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1In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Lucifer Morningstar????"


Two voices with different tones sounded simultaneously. Constantine appeared bewildered, while Lucifer Morningstar was furious. In the next moment, Constantine reached out his hand and shouted, "Let's talk! Don't resort to violence! Last time, it wasn't intentional!"

Lucifer Morningstar took a deep breath, making an effort to calm his emotions. He said to Constantine, "Last time, when I wasn't around, you trashed my bar and let a bunch of Lava Demons burn down the place. Fearing my retribution, you hid on the outskirts of the Spirit Realm, only to attract a group of Void Demons to Hell, who then wrecked my home..."

At this moment, Schiller, lying on a sickbed, picked up an apple from the nearby table and began to munch on it. He had expected to witness Constantine's misfortune, but he didn't anticipate Lucifer Morningstar taking several deep breaths before saying, "We'll settle the score after you're dead."

Constantine was even more taken aback, exhaling a sigh and smiling. He walked over to Lucifer Morningstar's side, patted his arm, and then looked at Schiller, asking, "Do you two know each other? I wasn't aware of this."

His tone was ambiguous, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw an apple flying towards him. After dodging it, Constantine said, "I see, you two..."

Before Lucifer Morningstar could respond, Schiller quickly interjected, "I suffered serious injuries just now. The doctor said I suffered a severe head injury, and I've lost my memory."

"Are you serious?" Lucifer Morningstar stood in front of the bed, arms crossed. He scrutinized Schiller and warned, "Using amnesia as an excuse to dodge debts won't work. Get up and start working; you've owed me for a long time!"

"I told you I lost my memory. Shouldn't you first tell me what debt I owe you?" This was Schiller's chance to finally inquire about his own past from someone else.

Schiller's original identity was shrouded in mystery, and often, he could only piece together his past through subtle hints from others. However, his memories related to his own past were extremely vague, the kind of knowledge about major life events but with no recollection of details.

For example, he knew he and Brand were old classmates, and they had a good relationship during their university years. But he had no idea that Brand knew he had once been part of the KGB.

In theory, knowing such a secret to that extent would signify an extremely close bond, but the details regarding Brand in his memories were entirely missing. Schiller didn't know why his relationship with his original self was so profound.

According to the information he currently possessed, his original self should have joined the KGB but later lost contact with them, likely defecting from the organization.

However, now that Lucifer Morningstar had found him, it indicated that his original self had not only been a communist warrior but also had some connection to the Mysticism realm. This was quite unexpected.

As for who Lucifer Morningstar was, there was no need for an introduction. Many people had heard his name, and his image appeared in various mythologies and works of fiction, mostly as the "Fallen Angel."

Lucifer Morningstar had once been one of God's most beloved children, but one day, he betrayed God and fell from Heaven to Hell, becoming the ruler of Hell. This was Lucifer Morningstar's background story in DC, similar to mythological accounts but with a distinctive title: "One Below All, Above All."...

In DC, God held a significant presence, being the ultimate authority over everything, the most powerful being in all of Comic's space.

Lucifer Morningstar's claim to being "One Below All, Above All" meant that his power ranked second in the DC universe, just below God's. Describing his strength in concrete terms was challenging, but omnipotence and omniscience were merely his basic abilities. In Comic portrayals, he had even created an independent space to rival God, demonstrating his capacity for creation. This alone justified his ranking as the second-most powerful being.

What surprised Schiller the most was the apparent deep connection between his original self and this Fallen Angel. It seemed he was involved in Liberation Theology, juxtaposing materialism and idealism, with both hands in different ideological pots. What was he up to?

"Well, I'm quite curious about how you two know each other. Tell the story," Constantine said, pulling up a chair beside Schiller and casually taking an apple from the table. He had an air of determination not to leave until he heard the whole story.

Lucifer Morningstar also appeared relaxed, pulling up a chair and leaning back. He began, "The story is quite simple, and it starts from when I was traveling in the mortal realm."

"As you may know, I own a bar on the West Coast, and business is pretty good. However, sitting around and tending to the bar all the time got a bit boring. So, during the bar's off-season, I would travel to other countries and cities."

Schiller observed Lucifer Morningstar and noticed that this legendary Fallen Angel seemed remarkably human. His every move, tone of speech, and demeanor were that of a typical West Coast individual, lacking any godly traits.

"I first went to Bremen and then headed to Berlin, the capital of Germany. Originally, I planned to continue northward, but when I entered Berlin, I found the local ecology intriguing, so I decided to stay a while longer."

"Did you go to the east or west of the city?" Schiller asked.

"The east, in the Soviet Union-occupied zone," Lucifer Morningstar replied, and Schiller nodded.

It was the year 1989, and the Berlin Wall had not yet completely fallen. Berlin was still divided into two halves, with East Berlin under Soviet Union occupation.

"I continued westward, intending to cross that wall. I could have flown over it directly, but when I was halfway there, I encountered a group of refugees... or something like that."

"They seemed eager to reach the world on the other side, but faced with heavily guarded checkpoints, they had no way to proceed. I decided to help them, so I blended into the crowd. When we neared the wall, I used a spell to incapacitate the guards, allowing them to pass successfully."

"But little did I know that as soon as I crossed over, they raised their guns and started shooting at me, calling me a monster, and chanting for God's help to punish me."

"I thought, since they considered me a monster, they surely didn't want help from such a creature. So, I sent them back where they came from," Lucifer Morningstar shrugged, and Constantine scoffed, saying, "You still have that twisted sense of humor."

"The guards on the nearby wall started shooting quite intensively, and I didn't want to soil my clothes, so I simply spread my wings and took flight."

"I leaped over that wall and arrived on the other side. I wanted to find a quiet place to land because, after all, flying through the air, you can't really see anything."

"I purposely flew a bit further from the bustling streets of Prosperous and arrived at a relatively quiet avenue. Then, I found a somewhat dilapidated alley and descended there."

As Lucifer Morningstar described the scene, a tableau slowly unfolded before the two men. In that peculiar era, all the visuals seemed shrouded in a veil of mist, appearing somewhat dim and dilapidated.

In the no longer prosperous district of Berlin, a cold wind swept through the streets. A woman carrying a breadbasket tightened her headscarf and hurriedly walked, oblivious to the startled sparrows behind her.

A figure landed in a secluded alley. The sunlight streamed into the narrow alley, casting an unusual shadow on the gray brick wall. The person in the alley had not only a slender figure but also a pair of massive wings.

Lucifer Morningstar's golden hair and gray feathers fluttered slightly in the wind. As he tidied his slightly disheveled front locks due to flying, he heard the "tap-tap-tap" of footsteps behind him.

The Angel with gray wings turned around and saw a young boy wearing a beret, a windbreaker, and waterproof boots.

"It does feel rather epic, doesn't it? Like something out of a religious opera – a fallen Angel descending to Earth and an innocent young boy. The next scene, I suppose, would be him saving you or imparting some kind of wisdom, and then you guiding him to Heaven?" Constantine remarked sarcastically.

Schiller snorted and moved away from Constantine, reaching for a glass of water on the table, preparing to take a sip.

"No," Lucifer Morningstar shook his head, then said, "He ran up to me... and plucked one of my feathers."

"Cough, cough!" Schiller was choked by the water. He asked, "What did you say? What did I do???"

"You ran up to me, and I thought you wanted to hug me. So, I crouched down and used my wings to envelop you. Then, you reached out and directly plucked one of my feathers."

Lucifer Morningstar leaned his elbow against the bedside table, held his head in his hand, tilted his head, and looked at Schiller.

Constantine opened his mouth and said, "Isn't this story a bit off? Shouldn't it be you picking him up and then teaching him some lesson? Did you take him to Heaven or something?"

"I thought so at the time, too, so I lost one feather," Lucifer Morningstar said with a wry smile.

"So, that feather wasn't given to me willingly by you? I plucked it out myself?" Schiller asked.

"Why would I give you a feather?" Lucifer Morningstar asked a rather fatal question as he stared at Schiller. Schiller flipped his hand in place and said, "Isn't it some kind of communication device or something?"

"If it were a communication device, why would I come directly to you like this?" Lucifer Morningstar asked another soul-searching question...

"Wait a minute, I have a question!" Constantine suddenly interrupted Lucifer Morningstar. He asked, "What about your defense? You can't be harmed by bullets and cannons, but a little kid managed to pluck one of your feathers? He could actually harm you?"

Constantine knew how powerful Lucifer Morningstar was, and his gaze toward Schiller changed slightly. However, Lucifer Morningstar shook his head and said, "No, he didn't actually harm me."

"What you see of me right now is not really me; it's just one of my disguises. You could say I became like this to make you think I was one of your kind," Lucifer Morningstar explained.

"In reality, I'm omnipresent." With that, Lucifer Morningstar suddenly disappeared, but his voice continued to resonate in the room. He said, "Just like this, I've removed the disguise, but I'm still here in this room, only in a form that humans can't perceive."

Afterward, Lucifer Morningstar reappeared on the chair and continued, "So, he plucked one of my feathers, but this action didn't harm me. I cannot be harmed."

"You could say he disrupted a part of my disguise, making my appearance in the mortal realm less complete. However, I didn't actually lose any energy."

"So, why was he able to pluck your feather?" Constantine asked.

Lucifer Morningstar stroked his chin and said, "I've been pondering that question. The most reasonable explanation now seems to be that human children can somehow see through and disrupt my disguises with pure, unadulterated thoughts."

"In other words..." Constantine looked at Schiller, wearing a somewhat complex expression, and Lucifer Morningstar nodded, saying, "At that time, Schiller had purely innocent and uncorrupted intentions, with no ulterior motives. He simply wanted to pluck one of my feathers."

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NExt Chapter>> Chapter 631: Schiller is Truly a Good Person 


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