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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The 22350-class frigate was the first surface major warship manufactured by the Russian Navy after the end of the Cold War. With a displacement of approximately 4,500 tons, it was a medium-sized air-defense missile frigate and marked Russia's initial step into modernization. It was a classic example of a small ship carrying big guns, equipped not only with the Aegis Combat System but also firepower potent enough to make many European naval powers' 6,000-ton-class warships feel inferior.

Under the guidance of Sun Cheng and the expertise of Hephaestus, his Decepticon engineer specialized in naval technology, the 22350-class frigate underwent a comprehensive transformation utilizing Cybertron Technology and Decepticon know-how.

The original Russian design required significant space for combat and propulsion systems. This space was now replaced by a Decepticon Core, slightly larger than an adult's fist, and a compact auxiliary power system that occupied less than one-fifth of the original space.

However, to ensure this massive vessel would have an ample power supply in the future, it needed an artificial Spark to provide a continuous source of energy.

Following Hephaestus' modifications, the frigate's exterior appeared much the same as before, but its interior underwent a revolutionary change.

The modified 22350-class frigate retained its original main gun—a 130mm caliber single-barrel naval gun. However, after technological upgrades, its experimental firing rate reached 52 rounds per minute, with a range of over 48 kilometers for conventional ammunition and up to 180 kilometers for new extended-range guided shells, nearly comparable to missiles.

The massive bridge was reduced in size after technical alterations, and the missile and vertical launch systems were also modified. The frigate now had 32 vertical missile launch ports at the front and rear, with an ammunition depot capable of storing over 460 Base Two specially designed medium-range air defense and anti-ship missiles.

Sun Cheng was a firm believer in firepower supremacy. This seemingly moderate-sized vessel was transformed into an arsenal ship under his orders.

However, there were pros and cons to this transformation.

Initially, Sun Cheng hadn't considered transforming this heavily armed frigate into a Decepticon. Although the materials used in its construction met the standard for common Decepticons, they were still relatively fragile, as he was focused on firepower, not durability.

"After this battle ends, I'll give you a complete upgrade... But for now, I need you to wake up and fight for me immediately."

With a thought, a Mini Decepticon emerged from his open chest compartment.

Given Sun Cheng's current mechanical body, entering the frigate's cabin was impossible.

"Go, place the fragment on its Spark!" Sun Cheng commanded.

The Mini Decepticon nodded in response and, using its two slender metal legs, climbed aboard the ship. It swiftly made its way to the frigate's cabin, where the Spark was located.

The Mini Decepticon, equipped with knowledge of the cabin's equipment, easily found the Spark's location.

As the blue arcs of electricity continuously emanated from the fragment, it altered the Mini Decepticon's body along the way, strengthening and enlarging it.

Although the exterior of the frigate still appeared similar to its original form, the interior had undergone a dramatic transformation.

The vessel's Spark and Core had been installed earlier, and now, all that was left was to place the fragment on its Spark to activate it and release a massive data stream, forcibly transforming the frigate into a Decepticon.

One fragment of the All Spark should be sufficient for the transformation. Sun Cheng had studied it carefully, and if he were willing to use one fragment, he could even revive an elder Decepticon like Skyfire from the brink of death.

After the internal modifications performed by Sun Cheng's Decepticon engineers, the frigate's body had already acquired some Decepticon characteristics.

Up until now, nurturing new Decepticons at Base Two had involved manufacturing their bodies first, followed by using specific Machines to awaken the unique energy within the All Spark fragments, radiating it to the prepared mechanical bodies. However, the success rate was relatively low.

This time, awakening the frigate followed the same principle, but for added certainty, Sun Cheng chose to use an entire fragment.

Moreover, this particular fragment had been soaking in energon for years, likely already replenishing its energy reserves.

The Mini Decepticon, holding the All Spark fragment, rushed into the cabin.

With knowledge of the cabin's equipment, it easily located the Spark's position.

As soon as the fragment touched the Spark, the blue arcs of electricity on the fragment intensified, radiating outwards. The first thing to be affected was the enormous circular artificial Spark housing.

On the previously unknown metal shell, faint blue lights began to shine. The blue light spread rapidly, resembling a burning fireball, eventually engulfing the entire artificial Spark.

Once the fragment ignited, it dissolved completely into the Spark.

Following this, as the Spark's heart-like vigorous pulsations echoed, blue veins resembling blood vessels continuously spread outward from the Spark. Soon, the entire cabin was covered in these blue metallic veins, and the metal plates inside the cabin began to wriggle frantically.

The Mini Decepticon was startled and quickly escaped from the cabin, running down below.

It was like being on a storm-tossed ship during a tsunami, escaping the turbulent cabin.

The enormous unnamed frigate placed in the dry dock began to shake violently. It was surrounded by increasingly intense blue arcs of electricity, covering its arms, legs, torso, and head.

A colossal mechanical warrior was gradually taking shape, seemingly caught between pain and exultation in its roars.

"Quick, open the overhead!" Sun Cheng ordered.

As the transformation of the massive Decepticon within the dry dock neared completion, its mechanical body—now towering at least twenty to thirty meters in height—struggled to climb out. Sun Cheng, who once stood nearby, now appeared insignificant in comparison.

In the beginning, when he was inside the dry dock, the giant didn't seem all that tall.

However, as the All Spark fragment's transformation progressed, Sun Cheng had to command the Decepticon engineers within the dry dock to quickly open the overhead.

Fortunately, this indoor shipyard had originally been an open-air dock converted by the Russians. Its overhead roof was a later addition and could be raised and lowered, making it convenient for such transformations.

Nevertheless, the engineers were still a bit slow. With the mechanical body of the colossal Decepticon almost fully transformed, it hammered its chest a few times, then raised its head and let out a resounding roar: "Hynix... Hynix..."

Its swinging arms effortlessly knocked the overhead roof, preventing it from being restricted by the dry dock's height any longer.

Sun Cheng watched quietly as the colossal Decepticon roared like a wild beast, a smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

"The Core is influencing him, the control method is effective!"

Hynix, the massive Decepticon that had transformed from this frigate, was a name Sun Cheng had chosen in advance.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 590: Heading to the Battlefield (Part 1) 


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