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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Watching Swindle, who had an ugly expression, Sun Cheng personally sent an ultra-long-distance communication to Lockdown, whose whereabouts remained unknown.

Sun Cheng finally got his wish, and his face immediately brightened.

The principle of rewarding good behavior was something he clearly understood.

He then looked at Forerunner and the others, and said, "I've always been clear in my rewards and punishments. You all performed well recently. A few days ago, upon returning to Base Two, I ordered the engineers to start preparing materials. Once they finish their current tasks, they'll begin to upgrade your mechanical bodies."

There weren’t many Decepticon warriors under Sun Cheng's command, barely ten in total.

Among these warriors, only Forerunner and Thunder had reached the level of elite Decepticon fighters, while the rest were merely higher-level fighters of average strength.

Using them to bully the cannon fodder soldiers mass-produced by Starscream, or Autobots like Mudflap and Skids, wasn't challenging.

However, facing Decepticons and Autobots like Barricade and Bumblebee was a struggle.

There were many reasons for this.

The primary one was undoubtedly because, when their new mechanical bodies were being manufactured, Base Two had just been recently established in South America. Sun Cheng's secret trades with China and Russia had just begun, and he had limited resources, thus he couldn’t invest heavily.

Additionally, he worried that if all his Decepticons became too powerful after acquiring new mechanical bodies, it might affect his control over them.

This wasn't just Sun Cheng being overly cautious. After absorbing all of Frenzy's memories, he realized that even though the Skytiger Legion had a strict hierarchy, Megatron, who came from humble origins, deeply instilled the philosophy of "survival of the fittest" and "might makes right" into the Legion.

Thus, deceit and betrayal were deeply ingrained in many Decepticons.

Starscream, who had always been opposing Megatron, probably hadn't realized that he had been influenced by Megatron long ago.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a year had passed since Sun Cheng got his new mechanical body.

A year might just be a fleeting moment for Cybertronians, who live almost eternally as long as they have energy, but for the rapidly developing Base Two, every day brought new changes.

To ensure his control over Base Two, Sun Cheng, who severely lacked a sense of security, employed numerous methods that seemed utterly ruthless.

There might be potential risks in the future, but the results were clearly effective judging by the growth in the past year.

Now, Base Two had enough resources to manufacture new mechanical bodies for Sun Cheng and his group of soldiers.

Given that his Decepticon warriors had been performing satisfactorily over the past year, and Sun Cheng was indeed short of high-end combat power, upgrading their mechanical bodies was the next logical step.

Forerunner's eyes lit up. He had been with Sun Cheng the longest and had seen the most combat. Often unable to relieve his master of combat pressure, he had only recently adapted to his new mechanical body and felt his strength was lacking.

Just as he was about to express his gratitude, Swindle beat him to it, with a sycophantic smile plastered on his face.

"Thank you, Master Frenzy!"

Swindle, cunning, treacherous, and cowardly, had grown significantly after being tortured by Starscream and Megatron for so long.

Clearly, Swindle noticed that Sun Cheng didn't exclude him and was pleased at the prospect of getting a new mechanical body.

However, Sun Cheng wasn’t ready to trust Swindle's loyalty. Seeing Swindle's joy, Sun Cheng's tone abruptly turned cold.

"Don't celebrate just yet," he said coldly. "In a while, I plan to negotiate a deal with the Autobots' leader, Optimus Prime. I'll need a batch of heavy weapons by then..."

Swindle's smile froze. Once an arms dealer in the Skytiger Legion and having sold arms in the Black Market for years, he was very familiar with various weapon specifications and data.

"Are you asking me to produce a batch of weapons?" he asked, feigning uncertainty.

Sun Cheng scoffed, “Put away your little schemes. I need heavy weapons, ones that can at least harm elite warriors…”

Swindle's face darkened. While he indeed had vast knowledge on various weapons, modifying and manufacturing weapons were two entirely different concepts.

He could make weapons, but if Swindle didn’t benefit from it, he wouldn't be enthusiastic about the task.

Having gotten a measure of his character and intentions, Sun Cheng saw Swindle’s hesitation and immediately retorted, “If you don’t want to do it, leave. After connecting with Lockdown, you’re no longer of any use to me!”

This fellow was the type who responded better to a hard approach, “Materials will be sent to you. I’m giving you one month. I want at least five weapons. If you can’t deliver, there’s no place for you on this island!”

Having said that, he turned away from the deceitful fellow.

“Forerunner, take Hynix and go back. Thunder and I need to stay on the island a bit longer; there are still matters I need to attend to.”

Sun Cheng indeed had many affairs to manage. The Requiem Blaster and the newly acquired Heavenly Pride Hammer were just a few.

What he was most curious about now was the fate of Lord Fallen. Although when Optimus Prime led the Autobots on a rampage through the United States, he had already had some suspicions.

However, these were mere conjectures. Without seeing the corpse of Lord Fallen or receiving confirmed news of his death, Sun Cheng would remain on edge.

Moreover, if possible, he wanted to make contact with Optimus Prime and see if he could obtain some of the special energy contained within the ​[Leadership Module] from him.

The Autobots who were previously killed in Jordan had all their remains transported back to the United States. Yet not long after, they resurfaced, lively and following Optimus Prime as they wreaked havoc once more.

If someone said their revival, alongside Optimus Prime, had nothing to do with the ​[Leadership Module]​, Sun Cheng wouldn't believe it for a second.

With the module now in Optimus Prime's hands, Sun Cheng held no further hopes for it.

Nevertheless, he remained deeply curious and eager about the miraculous energy the ​[Leadership Module]​ possesses. With it, one essentially had a token of resurrection.

He planned to test the waters to see if the young Autobot Leader would be willing to trade the unique energy from the ​[Leadership Module]​.

As long as Optimus Prime agreed, the deal could extend beyond just the energy from the ​[Leadership Module]​. Sun Cheng wouldn't mind selling Base Two's surplus minerals and energy to the Autobots.

The only condition was that they set aside their enmity and offer products that would satisfy him.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 653: Jack Northeastern Region, Africa. 


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