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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Two rounds of submerged launches... Forty-eight missiles fired..."

"Following the master's orders... After completion, immediately pass through Gibraltar... Temporarily withdraw to the Atlantic Ocean and remain hidden..."

In a certain area in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, three Yassen-class Attack Submarines that had been silently lurking on the seabed for a long time conducted two rounds of submerged launches. Each submarine fired sixteen Intermediate-Range Missiles equipped with electromagnetic pulse warheads.

The Decepticon engineers responsible for controlling the Nuclear Submarines on board the submarines followed Sun Cheng's orders and smoothly withdrew from their lurking area, heading toward the Atlantic Ocean.

Although Sun Cheng had not actively participated in the struggle for the Leadership Module despite being one of the earliest to discover the existence of the Nameless Temple, it didn't mean he had been idle all along. On the contrary, Sun Cheng had been taking covert actions all along.

Drones equipped with optical stealth devices had been hovering in the skies over Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Since the attack on the Fifth Fleet, he had been closely monitoring the actions of the U.S. military.

After all, Sun Cheng's soul was still human, and he understood their desire for retaliation very well, especially the United States, a superpower that had been acting arrogantly for decades, always bullying others.

In less than a month, both the Second and Fifth Fleets had been attacked, with thousands of soldiers killed or injured and numerous warships lost. It would be strange if they could swallow this humiliation.

As expected, a drone hovering over Saudi Arabia unexpectedly captured a scene of the U.S. military using C-17 transport planes to move the GBU-43B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb.

Over a thousand kilometers away, inside Egypt's territory...

Sun Cheng watched as those C-130 and C-17 transport planes belonging to the U.S. Air Force, escorted by dozens of F-15 series fighter jets, approached the battle zone of Lord Fallen and his forces. He shook his head and said to the Forerunner beside him, "Unfortunately, humans are too presumptuous... There's no doubt about the power of the GBU-43B bomb. If the data it has exposed is accurate, this bomb can definitely inflict heavy damage on Leader-class warriors... But its weight and delivery method, even if it can harm ordinary Autobots and Decepticons, it's impossible to harm Lord Fallen... His speed is too fast..."

The U.S. Air Force was completely unaware that, at an altitude of over four thousand meters above their entire flying formation, there was a drone in optical stealth mode flying at an altitude of eighteen thousand meters. It continuously transmitted the data it captured back to Sun Cheng and his team.

Since he learned of the attack on the U.S. Fifth Fleet and the death of Optimus Prime, the Leader of the Autobots, Sun Cheng had arranged for a drone to monitor them at all times. To avoid exposure, he always controlled the following distance, so the information he gathered about the Autobots was not as detailed as what the U.S. military had.

However, the battles between Ironhide and Astrotrain near the Nameless Temple, as well as Lord Fallen personally intervening and attacking Bumblebee, allowed him to deduce a lot of useful information.

"...Master, is this Lord Fallen?" Forerunner was still shocked by the video transmitted by the drone, showing Lord Fallen's immense combat power.

An almost indestructible mechanical body, incredible strength, unparalleled speed, control over electromagnetic fields, and possibly other abilities yet to be revealed—this was Lord Fallen, an existence so powerful that it made them feel suffocated.

Sun Cheng remained silent for a moment, and it wasn't until the drone returned to Jordan's airspace and the U.S. military aircraft began to drop the GBU-43B MOAB that he spoke again. "We can only do this much. Let the drone return. Lord Fallen is not someone we can deal with right now. Let the Autobots handle it." Lord Fallen's power could not be resolved with just dozens of electromagnetic pulse bombs and GBU-43B MOABs. Even Sun Cheng himself, if he wanted to escape, could probably do so even if he suffered severe injuries.

However, Lord Fallen was still too confident. The forty-eight electromagnetic pulse bombs launched by the three Yassen-class Attack Submarines were concentrated within an area of less than two square kilometers. The electromagnetic shockwaves from the explosions would undoubtedly affect him for a period.

So the question remained whether he could evade the upcoming GBU-43B bombing.

Of course, the chances of killing Lord Fallen with just these weapons were not high.

After ordering Forerunner to recall the drone over Jordan, Sun Cheng led his team to Egypt. It was time to deal with the pyramid they had previously identified as problematic.

The scene shifted back to Jordan.

Because of their carelessness and the fact that they hadn't expected the missiles that struck them, all of the warheads turned out to be electromagnetic pulse bombs.

When the first missile landed more than eighty meters away from Lord Fallen and exploded, the sudden electromagnetic shockwave made him realize something was wrong.

But it was too late!

Sun Cheng had waited for so long, and he had waited until the U.S. military was preparing to drop the GBU-43B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb. He had chosen this moment because he not only wanted the GBU-43B to hit Lord Fallen but also because he knew that Lord Fallen, in his arrogance after easily dealing with a group of Autobots, had let his guard down.

He had timed this opportunity perfectly!

One after another, the electromagnetic pulse bombs descended from the sky and detonated. The rapidly spreading electromagnetic shockwaves caused great damage to all the Autobots present, and almost all of them lay on the ground, emitting thick white smoke and sparks, completely immobilized.

Even Lord Fallen, who had been careless, with his mechanical body several times larger than the Autobots, was now emitting thick white smoke, as if he were a giant of flames whose fire had just been extinguished.


Lord Fallen roared angrily at the sky. Since being seriously injured by his six brothers during their training session, this was the greatest setback he had suffered in the past several million years.

His malevolent gaze turned toward the fallen Autobots, and he immediately gripped the Leadership Module in his hand. However, he soon frowned slightly.

"Persistent pests..."

Lord Fallen snorted coldly. The Leadership Module contained unparalleled immense power, but at this moment, that power seemed to have fallen into a deep slumber. No matter how hard he tried to awaken it, there was no response.


A precisely aimed grenade struck Lord Fallen's wrist, where he was holding the Leadership Module. The tremendous force caused his hand to shake, and for a moment, he couldn't maintain his grip. The Leadership Module immediately fell from Lord Fallen's palm.


Ironhide, who had just arrived at the scene, shouted loudly. Michaela, who had been unaffected by the electromagnetic pulse bombs' impact just moments ago, instinctively jumped up and caught the falling Leadership Module.

"Catch it!"

With all her strength, Michaela threw the Leadership Module toward Ironhide, who had just arrived from the Nameless Temple. Without hesitation, Ironhide rushed forward and caught the Leadership Module, revealing a storage compartment on his chest.

He placed the Leadership Module inside it and, without a second thought, abandoned Sam and the others, quickly heading away.

In the sky behind Ironhide, parachutes suddenly appeared, descending rapidly.

The GBU-43B was coming!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 612: Decisive Battle in Egypt (Part 2) 


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