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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Terindad Island was nothing more than an inconspicuous island within the South Atlantic Ocean, spanning no more than a dozen square kilometers.

Had it not been for Sun Cheng and his associates choosing this location for the Black Market, the island would have remained unheard of, even among the vast majority of the Countries.

Yet, this very island, unremarkable as it was, was now on the brink of facing an onslaught of hundreds of meteorites.

The island's anti-air radars issued a warning at the earliest indication of the threat!

These radars, upgraded by the Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng, now had a detection range extending over 1700 kilometers and could identify threats from over 230 kilometers up in the sky.

Initially installed as a precaution against sudden nuclear missile attacks from certain nuclear-armed countries in North America, these radars were now unexpectedly proving their worth in a new scenario!

As soon as the meteorites entered the atmosphere, the dense shower was captured by the anti-air radars on Terindad Island. After processing the data, the Decepticon engineers realized that the meteorites were on a collision course with the island. They immediately grasped the gravity of the situation and sounded the anti-air alarms.

While meteorites are fairly common celestial bodies, and numerous ones fall to Earth from outer space every year, an event involving hundreds of meteorites targeting a tiny island less than several kilometers wide is astronomically improbable.

Almost immediately after receiving the report from Thunder, Sun Cheng had his suspicions about who was behind the attack.

"Starscream... So, the retaliation has finally arrived..."

Sun Cheng had never let his guard down regarding this Decepticon titan, with whom he had collaborated several times in the past.

All the schemes and misdeeds Starscream had orchestrated within the Skytiger Legion were vividly documented in Soundwave’s memory. The number of Decepticons who had fallen victim to his various conspiracies was countless.

Swindle, who had yet to pledge allegiance to Sun Cheng, was a prime example of Starscream's treachery!

Not too long ago, Starscream had sent Chameleon to the Black Market, attempting to drag him into the war against the Autobots.

From that moment, Sun Cheng realized that his partnership with Starscream had likely reached its end.

This realization was also why he had not hesitated to eliminate Chameleon. Unlike Megatron, who was known for his strategic patience and cunning, Sun Cheng opted for a more direct approach. Although it might seem immature to tearfully confront Starscream, it was also a form of self-preservation.

Looking up at the sky, even with Mirage's enhanced vision, the 'meteor shower' still high in the atmosphere was blurry, but he could barely make it out.

"Since you're here, you won't be leaving. You'll all be buried here!"

With a cold gaze fixed on the sky, there was no fear in Sun Cheng's heart.

His profound sense of insecurity always prompted him to be fully prepared well before any looming crisis. Having chosen to openly confront Starscream previously, he had naturally strengthened his defenses afterward.

Now, Terindad Island was so heavily fortified, it could be described as armed to the teeth.

Upon Sun Cheng's command, all the Decepticons on the island began to mobilize in an orderly manner.

Squads of combat robots, under the engineers' control, holding weapons and forming neat rows, surged into the living facilities that had been constructed for humans on the island.

"Warning, warning, the Anti-air Warning System has detected a significant number of meteorites about to fall. We urge all esteemed guests on the island to follow the guidance to the shelters for your immediate safety!"

"Warning, warning, the Anti-air Warning System has detected a significant number of meteorites about to fall. We urge all esteemed guests on the island to follow the guidance to the shelters for your immediate safety!"

"Warning, warning, the Anti-air Warning System has detected a significant number of meteorites about to fall. We urge all esteemed guests on the island to follow the guidance to the shelters for your immediate safety!"

The island was constantly abuzz with alert tones. Some of the non-combat Decepticons were dispatched to arrange for the temporary evacuation of staff members from various countries on the island to subsidiary bases for their safety.

As for the risk of exposing these subsidiary bases, Sun Cheng wasn't particularly concerned.

Although the order had been given to ensure the safety of the international staff, the Decepticons weren't exactly attentive to their needs. Each non-combat Decepticon responsible for the evacuation was guarded by at least a team of combat Robots. After issuing three warnings for evacuation, any dissenters or complainers would be forcefully removed.

For a time, the island was filled with incessant cursing in various languages and dialects from around the world.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng and his team no longer had the luxury of paying attention to these complaints. Ensuring their safety was the greatest extent of his benevolence towards these Black Market clients.

As the meteor shower in the sky became more intense, numerous anti-air missile launchers, previously hidden within the mountains or underground on Terindad Island and its surrounding isles, were rolled out.

Controlled by the Decepticons, the island's anti-air system wasted no time in launching a barrage of missiles at the meteor shower targeting Terindad Island after quick data calibration.

Simultaneously, several kilometers off the coast of Terindad Island, atop the solitary frigate embodied by Hynix, rows of vertical missile silos opened in unison. Amidst thick smoke and flames, dozens of anti-air missiles streaked across the desolate sea, a glaring sight.

Following the first volley of anti-air missiles, it took less than thirty seconds to reload before the second batch was fired after quick recalibration.

As one of Sun Cheng's specially nurtured future war Behemoths, Hynix possessed all the attributes of an arsenal ship, a concept long-envisioned by military personnel worldwide. A team of Decepticon engineers had specifically redesigned his vertical launch system, ammunition storage, and missile types. This cumbersome creature could carry up to 752 various missiles simultaneously, capable of single-handedly delivering a blanket bombardment over a designated battlefield when necessary.

The Ghost fleet was also in action!

This fleet under Sun Cheng consisted entirely of new-model submarines, upgraded and transformed by his senior Decepticon engineer, Hephaestus, based on the Lao Maozi's Yasen-class attack nuclear submarine.

Until roughly six months ago, Base Two, including Sun Cheng himself, hadn't paid much attention to this naval force. Before the battle against Lord Fallen, Base Two had constructed only eight such submarines. They were mostly used to escort cargo submarines under the control of trained engineers.

However, the impressive performance of the upgraded Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines during the battle with Lord Fallen led Sun Cheng and his Decepticons to a renewed appreciation of these underwater Behemoths' allure.

In the past half-year, Hephaestus, who had been reassigned to oversee the construction of Explorer-class cargo spaceships, had also supervised the manufacture of an additional eight Yasen upgrades.

Following the establishment of the Black Market, Sun Cheng transferred ten upgraded Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines from the Eastern Pacific Ocean coast, forming a Ghost fleet that lurked within a 500-kilometer radius centered on Terindad Island.

Upon his command, these ten underwater Behemoths, unconcerned with the possibility of exposure unlike the nuclear submarines of human nations, rapidly ascended to near the water's surface. As their torpedo hatches opened in unison and water columns shot up, a series of special anti-air missiles designed to intercept nuclear warheads soared into the sky.

Terindad Island was destined to astound all those who had their eyes on it that day.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 762: The Siege of the Black Market (Part 6) 


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