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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Due to his eagerness for the upcoming transaction, Sun Cheng flew swiftly across the sky.

In less than three hours, he and Thunder had traversed both South America and the Atlantic Ocean, finally reaching the region of the Great Rift Valley.

As before, Sun Cheng initiated contact with Optimus Prime.

They had exchanged emergency contact methods a long time ago, though they seldom used them, out of mutual understanding.

After informing Optimus Prime of their arrival via the emergency contact method, Sun Cheng and Thunder descended from the sky.

Having collaborated with the Autobots several times before and trusting Optimus Prime, Sun Cheng wasn't overly cautious.

To Sun Cheng's surprise, Optimus Prime arrived even faster than expected, accompanied by several Autobots: Ironhide, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Jack, and a somewhat unfamiliar golden Autobot.

"Lord Optimus Prime and esteemed Autobot friends, I'm pleased to see you all!" Sun Cheng greeted, his gaze lingering momentarily on the unfamiliar Autobot who felt oddly familiar, before he warmly addressed the group.

"Lord Frenzy, we've brought the [Leadership Module] energy!" Optimus Prime nodded, seemingly not in the mood for extended conversation.

From what Sun Cheng could deduce, the situation at the New Iron Fortress seemed potentially more dire than he had anticipated.

He watched as Ironhide retrieved a black box from somewhere. With a light touch of his finger, the lid opened, revealing ten familiar crystals inside.

"I understand!" Sun Cheng nodded, "I'll bring out the items for the transaction. Please wait a moment."

Setting aside his reluctance to further antagonize the Autobots after offending Megatron, even for the Requiem Blaster, Sun Cheng wouldn't overestimate his abilities or resort to underhanded tricks.

He walked a fair distance to a spacious area. There, he began retrieving the machinery, enriched uranium ore stones, and five Energon Cubes he had prepared from his Spherical Space.

In no time, he had laid out a substantial pile of goods, spanning thousands of square meters in height and area, in front of the Autobots.

"Is this... a Space Bridge... no..." Jack, captivated by the scene, had been called from the lab not to verify Sun Cheng's nuclear plant equipment, but to ensure no tampering had been done to the Energon Cubes. One mismanaged Energon Cube could rival the explosive power of a nuclear bomb crafted by humans.

Optimus Prime had seen this act before but still felt a sense of awe. He whispered to Jack, "Colonel, is Frenzy using a Space Bridge to transport these goods?"

Though Optimus Prime was unfamiliar with Space Bridge technology, he had seen Sentinel Prime use it during the Cybertron Civil War. The amount of energy required to activate a Space Bridge was massive.

Jack, transfixed by Sun Cheng's continuous production of supplies, shook his head in response to Optimus Prime's query. "No."

"This isn't a Space Bridge... It's some new technology we don't yet comprehend... Fascinating. It seems like he's retrieving supplies stored in a special space."

Despite his intrigue, Jack received no acknowledgment from Sun Cheng, who continued his task.

"Lord Optimus Prime, please have someone check the items we've brought for the transaction."

Following Sun Cheng's gesture, Optimus Prime nodded, and Jack and Ratchet immediately began inspecting the items. After confirming everything matched their agreement, Ratchet declared, "Leader, everything checks out!"

Optimus Prime signaled, and Ironhide approached the two Decepticons with the black box. Without needing any prompt, Thunder understood and took the box to Sun Cheng. Upon inspection of the ten [Leadership Module] energy crystals, which held the potential to resurrect ten elite warriors, Sun Cheng's face lit up with joy. He quickly stored the box within his Spherical Space.

Smiling at Optimus Prime, he said, "Lord Optimus Prime and Autobot friends, we're delighted with our collaborative efforts and hope for even more fruitful interactions in the future. We must take our leave now, but we eagerly anticipate our next collaboration."

Eager to unlock the Requiem Blaster's full potential, Sun Cheng couldn't wait any longer. After bidding the Autobots farewell, he and Thunder leaped into the air, transforming into two fighter jets, and soared into the sky.

In no time, they vanished from the Autobots' view.

Watching the jets disappear, Optimus Prime turned to Ironhide, "Did you recognize that Decepticon?"

"Thunder, I remember his Electromagnetic Spectrum. It's surprising to see how he's evolved into an Elite Warrior in just a few months."

"Frenzy has access to far more resources than we anticipated."

"It's no surprise," Ironhide replied. "The Autobots have always adhered to the principle of 'not interfering with humans, not provoking humans.' Hence, our development in Africa lags significantly behind the Decepticons!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 793: Wish Fulfilled (Part 2) 


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