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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Bumblebee's consciousness recovered faster than expected. Soon, the blue glow emanating from his eyes had vanished.

In its place was a somewhat puzzled expression.

"Bumblebee, welcome back!"

Optimus Prime noticed that Bumblebee had only just awakened and had not yet fully assimilated the memories within the Core.

Upon hearing Optimus Prime's voice, Bumblebee instinctively turned to look at him.

Optimus Prime, with a smile, walked up to him, gently patting him on the shoulder. "I am Optimus Prime. Welcome back, Bumblebee!"

"Bumblebee... is that my name?"

After a moment of silence, Bumblebee shook his head, "I don't like that name."

He looked down at his hands and the golden armor on his arms and chest. An idea seemed to strike him, "Golden Beetle... Call me Golden Beetle!"

All the Autobots in the lab paused simultaneously. Ratchet even let out a soft sigh.

He understood what had transpired within Bumblebee.

The reason Autobots have always been wary of awakening those who had fallen in battle is that, apart from most Autobots fearing the disclosure of their personal secrets due to certain propaganda, there was another crucial reason. Those reawakened might undergo a sudden shift in personality.

This meant that even if an Autobot retained all its previous memories after being revived, its character might be entirely different from before. For instance, the former Bumblebee, while professional during missions, was known by fellow Autobots to be playful, humorous, and recklessly impulsive.

Because of this nature, Bumblebee's antics often led to mission failures, sometimes even endangering his comrades. Gradually, the once friendly bot, who genuinely had many friends, found himself ostracized by his Autobot peers.

Many were unwilling to team up with Bumblebee, seeing him as a dangerous and unreliable ally. Hence, Bumblebee often embarked on missions alone, a result of past experiences.

While he had learned and changed quite a bit, at his core, Bumblebee remained the same.

But the one now reawakened by the Autobots, although inheriting most of Bumblebee's memories before his mission to the Moon, had a vastly different demeanor. He seemed more mature, much quieter, contrasting starkly with the old Bumblebee.

No Autobot knew exactly what had transpired during Bumblebee's reawakening process. This unpredictable transformation made all present Autobots uneasy.

Fortunately, just when no one, including Ratchet and Optimus Prime, knew how to address the situation, the fully reawakened Bumblebee—no, it would be apt to call him Golden Beetle now—had assimilated his predecessor's memories and understood his current situation.

"... Have I been reawakened? I see. It seems I failed the mission to the Moon..."

Murmuring softly, Golden Beetle slightly moved, feeling the strength in his mechanical body, which did not match his predecessor's memories. He was quite pleased with his newfound form.

He quickly approached Optimus Prime. Golden Beetle saluted him with grave respect, "Leader, I apologize for disappointing you. It seems I met my end while investigating the Moon. I'm deeply grateful to everyone for awakening me once again!"

Even though his character had undergone certain alterations during the awakening process for reasons unknown, memories of his previous life continued to influence Golden Beetle. He was as proficient as Bumblebee, if not more, remaining a qualified spy and special agent.

The changes in Golden Beetle took everyone, including Optimus Prime, by surprise.

Shake, who had a good relationship with Bumblebee, wanted to say something. But as the words reached his lips and he saw Golden Beetle standing meticulously in front of Optimus Prime, resembling a soldier awaiting his leader's command, he swallowed his words.

At that moment, Shake felt an unfamiliar sensation towards Bumblebee.

"I now understand why some oppose the awakening technology!" he muttered to himself, but no Autobot paid him any attention.

Optimus Prime was the first to recover. Facing the young and stern Autobot in front of him, he hesitated for a moment. Eventually, he smiled and nodded, "It's good to have you back. Regardless of your name now, you are our dear comrade, Golden Beetle."

"Yes!" Golden Beetle responded, his expression remaining stern.

"Leader, can you tell me how much time has passed since I went to the Moon? If possible, I'd like to know everything that happened during this time, so I can fill in the gaps in my memory!"

The old Bumblebee might have appeared reticent and efficient in front of strangers, but those familiar with him knew it was just a facade.

However, the newly awakened Golden Beetle emanated a sense of maturity and proficiency that was distinctly different from before.

"It's as if our young brother from yesteryears has suddenly grown up!" Ironhide, watching Bumblebee, had a complicated expression. The hot-tempered Ironhide, who used to clean up the mess for Bumblebee – once Optimus Prime's aide – thought of the old Bumblebee as an immature kid. His only real skill, perhaps, was intelligence gathering, but only solo. If someone engaged him in a conversation, he would chatter endlessly, even risking exposing himself during missions.

Optimus Prime shared Ironhide's sentiments, observing the unexpectedly matured Golden Beetle. For a fleeting moment, he even thought, "This isn't too bad!"

Golden Beetle, still with a serious expression, awaited his response. Optimus Prime gathered his thoughts, choosing his words carefully before explaining.

"Alright, Golden Beetle. Let's start by discussing everything that transpired after your journey to the Moon."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 791: Desires Fulfilled (Part 1) 


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