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In regards to the Virtual Space, Lord Fallen clearly had a better understanding than Starscream. It was a space that did not exist in reality, which made it a highly contradictory concept, but this contradiction precisely explained Virtual Space.

Strictly speaking, Virtual Space referred to a special space that existed independently beyond celestial bodies that could be "seen" and "discovered" through conventional means.

In some sense, the principles behind Virtual Space were somewhat similar to wormholes. Both involved the folding of space at certain singular points due to special reasons, with one forming a "bridge" connecting two different spaces, and the other forming a singular space that couldn't be discovered through conventional means.

Lord Fallen had searched for the Leadership Module in the past, even suspecting that it had been taken away from Earth by his six brothers. He had even returned to Cybertron to search for it.

Unexpectedly, the Leadership Module had ultimately been hidden on Earth.

"My brothers... you really made it difficult for me to find you..."

Muttering softly, at that moment, Lord Fallen suddenly felt several familiar fluctuations.

He waved his hand gently, and Astrotrain and Leadfoot immediately understood, leading a dozen Decepticon cannon fodder who had also arrived, they surrounded the Nameless Temple.

Allowing the Autobots to search for the Leadership Module in the temple had been Lord Fallen's order. He knew his brothers too well, and if they had hidden the Leadership Module, even he himself would be powerless to find it. They would undoubtedly be on guard against him.

However, it was different with the Autobots. The descendants of the Firstforged - the Primus royal family - had joined the Autobot ranks after the civil war. Not every so-called "Primus royal" had the qualifications to become a Super Leader. Even Optimus Prime, whom Lord Fallen had ordered Starscream and others to kill, was seen by him as having only a slight potential to become a Super Leader.

The reason for insisting on killing him was the prophecy of his brother, Titan Master Creatable, which had brought Lord Fallen a great sense of crisis.

When Starscream went to hunt Optimus Prime, all the Decepticons stationed at the Nameless Temple had been taken by him. This was also Lord Fallen's intention; he needed the Autobots to retrieve the Leadership Module for him. Lord Fallen knew that his brothers from the past had undoubtedly left behind some means to ensure that the Leadership Module would not fall into the hands of those with evil intentions, such as Lord Fallen himself or the Decepticons.

As for whether the Autobots would benefit from this, Lord Fallen wasn't worried at all. Soundwave was still in outer space, inhabiting a satellite, monitoring the Petra Mountains 24 hours a day. With him there, no Autobot could slip past his surveillance and quietly enter Petra Mountains without being detected.

Just like the few Autobots currently inside the temple; they had just entered Jordan's territory, but they had already been discovered and reported to Lord Fallen by the Forerunner.

Lord Fallen was waiting; he needed the Autobots to help him find the Leadership Module.

Astrotrain and Leadfoot, leading a dozen Decepticons, charged toward the Nameless Temple. They quickly spotted Shake, who had just been scolded by Sideswipe and was sulking outside.

Astrotrain spotted him even before Shake noticed them and wasted no time drawing his weapon, a permanent ion displacement rifle capable of destroying circuits. He fired an electromagnetic radiation round at Shake.


As the bullet was fired, the powerful electromagnetic pulse made Shake, who had still been sulking just a moment ago, suddenly feel something was amiss. Unfortunately, his reaction was a bit slow, and he only managed to dodge to the side at the crucial moment.

The electromagnetic radiation round hit his left shoulder accurately, and eerie blue electric arcs danced wildly on his left shoulder and left arm. A burnt electrical component smell and white smoke instantly enveloped half of his body.


Shake was shocked, and upon seeing more than ten Decepticons rushing towards him, he didn't dare to stay any longer. He quickly pulled out a whip from his waist, which sparkled with electric sparks, and fiercely lashed it at the nearest Decepticon. Then, he turned and ran towards the temple not far away.


"Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom..."

Several Decepticon cannon fodder members held grenade launchers and continued to shoot at Shake. Most of the Decepticon cannon fodder developed by Starscream did not come equipped with energy weapons. Grenade launchers were considered their standard heavy firepower.

The explosions quickly attracted the attention of the Autobots inside the temple. Drift, Claudia, and Sideswipe were the quickest to react. They rushed out and, upon seeing the Decepticons surrounding them, Claudia immediately turned and retreated into the temple.

"Captain, quickly... we've encountered Decepticons; we need to withdraw as soon as possible..."

Facing elite warriors like Astrotrain, even the commander, Ironhide, would find it very difficult to deal with them. Most triple-changers were more powerful in combat than regular soldiers, and Astrotrain was the ceiling of their combat power among triple-changers. He was Shockwave's right-hand man, and his mechanical body was particularly unusual. In combat mode, Astrotrain's body parts were tightly compressed together, making his mechanical body exceptionally robust.

During the previous hunt for Optimus Prime, not even Optimus Prime's regular attacks could harm him. Only Optimus Prime's laser cannon and sword could penetrate Astrotrain's surface armor.

Astrotrain was also incredibly strong, even surpassing Ironhide, and was only slightly inferior to the Leader, Optimus Prime. Ironhide and the others had suffered losses when they encountered Astrotrain on the battlefield in the past, which was why Claudia urged them to retreat.

If they were to be even briefly entangled with Astrotrain, as had happened not long ago, and other Decepticons arrived, it was very likely that all the Autobots here would die.

Drift jumped into the air, stepping on the ruins of the temple walls, and swiftly transformed into an armed helicopter, firing rockets and missiles down at Astrotrain and his group.

Astrotrain raised his sturdy arm in front of his head and allowed Drift's rockets and missiles to explode on his arm. However, the explosions only forced him to retreat a dozen meters or so. He sneered and taunted Drift, who was still in the air, "It's been so long, and you haven't changed a bit, Drift... are you trying to tickle me?"

Although Drift's combat abilities were indeed inferior to Astrotrain's, it didn't mean the other Decepticons could ignore him. Under Drift's relentless barrage of rockets and missiles, injuries began to appear among the dozen or so Decepticons who had come with Astrotrain.

Before long, a yellow car shot out from the temple, followed by a purple motorcycle and a green-skinned Ratchet.

Ironhide, who appeared much more composed than before, walked out with a large-caliber grenade launcher in hand. "Protect Sam and the others as they retreat..."

He ordered all the Autobots in the field, "Sideswipe, you go protect them too! The rest of the Autobots, follow me into battle!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 607 Fierce Battle with Lord Fallen (Part 1) 


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