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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng's "Island," located beyond the White Sea in the Arctic Ocean, was more than 270 kilometers away from North Dovinsk.

This was not a particularly large island, with an area of only 1.7 square kilometers. Apart from a few cold-adapted plants, most of the island was covered by thick, year-round ice and snow.

During the Soviet Union era, this small island, named "Kishenkov Island," briefly housed several dozen residents. Later, to guard against United States Nuclear Submarines, the Soviet Union Military even established a radar station on the island.

However, due to the extremely harsh weather conditions and adverse climate, this place had been permanently abandoned by the early 1970s.

Sun Cheng and his team did not approach the small island. Instead, to test Hynix's range, he had Hynix stop when they were still more than a hundred kilometers away from the island.

"Stop. Can Hynix detect the coordinates of that island?" Sun Cheng inquired.

Hynix didn't rush to answer. An electromagnetic wave shot out from his transformed warship, and after a moment, he replied, "Yes, Leader."

The armored chest of Sun Cheng's mechanical body opened up, and a small unmanned drone flew in the direction of the island.

It was fast, and it didn't take long for it to arrive over the island.

At this point, he issued another command, "Test your naval artillery, targeting the radar station on the island. I'll have the drone provide you with a view. Fire for one minute!"

Sun Cheng walked to the bridge, his hand gently touching the surface. The drone's perspective over the island linked through him and Hynix.


After a goofy reply from Hynix, the ship's body remained still, but the 130mm caliber naval artillery at the bow began adjusting its position and angle.

In about forty seconds, accompanied by a blaze and a thunderous roar, the bombardment began.


A shell shot out within the long flames at a speed exceeding 2,200 meters per second toward the target.

Over a hundred kilometers per hour, it took only about fifty seconds.

Before the first shell had landed, the second one was already on its way.

Then the third, the fourth...

In one minute, Hynix fired a total of 63 shells.

It was clear that his transformation from a warship to a Decepticon powered by All Spark fragment had boosted his abilities in every aspect.

And by this time, the seemingly endless barrage of shells began continuously hitting 'Kishenkov Island,' over a hundred kilometers away.

The radar station, abandoned for decades and entirely covered in ice and snow, cracked and melted easily under the onslaught of the falling shells.

The radar station, already frozen brittle by years of cold, could withstand only six or seven shells before collapsing.

After all 63 shells had landed on the island's radar station, it had been turned into ruins by the bombardment.

The enormous power and heat of the exploding shells evaporated the ice and snow near the radar station, sending hot vapor shooting into the sky like white mist, which soon turned into ice crystals and slowly descended under the influence of the polar low pressure.

It was snowing on the island.

"Good job!" Sun Cheng was very satisfied with Hynix's firepower. Since they were testing, he issued another command.

"Hynix, test your anti-ship missiles... Open all missile launch ports, and the target is still the island, covering the entire island... Conduct three rounds of firepower coverage..."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The two sets of vertical missile launch systems on the warship activated. Sun Cheng had noticed earlier that the number of launch ports on the ship had increased from 32 in the front and 32 in the back to 40 each, for a total of sixteen additional launch ports.

It was evident that Hynix's firepower had been significantly enhanced after being transformed into a Decepticon by All Spark fragments.

Eighty missiles covered the island, which was only 1.7 square kilometers in size, and the shock brought about by the simultaneous explosions was much more intense than the rapid fire from the naval artillery they had observed through the drone earlier.

The scene was like a Human missile brigade conducting synchronized tactical salvos on the battlefield, and the towering flames and thick smoke quickly melted and evaporated the thick ice and snow that had covered the island for years.

Sun Cheng was now more than satisfied with Hynix's firepower. Although this fellow was bulky, fragile, and a bit clumsy, especially in close combat, when it came to long-range firepower, he truly was a one-Decepticon army.

At that moment, Sun Cheng couldn't help but think, "I still have six fragments on hand, two for upgrading my future mechanical body, two for cultivating Decepticons alternately... and two fragments left. Perhaps I can create two more Hynix-like giants!"

Once this idea occurred to him, he couldn't suppress it.

However, Hynix quickly dispelled that thought.

After one round of missile launches, Hynix paused.

Sun Cheng waited for several minutes and didn't see the second round of missiles firing. He furrowed his brows and urged, "Prepare for the second round of missile salvo..."


Hynix's buzzing voice sounded, "Generating... missiles... takes time... consumes a lot of... energy..."

At first, he spoke somewhat clumsily, but it seemed that with more practice, he gradually became able to express himself more clearly.


Sun Cheng nodded slightly, realizing his oversight. Hynix was right; whether Decepticons or Autobots, they could either manufacture ammunition and missiles in advance or consume energy and metal stored in their bodies to create them during combat.

So, after a battle, both Decepticons and Autobots would consume vast amounts of resources and energy.

Hynix's response sobered up Sun Cheng, who had been getting carried away. He thought about how this fellow would consume eighty missiles in one salvo and realized that, while he had formidable firepower, he was also a heavy resource consumer.

After understanding this, Sun Cheng withdrew his previous order, "Alright, Hynix, stop the test here..."

He hadn't finished speaking when a remote communication interrupted him.

The communication was from Forerunner, and as Sun Cheng read the content, his face changed dramatically.

"The US military sent an elite team to infiltrate Jordan and encountered a Decepticon attack ten kilometers from the Nameless Temple. The entire team was annihilated... The Fifth Fleet, headquartered in Bahrain, is setting sail for the Red Sea region..."

"I didn't expect the United States to be the first to take action!"

Clearly, the United States had been enticed by his release of the secure and infinitely powered Leadership Module. But with this move, both Autobots and Decepticons were unlikely to remain passive.

As this thought crossed his mind, he immediately ordered Hynix, "Let's return to the harbor... First, resupply with ammunition at the North Harbor, and then we'll head to the battlefield!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 592: The Final Battle Begins (Part 1) 


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