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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the Jordan·Petra Mountains, a location that had recently been the center of extraterrestrial warfare, time's passage had led the forgetful humans to quickly forget the events that had transpired here. Not only had the United States withdrawn its soldiers from the surrounding areas, where they had scoured the mountains in search of potential extraterrestrial energy radiation with the Tombwind Unit, but even the Jordanian authorities had pulled out most of their soldiers stationed here. Only one unit remained, encamped near the battlefield, awaiting evacuation orders at a moment's notice.

Within the ruins of the Nameless Temple, Soundwave roamed while Ravage trailed behind him. This place, rumored to have concealed the Sacred Artifact known as the "Leadership Module," had been thoroughly searched by Soundwave and his team countless times over the past few weeks. As a result, he could now recite how many pieces of rubble were present in the ruins.

"According to Starscream's intelligence, the graves of the six Primus are supposed to be here, yet for some unknown reason, we cannot find them!"

Although Soundwave held the position of Chief Intelligence Officer in the Skytiger Legion, he was not of the same caliber as scientists like Starscream and Shockwave. His expertise was limited to certain areas of surveillance and some technologies that even other Decepticon scientists found impressive. Besides this, Soundwave's performance did not surpass that of other Decepticons, especially in combat.

Ravage emerged from the rubble and asked, "Master, could it be that Starscream has deceived us?"

Soundwave had encountered this question numerous times in the recent past. He shook his head and replied, "Lord Fallen previously led Astrotrain and others here; the intelligence should be reliable. It appears that those Primus figures are using a technology beyond our comprehension, one that conceals and eludes our detection, hiding the 'Leadership Module.'"

Lord Fallen had disappeared some time ago, and even someone as formidable as Soundwave could not monitor the entire Earth. Despite the numerous satellites launched by human nations, they did not provide comprehensive coverage of every corner of Earth.

He had also missed the final battle between Optimus Prime and Lord Fallen. Soon after, Lord Fallen had vanished, while Optimus Prime, who had been targeted by Starscream and his team, had unexpectedly returned and started resurrecting Autobots who had been recorded as deceased. With Soundwave's intelligence, it was easy to deduce that the powerful Primus, the commander of the Skytiger Legion—Megatron, and the true creator of the Decepticons, might have fallen and possibly at the hands of the Autobots.

As a staunch supporter of Megatron, Soundwave was privy to many of Megatron's undisclosed secrets. Therefore, he did not care about Lord Fallen's demise and knew that Megatron would not either. However, the six Primus figures and the "Leadership Module" they once guarded were undoubtedly what mattered to Megatron.

Hence, Soundwave had forsaken his global monitoring duties and had come to the Jordan·Petra Mountains in search of the burial place of the six Primus figures. Of course, he couldn't completely ignore the presence of Autobots, Starscream, Frenzy, and the traitors, so Soundwave had dispatched his capable assistant, Laserbeak, to monitor Starscream.

Lately, they had uncovered several of Starscream's covert actions. Although Soundwave had thwarted Starscream's rebellions twice during the Civil War, it had been with the assistance of another ally, Shockwave. Facing Starscream head-on, without that additional support, was a painful lesson learned from a significant defeat over a year ago—one that he could never forget.

Both Soundwave and Ravage possessed exceptional patience. Even with no results in over half a month of searching, they persevered within the ruins of the Nameless Temple, determined to find the hidden tomb of Primus, wherever it may be concealed.

However, their search operation was about to be disrupted.

A metallic bird resembling a vulture flew in from a distance on this day, and after emitting a sharp, distinctive cry in the sky above the Nameless Temple, it perched on Soundwave's outstretched left arm.

"Master, one of our spies planted near Starscream has been eliminated suddenly... He had just relayed some information to me a day ago. Starscream, along with Baricade and two other Decepticons, transported something to Saint Helena Island in the South Atlantic Ocean..."

Soundwave's expression remained unchanged. Ambitious individuals were widespread within the Skytiger Legion, and they had long ago, under Megatron's orders, planted numerous spies to monitor those with ambitions.

Starscream was one of the most closely watched figures, given his two instances of rebellion in the past. It was challenging for him to avoid scrutiny.

"What is it that they're transporting? Saint Helena Island... I recall Starscream didn't have a hidden base on that island..."

Starscream had arrived on Earth over a hundred years ago, following Megatron. Although his primary focus was on the Moon, he had also established numerous bases on Earth for resource collection. The establishment of Sound Nest, in collaboration with the humans and Optimus Prime's Autobots, had not been entirely fruitless. At least, within a year after Sound Nest was established, Autobot soldiers training there had destroyed the majority of discovered Decepticon bases on Earth.

Of course, most of those bases were within the traditional territories of the United States.

In regions hostile to the United States, there might still be secret bases belonging to Starscream, but Saint Helena Island wasn't among them. Soundwave had discreetly controlled human satellites during his global surveillance, and they had conducted investigations that excluded the island.

"It's Energon Cubes, Master—many Energon Cubes!"

Lazerbeak didn't hesitate to sell out his former colleague. "The information transmitted by the spy before being eliminated showed that Starscream was making a deal with Frenzy, exchanging a large quantity of Energon Cubes!"

"Energon Cubes!"

Soundwave's expression grew serious as he realized the gravity of the situation. As Megatron's right-hand man, he knew that Megatron and the former Autobot leader, Sentinel Prime, had a significant plan in motion. However, the specifics were unclear to him.

The batch of Energon Cubes in Starscream's possession undoubtedly originated from the Ark spacecraft that had crashed on the Moon. These Energon Cubes were of immense importance to Megatron and Sentinel Prime's plans, and Soundwave couldn't allow Starscream to use them recklessly.

However, just over a year ago, Soundwave had suffered a major setback at the hands of Frenzy and Starscream. He still remembered it vividly.

"Go investigate the situation further, but be cautious. Start with Frenzy... I have a bad feeling about what Starscream and his group might be up to this time."

"Yes, Master!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 665: Anxious Waiting 


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