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Upon returning to Earth once again, nearly a month had passed since Sun Cheng's last departure from there.

Stepping off the spaceship and surveying the surroundings, which appeared unchanged from his previous departure, Sun Cheng lifted his gaze and spotted a Decepticon warrior who, while somewhat unfamiliar, gave him a strangely familiar feeling.

"Is that you, Thunder?"

Looking at the figure before him, who bore a resemblance of about fifty to sixty percent to himself and Forerunner, albeit with a slightly shorter and more robust mechanical body, Sun Cheng confirmed the identity of the individual after a brief analysis of the Electromagnetic Spectrum he emitted.

"It is I, Master. Welcome back!"

Thunder gave a slight bow and salute, clearly pleased with his new mechanical body.

Sun Cheng examined him up and down and nodded in approval.

Unlike the agile and reconnaissance-focused Forerunner, Thunder emphasized both strength and firepower, combining close-quarters combat with heavy firepower suppression.

When his mechanical body was still in the design phase, Sun Cheng had provided Decepticon engineers with numerous specific requirements based on his observations of Thunder in daily life.

Clearly, Thunder was highly satisfied with his current form.

"What have I missed?" Sun Cheng asked casually.

"Four days ago, Accel and the others were in the process of switching to their new mechanical bodies," Thunder replied.

Sun Cheng nodded calmly, aware that the shadow of war was drawing closer.

The sudden return of Sentinal Prime and the gradual approach of Shockwave's army toward the Solar System were ominous signs.

No one knew when the war would erupt, perhaps even tomorrow.

Sun Cheng didn't like engaging in uncertain battles, and if given a choice, he would prefer not to be entangled with any faction.

Peacefully developing and growing, becoming a spacefaring civilization, and bringing more resources back to the Real World – wasn't that a beautiful goal?

Unfortunately, fate had its own plans, and not everything would go Sun Cheng's way.

"What has happened on Earth during my absence? And what about the situation on the Moon?"

Thunder shook his head. Among the Skytiger Legion, warriors held a higher status compared to engineers and medical professionals.

Sun Cheng had no intention of correcting this hierarchy; under his command, Decepticon warriors outranked their counterparts in technical roles.

Reaching this point, he had elevated the status of the Decepticon engineers who followed him into battle.

After waking up with his new mechanical body, Thunder had temporarily taken over security defenses at Base Two using his authority.

After a brief assessment, Thunder continued, "Everything is normal within Base Two. However, there is some concern in the Mora region. We've lost several Decepticon Spies, possibly due to retaliation from the CIA."

"As for Terindad Island, we have Forerunners stationed there, so there should be no safety issues. During this time, apart from contacting the base here and requesting two batches of equipment to maintain Black Market operations, Starscream hasn't been in touch with the base."

"As for the Moon, you are likely aware of the situation. Starscream has undoubtedly discovered our lunar satellite, and we can no longer capture real images of the Moon; all we get is static."

The situation on Terindad Island and the Moon was within Sun Cheng's expectations, but he briefly pondered the Mora situation.

The Americans had been arrogant since World War II, always causing trouble around the world. They had lost hundreds of intelligence personnel in South America over the past few months. Considering their previous confrontations on the Black Market, Sun Cheng had no doubt that the CIA would seek retaliation.

"We'll consider this a learning experience for now. Remind Mora to be vigilant and retaliate when necessary. Clear our controlled areas of spies. As for how to handle the situation, let him make the decisions."

"Yes, Master."

Sun Cheng didn't return to Terindad Island; he entrusted its management to Forerunner, feeling confident in their capabilities.

The defense systems on Terindad Island had been fully rebuilt over the past month.

Learning from their previous experiences, Terindad Island was now completely secure. In addition to the existing anti-air systems, engineering teams were working day and night on the surrounding islands, deploying more anti-air systems and heavy anti-sea firepower.

Having assessed the situation briefly, Sun Cheng moved on to focus entirely on Base Two, closely monitoring the construction of his new mechanical body and the Explorer-class cargo spaceship.

The design and construction of Sun Cheng's new mechanical body had begun nearly half a year ago. However, when it came to the capabilities of a Leader-class mechanical body, even he couldn't provide precise specifications, let alone his team of Decepticon engineers.

In the absence of suitable alloys within the base, the engineering team had spent several months researching new metals to meet Sun Cheng's requirements.

This explained why Forerunner and Thunder, who had started later than Sun Cheng but had already switched to their new mechanical bodies, had experienced delays.

During the design process, problem after problem had emerged. Eventually, Sun Cheng realized they needed some reference points.

So, the remains of Astrotrain, the closest thing to a Leader-class warrior, were extracted from his Spherical Space.

Sun Cheng even meticulously surveyed Skyfire's mechanical body data in his private laboratory and handed it over to his team of Decepticon engineers.

It was only then that the design of his new mechanical body began to proceed smoothly.

Construction had only just begun shortly before Sun Cheng's departure for Mars, and the main reason for the delay was the time his team of Decepticon engineers had spent on developing the alloys required for his new mechanical body.

Furthermore, with Atlas leading the way, a few engineers had made some progress in researching Triple Changer modification technology while studying Astrotrain's mechanical body.

Though they had only scratched the surface at this point, Sun Cheng didn't mind promoting this technology within his ranks once they fully grasped it.

His new mechanical body would adopt the same tightly compressed structure as Astrotrain. This structure, designed specifically by Shockwave for Astrotrain, made his mechanical body more robust and powerful, providing nearly flawless protection against weapons, including some missiles.

Moreover, Skyfire's mechanical body had provided valuable insights to Atlas and his team of engineers during their repeated studies of Astrotrain's mechanical body.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 788: The Golden Beetle (Part 1) 


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