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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng quietly observed the old mechanical body that had once accompanied him through countless crises. Without much thought, he stored it within the Spherical Space inside his body.

The new mechanical body brought a significant leap in computational power, enabling him to boldly test ideas that were previously just conjectures. For instance, his personal Legion, once controlling Robots, transformed into powerful Decepticon mechanical bodies.

“Worth a try!” Sun Cheng felt tempted but quickly dismissed the thought.

For now, quickly adapting to the new mechanical body and developing its combat capabilities was enough of a challenge. Moreover, he had been forced to accelerate its creation and had only performed minimal adjustments before making the switch. This urgency was due to the recent resurgence of Decepticon activities on Earth.

Not long ago, Terindad Island was attacked again by the Decepticons, led by Thundercracker and Elegy. These two were stars within the Skytiger Legion, once major generals of the air force established by Starscream. After Starscream was demoted by Megatron for repeated rebellions, many Decepticons, once suppressed by him, rose rapidly, dominating the Autobots for a long time.

Although the scale and impact of the Decepticon attack reported by Forerunner suggested they might have been careless, it was still an alarming sign, indicating two things. First, more Decepticon Elite Warriors had reached the Solar System. Second, Sun Cheng was now a target for the Skytiger Legion.

Driven by this imminent threat, Sun Cheng had to prematurely end the new mechanical body’s adjustments, postponing some of its originally designed features for later enhancement.

“The time of peace is over!” Clenching his fist, feeling the more abundant power in his new mechanical body, Sun Cheng was filled with both regret and satisfaction.

Triple Changers were indeed powerful, but mastering their technology was not easy. The gears were a gift from the Creator to the Cybertronians, but even Shockwave, who pioneered the Triple Changers, could hardly claim complete mastery.

To this day, creating Triple Changers under Shockwave still required luck, vast resources, and the sacrifice of many Decepticons. As for the Autobots, had it not been for the defection of tortured Decepticon Triple Changers like Drift, they would still be waiting to kill or capture a Triple Changer to decipher this formidable warrior breed.

Sun Cheng knew his Decepticon engineers could hardly surpass Shockwave or the Autobot scientists. Even with Astrotrain, one of Shockwave's most perfect creations as a reference, reverse-engineering Shockwave's Triple Changer technology would still demand vast resources and time.

He waved to Atlas, the senior engineer, who immediately understood and approached with two doctors to check the status of Sun Cheng’s current mechanical body. Meanwhile, Sun Cheng nodded satisfactorily to Thunder, who stood guard nearby, “Go rest. Also, notify the team: we need experimental subjects for the Triple Changers research... Capture some Vehicons as test subjects!”

“Yes, sir!”

After acknowledging with a sound, Thunder left the laboratory.

Leaving Sun Cheng aside for now, who had just completed his new mechanical body, he was busily checking and testing the integration of his new body, hoping to gain more combat power before the war arrived.

Almost simultaneously, tens of thousands of kilometers away on the Moon.

A somewhat disheveled figure crashed onto the dark side of the Moon. The impact attracted the nearby patrolling Decepticon Vehicons and also drew the attention of Starscream, who was in the vicinity.

"Well, isn't that Elegy..."

Observing the battered Elegy in the crater, Starscream didn’t hide the mockery on his face, and began taunting, "Weren't you and Thundercracker off to Earth to trouble Frenzy? How did you come back so soon?"

His merciless taunting was not surprising, considering the history. The Skytiger Legion, once suppressing the Autobots, originated during the Cybertron Council of Primes era.

However, it was Starscream who truly led them to glory.

After the formation of the Skytiger Legion, Starscream, as one of the earliest giants to join, quickly earned Megatron's appreciation with his formidable combat and scientific prowess.

Megatron entrusted his guerrilla forces to Starscream. Elegy, born into Cybertronian nobility but who had joined Megatron and undergone Decepticon transformation out of ambition, was a major general in these forces.

Once in charge, Starscream immediately reorganized and strengthened the guerrilla forces. He promoted many loyalists and started enhancing the troops using his technological expertise.

Elegy, attempting to wrest control, was soundly defeated due to the gap in strength and technology, forcing him to temporarily retreat in frustration.

The guerrilla forces were eventually transformed into a flight squadron, with Decepticon air generals like Thundercracker, Acid Rain, Ion Wind, and others, all rising to fame during the Civil War under Starscream's command.

At the peak of his influence, Starscream, plotting to overthrow Megatron's tyrannical rule and assume command of the Skytiger Legion, found many Decepticons willing to rebel with him.

But the rebellion failed.

At a critical moment, Elegy, alongside other former guerrilla members marginalized by Starscream, betrayed him, aligning with Shockwave and suppressing the squadron before they could act.

Starscream was captured by Soundwave and Shockwave and imprisoned. Stripped of his military rank by Megatron, his hard-built squadron fell into the hands of Elegy and other ex-guerrilla generals.

Starscream was aware that even with the squadron's support, success was not guaranteed. But seeing an old foe, especially after recently 'kindly' and 'tactfully' warning them about Frenzy's cunning, which had been scoffed at by the arrogant Elegy, was infuriating.

Starscream had been biding his time, waiting for this moment to enjoy their downfall. And now, as the drama unfolded, it was his turn to relish the spectacle.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 810: Both Sides 


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