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In the depths of the Mediterranean Sea, somewhere near the Sinai Peninsula, Sun Cheng observed three Nuclear Submarines silently lurking beneath the waves, nodding in satisfaction.

"Stay concealed. The situation in Africa is highly volatile, and we may need firepower support from the Nuclear Submarines at any moment."

Yesterday, whether it was Soundwave or Starscream's advance team, they had already discovered the location of the Autobots' new base in Solia. A fierce battle had unfolded, but Sun Cheng paid little attention to the aftermath.

At this moment, he remained unaware of Optimus Prime's encounter with Hercules within Egyptian territory. His entire focus was now on Jordan, a country located in Western Asia.

After a brief inspection of the three Nuclear Submarines lurking in the Mediterranean Sea near Egypt, Sun Cheng proceeded into Jordan with Forerunner.

"Master, are you sure the Leadership Module is hidden in Jordan?" Forerunner inquired.

"I cannot confirm it at the moment."

Sun Cheng couldn't be certain. After spending several days deciphering the information from the All Spark shard he obtained from Sam, he had to admit that the American boy, Sam, was an incredibly fortunate individual.

Back during the battle in Las Vegas, Sun Cheng had taken almost all the remaining shards, except for two that he had overlooked. The shard that the U.S. military obtained was of little consequence, but the shard Sam acquired contained a wealth of confidential information.

This shard not only contained information about the Thirteen Primes of Cybertron Planet, including Megatronus Prime's use of his weapon to destroy a star to create a more powerful All Spark and the theft of the Leadership Module, but also detailed explosive secrets such as the battles between Megatronus Prime and the other six Primus on Earth.

This intelligence was invaluable to Sun Cheng, even though he had already confirmed that Lord Fallen was, in fact, Megatronus Prime among the Thirteen Primes. However, with the information from the shard and his examination of Skyfire's memories once more after extracting him from the Spherical Space, Sun Cheng was no longer in the dark about Lord Fallen.

By continually comparing the information from the shard with Skyfire's memories, Sun Cheng had also developed some speculations about the whereabouts of the Leadership Module.

"It may be located in Jordan."

In ancient times, the six Primus who tracked Megatronus Prime to Earth discovered that he enslaved ancient humans on Earth and intended to use the Leadership Module to charge his weapon, destroy the sun, and create a more powerful All Spark. An intense battle ensued within the borders of Egypt, resulting in the near destruction of North Africa in that era.

Although Sun Cheng was unsure of the exact details of that battle due to incomplete information from the shard, Skyfire, as an Elder Pathfinder, had uncovered various Cybertronian scripts scattered around Earth after his arrival thousands of years ago. Some of these scripts were left by the six Primus as warnings to future generations about Megatronus Prime. Others were left by the followers who had come to Earth with the six Primus.

As a scholar, Skyfire had spent a considerable amount of time on Earth and had decoded much of this information, including the Seven Primus War that occurred on Earth in ancient times. Over thousands of years, Skyfire had tirelessly searched Earth, visiting many places, but had not found the location of the Leadership Module.

After combining the information from the All Spark with Skyfire's memories and conducting repeated examinations of Earth's maps and astronomical references, Sun Cheng had shifted his focus to Jordan, the neighboring country of Egypt.

He suspected that the Leadership Module had been hidden in this neighboring country of Egypt by the severely injured six Primus.

After spending some time underwater, Sun Cheng and Forerunner left the depths of the sea. They activated their optical stealth mode and crossed the southwestern peninsula to enter Jordan.

Following the Petra Mountains, Sun Cheng and his team began a meticulous search.

"Split up and be thorough. Don't miss any possible ancient structures or caves," he instructed.

After parting ways with Forerunner, Sun Cheng followed the coastline near the Gulf of Aqaba, searching the southern region of the Petra Mountains from west to east. Forerunner, on the other hand, explored the northern part of the Petra Mountains, also searching from west to east.

Flying at an altitude of several thousand meters, Sun Cheng continuously emitted electromagnetic waves, sensing any potential energy and electromagnetic reactions in the valleys and ravines. After several hours of flying, he had not found anything suspicious.

However, on Forerunner's side, after nightfall, a transmission suddenly arrived.

"Master, I've found a suspicious structure. Here are the coordinates."

Upon receiving the communication, Sun Cheng's spirits, which had been somewhat downcast, suddenly soared. He hadn't held high hopes, considering that Skyfire and Lord Fallen had searched for the Leadership Module on Earth for many years without success, suggesting that the six Primus had likely employed some means to hide it.

Yet, here in the mountains of Jordan, Forerunner had discovered a concealed temple built into the mountain.

Considering that the ancient Egyptian civilization on Earth had clearly been influenced by the Cybertronian civilization of the past, many of Earth's ancient Egyptian temples and shrines, as Skyfire remembered them, were constructed in the style of the Council of Primes era, favored by the decadent Cybertronian nobility.

Sun Cheng had some knowledge of Earth's history, and he did not recall the ancient Egyptian civilization ever expanding into Jordan. Even the Sinai Peninsula had only gradually been incorporated into Egypt during the colonial periods of the Roman Empire and the Arab Empire.

Therefore, the sudden appearance of an ancient Egyptian-style temple in Jordan, thousands of kilometers away from the traditional Egyptian territory, was highly suspicious.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 582: Return Without Achievement  


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