.

It was this single incident that immediately made the Ground Forces Command and the military on the Canadian side understand the power disparity between them, the U.S. Military, and the extraterrestrials.

Consequently, they followed the U.S. Military's requests step by step, agreeing to cooperate while minimizing further losses, even if it meant following the Americans and having a share of the meat soup.


No sooner had Colonel Terrance left than explosions echoed within the temporary camp of the mechanized infantry brigade.

"Enemy attack!"

Amidst the piercing alarm, cries of anguish, gunfire, and explosions resounded in quick succession.

Elegy, a transforming fighter jet, skillfully evaded Anti-air missiles in the air while launching missiles of his own.

The explosions immediately threw the camp into chaos, and the cries of humans echoed from all directions.

Sensing the growing atmosphere of fear in the camp, Elegy descended with satisfaction, summoning two short spears as he landed.


A sniper round hit him in the head, leaving an almost imperceptible white mark on his forehead.

But the kinetic energy of the impact caught Elegy's attention!

"Damned vermin!"

He hurled one of the short spears toward a Great Canadian soldier about dozens of meters away, who was holding a precise rifle for long-range shots.

The short spear hit the soldier with precision, its tremendous force easily piercing his body, cruelly snapping him in two.

Elegy wielded the other short spear and forcefully smashed it into an armored vehicle nearby, causing the soldier inside, who was firing from a shooting hole, to crumple deeply.

With a scream, the gunfire from inside the armored vehicle came to an abrupt halt.

Elegy moved several dozen meters away, retrieving the short spear he had thrown earlier. As he observed the arrival of the Vehicons, he raised his voice and shouted, "Decepticons, attack!"

He then charged into the camp ahead of the others, beginning a massacre of the chaotic Great Canadian soldiers.

Dozens of Vehicons followed closely behind. Having silently approached the area, several Decepticon-transformed fighter jets in the sky continued to create chaos by launching missiles into the camp. The mechanized mixed brigade from Great Canada, caught off guard, quickly began to show signs of defeat.

The screams and cries of the humans were like the finest stimulant for the Decepticons.

The Decepticon Vehicons, who had been recently avoiding the U.S. Military's missile onslaught, were now like ferocious beasts from hell, despite their numerous injuries, displaying their cruelty to the fullest.

Explosions, gunfire, and screams enveloped the entire camp but lasted for only a little over half an hour.

With the final scream, a Vehicon callously tossed the torn-in-half corpse of a Great Canadian soldier onto the ground.

As Elegy watched the camp shrouded in smoke and fire, he slowly retracted the two short spears and sent a communication to Lightning, who was several tens of kilometers away.

"These nearby vermin have been dealt with!"

After sending the message, he looked up at the sky with a somewhat lingering gaze.

He hoped that this battle wouldn't terrify those humans who were nearby.

Otherwise, there would be no more fun to be had.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 837: Total War 13 


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