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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Having successfully obtained what he desired, Sun Cheng flew back to South America at an even faster speed than before, accompanied by Thunder.

Upon his return to Base Two, after briefly briefing Thunder, he immediately entered his laboratory.

Although Sun Cheng usually spent most of his time away from Base Two, as the commander, several laboratories and rest rooms were reserved for him there.

The laboratory he chose was not large, covering just over two hundred square meters.

The interior of the lab was spacious and devoid of any electronic devices. The walls were lined with a thick layer of lead plates.

This was the laboratory Sun Cheng used specifically to study the All Spark fragments. It was here that he first encountered the limitations within the Requiem Blaster.

The thick lead plates and other isolation materials were adept at confining potent radiation sources within the lab.

Shortly after entering the lab and closing the heavy door, an eager Sun Cheng swiftly retrieved the black box he had just obtained from the Autobots from his Spherical Space.

Upon opening the black box, ten gemstones, as blue as crystal, came into his view.

The gemstones were roughly the size of an adult human's skull. But when Sun Cheng picked one up, in his perspective, one [Leadership Module] energy gemstone was about the size of half of his current finger.

He had already roughly inspected them during the transaction and recognized the familiar energy fluctuations of the [Leadership Module].

This was the power contained within the three parts of the [Leadership Module] that Optimus Prime traded to Sun Cheng.

"Such enviable and envious energy, brimming with vitality..."

Recalling the [Leadership Module] in Optimus Prime's hands, envy filled Sun Cheng's heart.

He had been so close to obtaining the [Leadership Module], but the tenacious Cybertron elders clearly didn't want this ultimate treasure of Cybertron civilization to fall into the hands of a Decepticon like him.

Suddenly thinking of the presumably still-living Solus Prime, Sun Cheng snorted coldly, "Damn them all!"

He wasn't entirely certain about the current state of the Cybertron Primus. Although all the information he received indicated that all seven Primus, including Solus Prime, had passed away.

However, the reality didn't align with the information Sun Cheng previously received. They seemed to exist in a peculiar state, just not overtly intervening in the current war between the Decepticons and Autobots.

Every time he thought of this, a question unavoidably surfaced in Sun Cheng's mind.

"What secrets are hidden on Earth that attract so many Cybertronians from billions of light-years away, even a few Primus are lurking here?"

The long history of Cybertron concealed countless secrets.

Although Sun Cheng had always been working on establishing a database about the Cybertron Planet, it was only recently that he had been collating memories from Decepticons like Soundwave, Skyfire, and Astrotrain, documenting major events during the two Cybertron Civil Wars. His Cybertron database extended only to the late period of the Cybertron Council of Primes.

There was still a longer history shrouded in mystery.

Shaking his head, he pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind.

Sun Cheng reached towards his back, and along with the sudden splitting of his spine, a silver-gray spear gradually emerged, encased in metal bone spikes. It was the Requiem Blaster.

Ever since he used three portions of [Leadership Module] energy to unlock a part of the Requiem Blaster's restrictions, he had been able to wield this weapon.

However, because the Requiem Blaster was once the weapon of Lord Fallen, its essence was deeply imprinted with his mark.

To avoid future issues using the Requiem Blaster, after his first return from Mars, Sun Cheng took some time to have the Decepticon engineers modify his mechanical body, allowing him to temporarily store the Requiem Blaster within.

For the past several months, he had been consistently communicating with the Requiem Blaster, which had a rudimentary self-awareness, seeking the likely hidden remnants of Lord Fallen's soul within it.

Sun Cheng hoped that he was overthinking things. However, after the experience with the Heavenly Pride Hammer, he couldn't be sure that the Cybertron Primus—Lord Fallen, who had been proven by Optimus Prime to have died by his hand, hadn't used the same tactic on him as Solus Prime had in the past.

After months of uninterrupted communication, Sun Cheng had established a good connection with the Requiem Blaster.

When his hand gripped the Requiem Blaster, he distinctly felt tremors from the gun's body.

The Requiem Blaster's self-awareness emitted joyful hums. It no longer resisted Sun Cheng's use, and he could feel the Requiem Blaster continuously absorbing surrounding electromagnetic waves, converting them into energy, and infusing it into his body.

While the energy was almost undetectable, both Sun Cheng's Core and Spark could sense it.

"Old buddy, quickly release all the restrictions, let me feel your true power!"

Holding the Requiem Blaster with both hands, Sun Cheng murmured to himself.

A trace of excitement appeared in his previously calm eyes.

What came next was the gradual fusion of the two power sources: Sun Cheng's [Leadership Module] energy gemstones and the Requiem Blaster. This was the moment he had long awaited—the actualization of his ultimate goal.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 794: The Myth of Cybertron 


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