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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Time swiftly passed day by day, and as Sun Cheng awaited the trade day, he found himself torn between two choices.

First, should he use a shard to awaken Skyfire?

Second, should he utilize Astrotrain's near-perfect mechanical body to nurture his third Elite Warrior?

Ever since the Black Market was invaded by Starscream, Sun Cheng had been making final preparations for war.

There were more and more Autobots on Earth. The Decepticons, who had been scarcely seen on Earth for over half a year, were becoming increasingly active.

This was a bad omen. After Megatron's demise, the Decepticons on Earth were mostly in hiding. They only became arrogant for a time when Lord Fallen announced the existence of the Decepticons to all humans after the death of Optimus Prime.

However, with Lord Fallen's disappearance, notable Decepticon figures like Starscream retreated to the Moon. The Decepticons on Earth once again went into hiding.

Autobots and Decepticons have been battling for millions of years. It was aptly described in a TV series as an endless fight between good and evil.

The recent resurgence of the Decepticons undoubtedly conveyed certain information.

Furthermore, Sun Cheng had long been aware that another commander of the Skytiger Legion, Shockwave, was leading his army towards the Solar System.

Although he didn't have his own intelligence sources within the Skytiger Legion to gather more precise information, the impending sense of crisis made Sun Cheng reevaluate the forces he controlled.

Two ideas inevitably surfaced.

"Should I awaken Skyfire? And use Astrotrain's mechanical body to create another Elite Warrior?"

The advantages of awakening Skyfire were clear. He was a grand scientist who had once been both a friend and mentor to Shockwave. At his peak, he was even a mentor to Sentinel Prime and was one of the few in the Cybertron civilization to master the super-advanced technology of the Space Bridge.

Although Skyfire originated from the Decepticons, he wasn't as bloodthirsty as Megatron. During the time of the Cybertron Council of Primes, when their civilization was on the brink of collapse, he chose to be a Pathfinder, leaving Cybertron Planet to roam the Milky Way for countless years.

To say the least, if Skyfire could be utilized by Sun Cheng, the support he'd bring would be immense.

Sun Cheng even suspected that Skyfire, despite his Decepticon origin, might have reached Leader-level strength.

However, it's no surprise he hesitated!

Awakening Skyfire would require at least one shard of the All Spark. Sun Cheng only had a few of those, and he had already regretfully used one six months ago to create Hynix.

If Skyfire could be of use after being awakened, it would be worth it. But if he couldn't be utilized by Sun Cheng, such a costly effort with no return would be foolish.

This was the reason for his current indecision.

"Forget it, Skyfire involves too many variables. I can decide after my trade with the Autobots is completed!"

If the trade with Optimus Prime went smoothly, Sun Cheng would gain unrestricted access to the Requiem Blaster.

He'd then only need to locate a star in the Universe, set up a [Stellar Extraction Tower] on a nearby planet, and use the Requiem Blaster to harness the star's energy, creating an [All Spark].

With the [All Spark], Sun Cheng would no longer need to hesitate over a single shard.

Putting Skyfire's dilemma aside for the moment, the matter of Astrotrain became another headache.

Astrotrain was a trusted general of Shockwave and also his most capable warrior.

Thanks to his loyalty to Shockwave, Astrotrain had reaped many benefits in the past.

His mechanical body had been modified by Shockwave multiple times. Compared to the average Elite Warrior, he was more powerful, his mechanical body was sturdier, and he was swifter. Aside from a slight lack in heavy firepower, claiming Astrotrain as one of the top Elite Warriors in the Skytiger Legion's ranks wasn't an exaggeration.

Even Sun Cheng could only hold his ground against Astrotrain for a short time, relying on his energy weapons and auxiliary power systems.

During the siege against Soundwave, even when faced with the combined onslaught of Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Drift, and other Autobots, Astrotrain held out for a long time before finally being decapitated by Optimus Prime.

As for his body, although it sustained significant injuries during that battle, they didn't critically damage Astrotrain. His mechanical body, which had been extremely modified by Shockwave, was probably even stronger than some Leader-class fighters.

Given that Astrotrain had only lost his head, his mechanical body was relatively well-preserved.

This left open the possibility for Sun Cheng to utilize this body to cultivate another Elite Warrior.

Given the skills of his Decepticon engineers and medical officers, repairing Astrotrain's mechanical body wouldn't be difficult. It would only consume more materials.

The reason Sun Cheng hadn't made up his mind about using Astrotrain's body to nurture an Elite Warrior was precisely because Astrotrain was too strong.

A warrior birthed from Astrotrain's body would, after some time of acclimation, quickly rise to become a top-notch Elite Warrior.

Faced with such a formidable being, even the current Sun Cheng could barely hold his own. He was no match for Astrotrain.

This was the reason he had yet to make a decision.

In the [Transformers Universe], the ever-paranoid Sun Cheng was even wary of his close allies like Forerunner and Thunder, let alone other subordinates.

"Atlas reported that my new mechanical body will take at least another two months to complete... For now, let's have them start repairing the injuries on Astrotrain's mechanical body. As for the nurturing process, it can wait..."

Only on the day of the scheduled trade with Optimus Prime did Sun Cheng, after days of contemplation, finally make a decision.

He immediately retrieved Astrotrain's remains from the Spherical Space, ordering the base's Central Main Control AI - Teletraan, to summon a few Decepticon engineers. The remains were then transported to a highly confidential laboratory.

Sun Cheng promptly notified Thunder and began to head outside the base.

"Thunder, you'll accompany me for this meeting with Optimus Prime!"

"Yes, Master!"

After Thunder changed into his new mechanical body, he, who once favored a helicopter flight form, now chose a combat bomber – the Su-34, a member of the Su-27 family, much like Sun Cheng's transformation form.

And so, two nearly identical-looking fighter jets activated their optical stealth systems and swiftly crossed the South American continent, flying over the Atlantic Ocean, heading towards Africa.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 792: Wish Granted (Part 2) 


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