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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


About ten kilometers southwest of Cairo, on the Giza Plateau, Sun Cheng stood before a massive pyramid, his brow slightly furrowed.

"Isn't this the Pyramid of Khufu?"

Although they had already discovered it, the influence of Cybertron Planet on Earth in the universe of "Transformers Universe" seemed to be too significant!

This largest pyramid in ancient Egypt, originally named 'Khufu,' had likely been constructed over a million years ago, making it an 'Unnamed Pyramid' that couldn't be identified by the Egyptian or European archaeological community.

Sun Cheng stored information in his head from Earths of two different worlds, including a series of detailed maps of Earth. He carefully compared the differences between the two Earths during his leisure time.

Although he had doubts in his mind, Sun Cheng didn't show it.

In this world, Earth had been heavily influenced by the Cybertronian civilization. Even a few months ago, he had discovered the remains of a Pathfinder in a collapsed pyramid in South America.

Earth, located in a remote corner of the Milky Way, seemed to possess some inexplicable attraction to the Cybertronians. From ancient Primus to the ancient Pathfinders and to modern Decepticons and Autobots, many ancient civilizations' remnants bore the marks of the Cybertronians.

This even included the Great Wall, which was truly bewildering.

Parallel worlds were truly marvelous.

"Hynix, we have arrived at our destination... Prepare to transform into warship mode, and the drones will provide you with precise coordinate guidance... Change to anti-ship missiles and launch a missile barrage..."

Sun Cheng had temporarily left Hynix and Forerunner on the Mediterranean Sea side. Considering Hynix's seemingly less brilliant intellect, Sun Cheng had left Forerunner behind to protect him. After all, the large mechanical body he had was fragile and had powerful medium to long-range firepower but was utterly useless in close combat.

Thunder and Excavator were at Sun Cheng's side. The two of them had been sent to Egypt by Sun Cheng half a month ago.

The pyramid in front of them was located based on the information they had obtained. Although it was regrettable for Egypt, given the possibility that Lord Fallen's superweapon system, capable of destroying stars, might be hidden in this pyramid, Sun Cheng didn't hesitate to command Hynix to launch missiles to destroy the bulky brick and stone shell that covered the superweapon inside.

The distance from Cairo to the Mediterranean Sea was less than two hundred kilometers, well within Hynix's range. Although he was confident in his shooting accuracy, considering that the pyramid's bricks and stones might be blasted into the air when the missiles exploded, Sun Cheng didn't want to be hit by the massive stones ranging from a few tons to tens of tons, so he waved his hand to signal Thunder and Excavator to follow him. The three Decepticons retreated to a valley about a kilometer away from the pyramid.

They didn't have to wait long before the whistling sound of missiles echoed in the sky.



On Hynix's transformed 22350-class frigate, there were two sets of vertical launch systems with a total of eighty missile launch tubes—forty each. However, the anti-ship missiles equipped on Hynix's warship were not of the Russian type but a new type of anti-ship missile Base Two had developed by reverse engineering and manufacturing after obtaining Harpoon anti-ship missiles from the Brazilian Navy.

This passage describes the launch of an upgraded anti-ship missile, a version of the Harpoon missile. The upgraded missile has a total weight of 742 kilograms, a length of 3.25 meters, and can carry a warhead with 292 kilograms of high explosives. Due to extended design, its maximum range has reached over 560 kilometers, with a maximum speed of 1.82 Mach.

This type of anti-ship missile is used to target human-made warships, especially light frigates with a tonnage of less than 3,000 tons. It's highly effective against such vessels. Even large frigates or medium-sized destroyers with a tonnage of 6,000 tons would struggle against it.

However, when used against a pyramid with a total stone weight that may reach six to seven million tons, the effectiveness would be significantly reduced. Given that Egypt is one of the few military powers in Africa and Cairo is its capital, they likely have deployed anti-aircraft missile systems.

To avoid interception, Sun Cheng decided to launch a salvo of eighty missiles directly at the pyramid. Even if only half of them hit the pyramid, it should create significant holes in the structure. After that, Sun Cheng and his team would quickly enter the pyramid's interior to find the possible superweapon hidden inside.

As the missiles streaked across the night sky, Cairo, which had been bustling all day and was still recovering from the recent extraterrestrial battle on the 17th Highway of the Sinai Peninsula, was suddenly thrown into chaos due to the arrival of these "visitors." Air raid sirens blared, and the military, already on edge, became even more frantic.

Sun Cheng paid no attention to the chaos in this nation beneath his feet. Unless provoked, he wouldn't actively attack any human country on Earth. Even Base Two's expansion in South America followed the principle of "supporting visible proxies and expanding covertly, trying not to plunge the controlled country into civil war or chaos."

"Such a wonderful fireworks display!" Excavator stood on a high slope in the valley, watching the bright flashes erupting on the pyramid a kilometer away. He seemed intoxicated.

Sun Cheng squinted his eyes but didn't say anything. Lately, he had noticed a change in Excavator. This guy, like Frenzy, had once been killed in battle a long time ago. For some reason, Starscream had resurrected him and turned him into an inconspicuous cannon fodder warrior under his command.

In the blink of an eye, Excavator had been with Sun Cheng for almost a year. During this time, by betraying Starscream and providing information about Moon Base, he had gained quite a few valuable items from Sun Cheng—energy weapons, optical stealth devices, electromagnetic shielding, and more.

As he continuously enhanced himself, it seemed that the memories of Excavator's previous identity were gradually resurfacing.

Sun Cheng now had a vague feeling that the person beside him could no longer be called Excavator. As for Excavator's current or past name, he didn't know yet.

However, Sun Cheng had a sense that this guy would tell him soon. With Earth in chaos, the opportune moment had arrived for all the ambitious individuals.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 614: Decisive Battle in Egypt (End) 


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