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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng's words were like a signal.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Suddenly, enormous metal spheres, each about three meters in diameter, were launched from four large containers.

There were a total of thirty-two metal spheres, and they shot straight up into the air, disappearing from sight.

At the same time, the grinding sounds of metal against sand grew increasingly grating.

Lord Fallen had already been seething with anger upon discovering that his weapon, the Requiem Blaster hidden within the Stellar Extraction Tower, had been stolen. He had temporarily abandoned his search for the Autobots and the Leadership Module to come here, intending to give Frenzy, who dared to peek at his weapon, a harsh lesson.

"...You want to drag me to hell..."

Lord Fallen's twisted expression of anger turned into one of mockery upon hearing Sun Cheng's words.

As one of the only three warriors among the Thirteen Primes, he might not have been the strongest among them. After all, when facing Prima and Liege Maximo, Lord Fallen couldn't guarantee his chances of victory. However, beyond those two, he feared no other Primus.

In the past, he had stolen the Leadership Module from under the care of his other Primus brothers. Then, his six brothers had tracked him to Earth, but they had paid an extremely heavy price to severely wound Lord Fallen and recover the Leadership Module from him.

Although Lord Fallen's injuries from that battle had never fully healed over millions of years, his six brothers, while being great fighters themselves, had paid an even heavier price. There was a high likelihood that their lives had come to an end in that brutal battle.

So, Lord Fallen was self-assured. Prima had long passed away, and Liege Maximo had been missing for millions of years. Now, he was confident that he was the strongest among the remaining Primus.

This self-confidence and pride made Lord Fallen scoff at Sun Cheng's statement of dragging him to hell.

Sun Cheng still smiled at Lord Fallen, and his thoughts stirred.

Lord Fallen immediately frowned; he had been locked onto by an extraordinarily large number of units.

"Very well, let's begin!"

With an icy voice, Sun Cheng uttered the words. In the sky above, a sudden and intense rain of projectiles enveloped the entire area where Lord Fallen was located.

Crackling sounds echoed as armor-piercing rounds, either aiming for his head or his chest and back, came from dozens of directions, pelting Lord Fallen.

These were shots from sniper-type robots deployed at long range, totaling 176 units.

Simultaneously, shoulder-launched rockets and melee missiles erupted like a torrent from the sandy ground below. Their numbers exceeded tens of thousands, darkening the sky in a horrifying display.

These missiles and rockets came from the heavy assault robots, numbering 1,442 units.

The thirty-two metal spheres that had vanished into the air earlier reappeared.

An unnamed type of aerial combat robot, developed recently by the engineers of Base Two as per Sun Cheng's request, demonstrated vitality support capabilities. It was equipped with advanced power systems, a primary engine, and two auxiliary engines capable of 360-degree rotation for flight. It also featured optical stealth systems and two energy cannons.

Boom, boom, boom!

As the heavy assault robots began their bombardment on Lord Fallen, the unnamed aerial combat robots, which had been invisible until now, suddenly revealed themselves. The thirty-two spheres swiftly circled Lord Fallen at high speed, maintaining a certain distance, and the two energy cannons on each of these aerial combat robots relentlessly fired energy rounds at Lord Fallen's mechanical body.

"Do you think this can defeat me..."

Lord Fallen was struck continuously by a seemingly endless barrage of rockets, melee missiles, armor-piercing rounds, and energy shots, although it appeared he was taking a beating. In reality, the damage inflicted by these weapons was very limited.

Lord Fallen clenched his hand violently, and a terrifying electromagnetic field immediately surrounded him.

Sun Cheng felt an astonishing electromagnetic force attempting to pull him toward Lord Fallen.

The heavy assault robots on the ground were not far from Lord Fallen. Soon, over a hundred of them, pulled by the electromagnetic force, were lifted into the air and hurtled toward him.

"I've been waiting for you!"

With a blue flash in his eyes, a command was issued. All the heavy assault robots pulled toward Lord Fallen by the electromagnetic force emitted a brilliant blue light from their eyes. They simultaneously transformed into high-explosive bombs and detonated.

Boom, boom, boom!

For a moment, the shockwaves from the detonations of dozens of robots lifted Lord Fallen into the air.

Lord Fallen hastily dispelled the electromagnetic field, and his crimson eyes stared at Sun Cheng again, now with even stronger killing intent. "You've successfully angered me!"

All those heavy assault robots had energy cores that supplied them power. When controlled to detonate, each robot became a high-explosive bomb.

Just now, a few robots had been pulled close to Lord Fallen, and he had intended to tear them apart in front of Sun Cheng. Unexpectedly, he had suffered a small setback. Some of the robots that exploded had generated enough heat and projectile fragments to crack his armor slightly, leaving small fissures on his mechanical body.

With a sweep of his hand, he threw a bone staff that he had replicated to mimic the Requiem Blaster. It easily pierced one of the spherical robots that had been continuously firing at him in the air.

Electric arcs flashed around Lord Fallen, and the next moment, he appeared above the pyramid, only about a dozen meters away from Sun Cheng.

Lord Fallen seemed to want to see fear and unease on Sun Cheng's face, but he was disappointed with the result.

Sun Cheng stood calmly atop the pyramid. He didn't seem to have any intention of attacking Lord Fallen. Facing the figure of a Primus filled with murderous intent, he looked like a young king.

For a moment, Lord Fallen recalled another figure.


Yes, at this moment, Sun Cheng resembled the young student he had once nurtured and taught.

This feeling made the killing intent in Lord Fallen's heart suddenly diminish a little. It wasn't that he had developed affection; he simply felt that perhaps leaving this Frenzy behind and nurturing him properly might turn him into a well-behaved fighter in the future, just like Megatron.

At this moment, Sun Cheng smiled.

He saw the 'fireworks' approaching from the sky, so many, so beautiful.

Electromagnetic pulse bombs, from the Yassen-class Attack Submarine.

The target was the unnamed pyramid!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 621: Battle with Lord Fallen, Once More (Conclusion)  


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