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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Onslaught did not hastily snatch the Core from Starscream's hand.

Swindle had been one of his Warbot Team members from the beginning, although that guy's personality was naturally repellent.

But this subordinate of his had suffered greatly at Starscream's hands.

Swindle had been hoodwinked by Starscream into joining the rebellion against Megatron. He rebelled twice against Megatron. The first time, he was ordered by Megatron to suppress the rebellion, and he was arrested and tortured in Kaon Prison.

Later, Swindle was rescued by Starscream and participated in the second rebellion against Megatron that Starscream initiated.

After the failure, Starscream did face some consequences, but compared to Swindle, it couldn't be called punishment at all.

When Swindle rebelled against Megatron for the second time, he was subjected to the ancient punishment created by the Council of Primes - Shadow Play and the Five Forms of Torture.

Shadow Play and the Five Forms of Torture involved cutting off his arms, legs, and head, and then cruelly twisting Swindle's personality through various drugs and torment.

The original Shockwave had been a victim of this punishment, a scholar and a great scientist dedicated to justice and fairness, tortured by the nobles into his current state. The horror of Shadow Play and the Five Forms of Torture was evident.

According to Onslaught's understanding, Swindle not only faced this extreme punishment but was also sent to Starscream, where he was transformed into a Vehicon dedicated to the Skytiger Legion's cause, a pitiable existence.

However, Swindle's tragic fate only made Onslaught more cautious of Starscream. He had no sympathy for Swindle because Swindle's rebellion had implicated the entire Warbot Team, leading to various forms of oppression within the Skytiger Legion.

In a subsequent military operation, the Warbot Team was completely wiped out, with only Onslaught escaping by sheer strength, while his other three team members all perished at the hands of the Autobots.

Onslaught's mind raced as he stared at the Core in Starscream's hand.

If it was Swindle's original Core, all he needed to do was alter the method of natural incubation, create a new mechanical body, and then place Swindle's Core into the new body. This would indeed allow the former Warbot Team member to return within a month.

However, Starscream had surely tampered with this Core.

In other words, if he accepted this Core, it would be difficult to say whether his new Warbot Team had been implanted with some hidden agenda from the beginning, unless he could locate and remove Starscream's manipulations.

Starscream didn't rush and simply opened his hand, wearing a malicious smile on his face.

"Even if I were to tell you that I haven't tampered with this Core in any way, you wouldn't believe me."

His words elicited only a disdainful snort from Onslaught, given Starscream's infamous reputation within the Skytiger Legion.

Starscream wasn't angered; instead, his face filled with pride.

He extended two slender fingers, sharp as blades, and said softly, "Let me share two more pieces of news with you; this is why I was in such a hurry."

This piqued Onslaught's interest to some extent, but he didn't interrupt, waiting for Starscream to continue.

"The first piece of news: Sentinel Prime is still alive, and he's on Earth."

Upon hearing this, Onslaught's face immediately darkened.

"Sentinel Prime!" he murmured under his breath, his hand unconsciously reaching for his own neck.

Sentinel Prime, the former leader of the Autobots and Superior General.

The reason Onslaught and his Warbot Team had suffered a devastating defeat in a previous military operation, despite following Sentinel Prime's plan, was because they had encountered Sentinel Prime and his elite guards.

In that battle, Onslaught had narrowly escaped with his life, his neck nearly severed by Sentinel Prime's blade.

Over a century ago, when he heard that Sentinel Prime had died in battle while leading a supply convoy, Onslaught laughed heartily.

Little did he know that, over a hundred years later, on this distant solar system called Earth, he would hear news of Sentinel Prime's survival.

Onslaught suppressed his urge to kill and asked in a low voice, "Why is Sentinel Prime still alive? And how did he end up on Earth?"

"Perhaps Megatron knows," Starscream replied with a smile, cutting off Onslaught's questions. The issue of Sentinel Prime was too significant and involved one of Megatron's schemes.

Inside the Skytiger Legion, only Megatron and Shockwave probably knew the details of Sentinel Prime's collaboration. Even Starscream could only speculate, albeit with some insight. However, he wouldn't casually share the valuable information he had acquired with Onslaught.

Onslaught had no choice but to grunt in frustration, and they mutually understood not to pursue the topic further for now.

So, Starscream moved on to his second piece of news. "The second piece of news: I dispatched over seven hundred Vehicons to attack Frenzy's surface base, and they were all wiped out."

Onslaught squinted his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

Starscream gazed at him, still smiling slyly. "Don't underestimate that little guy. According to the information I've gathered, his combat power is now not much lower than yours or mine. He's even established his own power base on Earth, and it's not the kind of operation Autobots typically run."

Starscream had a deep appreciation for Frenzy, a fellow schemer with ambitions similar to his own. For a while, Starscream had entertained the idea of bringing him fully under his wing, just as he had with Barricade. However, he had eventually quashed that idea himself. Although his interactions with Frenzy had been brief and limited to a few collaborations, he could sense certain traits and ambitions in some individuals after just one or two encounters.

At least Starscream had long realized that he and Frenzy were of the same Decepticon mold, so they would never truly be allies.

Onslaught frowned, finding himself increasingly disliking Starscream. This guy always spoke in riddles, sometimes not even revealing half of what he knew, only giving vague hints.

"So, what are you trying to convey with this news?" Onslaught asked impatiently.

"I don't know what happened with Frenzy, for him to undergo such a transformation in just over two years since his Soundwave awakening," Starscream replied, "So, are you not curious? Shockwave is about to arrive!"

Admitting that he was intrigued once again by Starscream's words, Onslaught tightly gripped Swindle's original Core in his hand. After a while, he impatiently waved his hand at Starscream. "Go back. I'll make sure you see the Warbot Team within a month, provided you haven't tampered with this Core."

In response, Starscream wore his usual smile—sly, cunning, and malevolent.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 787: A New Mechanical Body 


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