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Once the Hope-class experimental spaceship activated its optical stealth device, it appeared as if it were enveloped in a shimmering water veil.

Although the four cooling exhaust flames emitted by the engines could not be entirely concealed, the optical stealth device managed to shield the vessel from most of Earth's observation equipment.

Upon receiving the departure command, the main control Artificial Intelligence onboard the pre-started Hope-class experimental spaceship, initiated the spacecraft. It followed a pre-calculated flight path, taking off from a temporary launch site within Base Two's control area at breakneck speed, escaping Earth's gravitational pull and setting a course for Mars.

At the moment the spaceship breached the atmosphere, Sun Cheng's tensed body slowly relaxed, and his fingers lightly tapped the metal seat of the captain's chair.

"Artificial Intelligence, report the current flight speed to me... the spaceship's status... How much longer until we exit the Earth-Moon system?"

"Of course, Captain. The current speed of the Hope-class spaceship is 347 kilometers per second. The spaceship's status is optimal. The activation of the optical stealth system has increased energy consumption by 1.94% compared to normal conditions. I recommend deactivation... At our current speed, we will exit the Earth-Moon system in approximately 27 minutes and 41 seconds."

Sun Cheng replied, "Continue to keep the optical stealth system active. Authorize automatic deactivation once we exit the Earth-Moon system. Additionally, generate a Voyage Log. We need more experimental data for this flight."

"Understood, Captain. The data is being recorded."

There was a Decepticon base on the Moon, and Starscream and Megatron were likely both there. This was why Sun Cheng couldn't truly relax. Only by leaving the Earth-Moon system could he feel a modicum of relief.

Nearly half an hour passed, neither fast nor slow.

In the end, the Hope-class experimental spaceship finally exited the influence of the Earth-Moon system. When the central control Artificial Intelligence on board deactivated the optical stealth, Sun Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Both Autobots and Decepticons had deployed some surveillance devices on the outskirts of the Solar System. However, within the galaxy, there seemed to be none. At least, Sun Cheng hadn't seen any such memories from Soundwave or Jazz.

As a result, he could relax his tense nerves slightly and, through the windshield at the front of the Hope-class experimental spaceship, admire the unknown expanse of the universe that he had once yearned for and feared.

Some had described the wonders of the universe as dreamlike, its desolation as haunting, its vastness as boundless, and its secrets as filled with the unknown.

Sun Cheng didn't know which words to use to describe what he was seeing now. Even as he sailed away from the sun, which had bestowed infinite life upon Earth, its scorching radiance continued to shine upon the spaceship.

Ahead of the Hope-class experimental spaceship's flight path was a gradually enlarging red planet.

Countless asteroids and peculiar celestial bodies occasionally passed in front of or around the spaceship. Only when immersed in the cosmos could one truly feel the insignificance of Earth, humans, Cybertronians, and even civilizations.

"It's truly beautiful," Sun Cheng marveled at everything his eyes occasionally caught. He was filled with curiosity about everything in the universe.

This curiosity had persisted for over two days until, while the spaceship evaded a meteorite hurtling straight towards it and made a brief adjustment to its flight path, Sun Cheng inadvertently glanced down at the shrinking Earth below. It was then that he pressed the excitement of his first space journey.

Looking towards the rear of the cockpit, Sun Cheng, who had been silent and reserved, suddenly wore a smile.

"Adam, Prometheus, you don't have to be so formal... Regarding the site selection, construction, and planning of the Mars base, we still have some time before the spaceship reaches Mars. I'd like to hear your thoughts!"

Sun Cheng, who had been silent in the captain's seat, suddenly engaged in conversation with his two new Decepticon engineers, and his attitude was quite friendly.

The names Adam and Prometheus were derived from Western mythology, just like many of the newly created Decepticons under Sun Cheng's command. The reason for not using names from Eastern mythology was that they were too conspicuous and could easily be associated with a certain Far East country by malicious individuals.

The Far East country in the world of [Transformers Universe], while not Sun Cheng's true homeland, still held sentimental value for him. Therefore, he had refrained from involving it in his covert operations, which included manipulating Moscow and recently inciting trouble with Two European Fallen Powers and the Americans.

Adam was one of the first Constructicons cultivated in Base Two, and Sun Cheng had been involved in his birth during the experiment. So, even though he, like other new Decepticons, had developed some fear of the mastermind behind the base over the past year, he had recovered faster compared to Prometheus.

Although there was still some fear, upon hearing Sun Cheng's question, he thought for a moment and was the first to respond, "Master, ever since Prometheus and I were selected for the Mars Exploration Project and appointed as the first batch of engineers to land on Mars, Lord Atlas and the others have provided us with specialized training for Mars."

He extended his right hand, lightly closed his fingers, and a virtual projection of a fiery red planet, Mars, appeared above his palm.

Sun Cheng turned his captain's seat to face him, showing keen interest, and gestured slightly, "Please continue!"

Prometheus looked somewhat envious as he watched Adam, but Adam was also very excited. However, this did not affect the mood he wanted to convey in front of Sun Cheng.

With a thought, a bright spot appeared on the Mars virtual projection from his palm. The spot was located on a massive scar on Mars. Seeing that Sun Cheng was engrossed in looking at the spot, Adam controlled the projection to rotate, aligning the spot with Sun Cheng.

He continued, "Mars has an extremely thin atmosphere, and the strong temperature differences between day and night create wind pressures. According to the data collected by Base Two from Earth's observations of Mars, there are nearly hundreds of terrifying storms on Mars every year."

"While these storms, in a sense, are advantageous for the concealment of our base, they also prevent a large number of robots from conducting mineral exploration, excavation, and outdoor operations."

"In the early stages of establishing the base, in order to minimize the adverse effects of this environmental issue, we ultimately chose Mariner Canyon as the location for the Mars base, inside the canyon!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 719: Mars Base (Part 1) 


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