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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Hope-class experimental spaceship gracefully orbited Mars, briefly conducting a flyby around the fiery planet. During this process, two Mars reconnaissance satellites were strategically released at the optimal positions as calculated by Artificial Intelligence, commencing their own orbital journeys.

According to the designs of the Decepticon engineers, the lifespan of these two reconnaissance satellites was estimated to be around three to four years. This duration would be more than sufficient for Sun Cheng and his team to establish a robust base on Mars. By then, there would be no need to manufacture satellites on Earth and send them across hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Hence, the lifespan of a single reconnaissance satellite was not their primary concern.

The two satellites were released into Mars' orbit by the spaceship and promptly awakened, commencing their operations. As a signal reception station, the Hope-class experimental spaceship continuously received data collected by two Mars probes. After rapid processing by Artificial Intelligence, the data was streamlined into a format more suitable for Sun Cheng and his team to analyze, displayed on a screen within the spaceship.

Sun Cheng carefully examined the data, a growing smile on his face.

"It appears we have good fortune on our side. In the coming days, it seems there will be no storms in the Mariner Canyon region."

Weather forecasting was a science that demanded extensive data collection and the consumption of vast computational power for accurate predictions. Looking at weather forecasts on Earth, this ancient discipline, which had been evolving for thousands of years, initially relied solely on human experience, observations, and sensory data. Consequently, inaccurate predictions were common, often accompanied by subjective and mythical elements.

The transformation of weather forecasting into a well-established science occurred in the latter half of the twentieth century. With the gradual advancement of various scientific fields, including geography, atmospheric science, geology, physics, and the development of satellites and supercomputers, weather forecasting became a possibility.

In Sun Cheng's childhood, domestic weather forecasts were frequently inaccurate. However, with the country's technological development, by the time he attended university and entered the workforce, weather predictions, including detailed forecasts for every hour of the day, had become highly precise.

Different planets implied differences in environments, atmospheres, and other factors, which could undoubtedly affect their Mars exploration efforts. However, modern science earned its title because, during its development, dedicated scientists derived a series of formulas and concepts. Once perfected, these principles could be adjusted and applied to various environments.

The Central Main Control AI on the Hope-class experimental spaceship, utilizing data from the two reconnaissance satellites, swiftly deduced that the atmospheric pressure and temperature variations near the Mariner Canyon area in the upcoming days would not result in storm formation.

In other words, Sun Cheng and his team had arrived on Mars at the most opportune time for landing.

"Since fortune smiles upon us, we must not squander this opportunity!"

After digesting the data returned by the two Mars reconnaissance satellites, Sun Cheng no longer hesitated. He immediately issued the command to the Central Main Control AI of the Hope-class experimental spaceship.

"Artificial Intelligence, prepare for Mars landing!"

"Command received, Captain. The Hope-class is about to enter Mars' atmosphere, and there might be some turbulence in the upcoming moments. Please ensure safety."


Mars' atmosphere resembled Earth's, forming the theoretical foundation for the continuous proposals to develop Mars into a second Earth.

As is widely known, Earth's ability to nurture life stems from several factors. Apart from its position at just the right distance from the sun, it also benefits from a satellite—the moon—which shields it from the majority of cosmic meteor impacts. Additionally, Earth's atmosphere plays a crucial role.

The atmosphere is capable of deflecting various hazardous radiations from space and preventing the loss of essential gases, including oxygen, necessary for sustaining life, into outer space.

However, for Earthlings to contemplate terraforming Mars, they face significant challenges. Mars possesses an atmosphere with a density less than one percent of Earth's atmospheric density. Such an atmosphere cannot adequately deflect cosmic rays, including sunlight, nor can it prevent gases produced within Mars from continually escaping into the cosmos.

"With Earth's current level of technology, it would take several centuries at least to establish a medium-sized base on Mars," Sun Cheng mused from the pilot's seat. He was experiencing the intense vibrations caused by friction as the spaceship entered Mars' atmosphere, and his mood was exceptionally upbeat.

After the Skytiger Legion had secured the moon in advance, Mars had become the perfect stronghold for ambitious individuals like him within the solar system. He envisioned overseeing all of Mars' resources and establishing a base, power, and a legion that would follow his commands. In the future, Sun Cheng could even create another Skytiger Legion with Mars as its foundation.

The turbulence didn't last long, and soon, following a prompt from Artificial Intelligence, it subsided. The Hope-class experimental spaceship had successfully entered Mars, with both altitude and speed steadily decreasing.

"We are about to enter Mariner Canyon. Should we land immediately?" the voice of the Hope-class experimental spaceship's Central Main Control AI continued to remind Sun Cheng.

However, he gazed through the spaceship's transparent shield at the desolate world outside, reminiscent of the Earth's deserts and plateaus.

"No need to land for now, Artificial Intelligence. Control the descent into Mariner Canyon, fly longitudinally along the canyon, scan the terrain inside, and search for the most suitable location to establish our base."

"Command received. Speed will reduce to two thousand meters per second, transitioning to automatic cruising."

The Hope-class experimental spaceship's speed gradually diminished, and as it entered a vast canyon, its speed slowed to a crawl.

"It's truly beautiful!"

Through the spaceship's transparent shield, Sun Cheng had a clear view of the scenery within Mariner Canyon where the spaceship was currently situated. He had visited the two most famous canyons on Earth, the Grand Canyon in the United States and the Great Rift Valley, and had even considered establishing a base there. Sun Cheng had thought that the Grand Canyon and the Great Rift Valley were awe-inspiring, but compared to Mariner Canyon, they seemed somewhat modest.

Occasionally, special air currents within the canyon caused the cruising spaceship to bump up and down, but it didn't hinder their search for the optimal docking spot in this vast canyon.

Their search took a considerable seven to eight hours, and as the Martian night fell and the sky gradually turned from reddish-brown to dark, the Hope-class experimental spaceship, carrying Sun Cheng and his two Decepticon engineers, finally landed gently at a location within Mariner Canyon.

As the spaceship's cabin doors opened, Sun Cheng took the lead in descending from the spaceship. He felt the sudden increase in wind force within the canyon and the temperature feedback from the surface of his mechanical body's outer armor plates.

He looked towards a shadowy area several hundred meters away from the spaceship's landing spot, where there was a deep cave resembling the mouth of a demon.

This, indeed, was the first base placement site chosen by Sun Cheng for the Mars base.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 721: Mars Base (Complete) 


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