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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Following the impact from the Meteor Shower from Outer Space, three deep craters instantly appeared on the soft Gobi Desert.

From one of the impact pits, a towering mechanical warrior, mostly white in color with gray patches on its chest and certain parts of its body, stood up first.

"Leader Optimus Prime, we've arrived on Earth… Hmm, let me see where we are… Ethiopia? Good thing we aren’t too off course..."

Not far from him, two other massive mechanical warriors crawled out of the other craters. Based on the emblems displayed on their torsos, they were unmistakably Autobots, not Decepticons.

"Stay there, we're on our way!"

A few minutes later, amidst a swirl of desert sand, a long convoy appeared in the distance. Leading the way was a heavy-duty truck adorned in red and blue. Upon spotting the three Autobots in the desert, who seemed to be studying Africa's typical venomous creatures, lizards, and weathered sandstones, Optimus Prime quickly transformed and briskly approached one Autobot who was examining a venomous snake.

"Jack, welcome to Earth!"

The Autobot with a white and gray mechanical body, squatting and studying the snake, was none other than Jack of the Autobots. Jack gently removed the writhing snake from his finger and placed it back on the ground.

He stood up and gripped Optimus Prime's extended right hand, "Is this a greeting custom on Earth, Leader?"

"Yes, it represents a warm welcome."

Optimus Prime smiled, welcoming this esteemed scientist from the Autobot faction. Jack's arrival was of paramount importance to the Autobots on Earth.

Ironhide had already established a new Autobot base on Earth, with Optimus Prime's approval.

He had grown fond of this azure planet, Earth, which somewhat reminded him of Cybertron from his past life memories. If possible, Optimus Prime wished to establish a new home for the Autobots on Earth and find ways to coexist peacefully with humans.

However, this wasn't an easy task. Especially after their fallout with Earth's most powerful human nations, the Autobots found themselves in a precarious situation. The silver lining was the sanctuary granted to them by Sun Cheng in the tumultuous region of Africa. Although Sun Cheng might have had ulterior motives, the vast, sparsely populated, and politically unstable Africa, rich in mineral resources, was perfectly suitable for the Autobots.

Their temporary base, established not too long ago, already saw the rise of several small mines within a hundred-kilometer radius.

Recently, conflicts between Autobots and Decepticons had decreased, leading to fewer resource drains and slowly accumulating reserves. With the arrival of esteemed Autobot scientists like Jack, the base on Earth was poised for significant expansion.

Jack, one of the earliest to heed Optimus Prime's call, had traveled from the constellation Centaurus. Over a century ago, after the Autobots lost a critical battle, the Skytiger Legion, under military commander Shockwave, took complete control of Cybertron.

The major Autobot factions retreated to a satellite of Cybertron. Although some residual resistance forces still waged guerilla warfare on Cybertron, they dwindled daily under Shockwave's relentless onslaught.

After their Civil War defeat, and losing all their territories on the Cybertron Planet, and with the whereabouts of their former leader, Sentinal Prime, unknown, the morale of the Autobot faction was at an all-time low. The surrender faction and conservative nobles forming the parliament were on the verge of seizing most of the Autobot's governing bodies.

Even Optimus Prime, the current leader, was forced to leave the command center, venturing far and wide in search of the "All Spark." The situation back home was dire.

Jack gazed around at the spirited Autobots warriors following behind Optimus Prime and remarked with deep emotion, “I haven't seen such vitality in a long time!”

Optimus Prime's expression grew somber. “How are things at Autobot City? Is Hot Rod still the acting commander?”

Over a century ago, Lord Sentinel Prime resigned as the leader of the Autobots, pushing his young protégé, senior commander Optimus Prime, into the leadership role. Due to his non-royal origin, many old-school nobles were skeptical of this young Autobot leader who had grown from common Primus stock.

Soon after, Lord Sentinel Prime disappeared during a mission, and under Optimus Prime's leadership, the Autobots waged a fierce war against the Decepticons for several years. Ultimately, due to the vast difference in power between the two factions, the capital and last stronghold, Iron Fortress, fell.

Though Optimus Prime personally led the battle to ensure a safe retreat for many Autobots to a satellite of Cybertron, where they established a new capital called Autobot City, they lost the Civil War, which led to huge casualties and the loss of the entire Cybertron planet. Someone had to take the blame.

The surrenderists and old-school nobles, who held great sway in the parliament, stripped Optimus Prime of many of his leadership powers, including military command, under the pretext of his youthful inexperience. Recognizing the risk of a fallout with the parliament that could split the Autobots or even lead to another civil war, Optimus Prime relented. He appointed the young Autobot he favored, Hot Rod, as the acting commander, and with a few trusted lieutenants, embarked on a quest to find the "All Spark."

In response to Optimus's question, Jack frowned, “The last I knew, yes, but now? Who knows? After all, even before you left Autobot City, Rodimus was showing signs of restlessness…”

Hearing the name Rodimus darkened Optimus Prime’s face.

Much like his mentor, Lord Sentinel Prime, Rodimus was a young commander from the primus royal lineage. Because of his background, he was given many opportunities during the Civil War. Lord Sentinel Prime even once groomed him as his successor.

However, this arrogant commander, with little actual capability, led the most elite Autobot unit to disaster. This, in turn, enabled the Skytiger Legion to temporarily invade parts of the Autobot capital, Iron Fortress.

After this debacle, an enraged Lord Sentinel Prime nearly court-martialed Rodimus. Only the intervention of several old-school nobles saved him from that fate.

Yet, this event tarnished Rodimus. From being the most promising next Autobot leader, he became a bureaucrat with little to do. Only after the establishment of the Autobot parliament did Rodimus, with the support of many old-school nobles, regain some standing, becoming a deputy chairman. After Lord Sentinel Prime's mysterious disappearance, these nobles positioned him against Optimus Prime to vie for military control.

Had Rodimus's past failures not been so glaring, Optimus Prime would not have chosen Hot Rod as the acting commander upon his departure. Optimus knew well that Hot Rod, being young, self-centered, and impatient, still needed more experience. But he seemed the most appropriate successor, especially since many capable commanders had fallen to the Decepticons during the second Civil War.

“I hope Hot Rod matures soon,” Optimus Prime sighed internally before turning his gaze back to Jack.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 654: The New Iron Fortress


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