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The urgent notification from NASA's domestic office not only threw The Pentagon and the Sound Nest unit into chaos but also left the US Fifth Fleet, led by Major, who had just arrived in the Red Sea region and was awaiting orders from home, in disarray.

"Warning... Warning... Unidentified meteorite cluster detected, suspected to be Decepticons, about to impact the Red Sea area..."

"Warning... Warning... Unidentified meteorite cluster detected, suspected to be Decepticons, about to impact the Red Sea area..."

"Warning... Warning... Unidentified meteorite cluster detected, suspected to be Decepticons, about to impact the Red Sea area..."

"Hurry... hurry..."

"Disperse the fleet formation..."

"All SSNs (attack Nuclear Submarines), SSBNs (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines), dive and await further orders in silence..."

"All FFGs (guided-missile frigates), DDGs (guided-missile destroyers), CGNs (nuclear-powered guided-missile cruisers), prepare to load anti-aircraft missiles... Repeat, prepare to load anti-aircraft missiles..."

"All LHDs (multipurpose amphibious assault ships), CVNs (nuclear-powered aircraft carriers), attention, disperse. All naval personnel on board, pilots prepare for takeoff, await orders, and disperse for takeoff..."

It had to be acknowledged that while the US military was not known for strict discipline, it was the most experienced fighting force since World War II. Years of combat experience had made them the most adept at learning from their experiences.

A week ago, the Second Fleet had encountered a Decepticon attack from the sky, resulting in the complete annihilation of Major's forces. The Navy, The Pentagon, and numerous military forums and professional military journals within the United States had conducted a detailed analysis of the Second Fleet's destruction.

So when they received the urgent report that a meteorite cluster was about to fall into their area, although Major's Fifth Fleet, stationed in the Red Sea, appeared highly chaotic, orders were quickly issued and communicated.

The fleet assembled on the sea surface began to disperse.

Crew members from several Bumblebee-class amphibious assault ships and Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers quickly reached the flight decks from the hangars and lounges. They refueled the aircraft, loaded ordnance, towed them to the catapults, and pilots donned their gear, waiting for the command to take off.

Nuclear Submarines rapidly submerged into deeper waters. Missile launch systems on the escort ships, destroyers, and cruisers of the Fifth Fleet were prepared, with anti-aircraft missiles loaded into their launch tubes.

The most powerful naval fleet on Earth emerged from the initial chaos and awaited the enemy's onslaught.

Before long, the meteorite cluster falling from the sky became visible.

Commander of the Fifth Fleet, Chris Marport, was onboard the flagship, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Truman. As the meteorites in the sky became visible to the naked eye, any remaining trace of hope vanished from their hearts.

"...Your Excellency Commander, the radar has conducted the final trajectory correction. We can almost confirm that this batch of 'meteorites' is heading straight for our fleet..."

"I understand. Prepare for battle, everyone!"

When the meteorites were less than eighty kilometers from the designated location, the first round of anti-aircraft missiles from over a dozen ships of the Fifth Fleet—frigates, destroyers, and cruisers—were launched one after another from their vertical missile launchers and catapults, aiming at the 'meteorites' in the sky.

"Area air defense network activated, conducting the first interception..."

Explosions and flames lit up the sky frequently, resembling fireworks on a holiday night. However, the cruel reality of war was that it was far from a celebration.

"Calculate the results of the engagement immediately..."

"Report... Eleven targets eliminated. Approximately one-third of the 'meteorites' intercepted in the first round... It's been detected that the descending 'meteorites' adjusted their trajectories automatically to evade interception missiles... It's highly likely that these 'meteorites' are Decepticons!"

"Orders: Prepare for the second and third rounds of anti-aircraft missiles... All aircraft, take off and prepare for combat... We cannot allow a repeat of the tragedy of the Second Fleet..."


Following the Commander's orders, the second round of anti-aircraft missiles quickly ascended, numbering in the hundreds. They roared into the sky, weaving a net of firepower in an attempt to intercept the approaching Decepticons, who were now less than forty kilometers from the sea surface.

Unfortunately, this round of results was far less impressive than the first. Only seven Decepticons were hit by the dozens of missiles, turning into tiny sparks in the sky before disappearing completely.

Aircraft from two aircraft carriers and two amphibious assault ships took off and rapidly formed combat units. They initiated a counterattack against the Decepticons who had landed on the Truman, two ships, and several other vessels, causing destruction.

The war between the most powerful nation on Earth, the United States, and the Skytiger Legion had begun in earnest.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 596: Target: Optimus Prime  


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