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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The ancient Egyptian-style temple that Forerunner had discovered was nestled against the mountain.

The temple was grand and imposing. Even when transformed into battle mode, Sun Cheng, whose mechanical body stood over seven meters tall, appeared minuscule standing at the entrance of the temple.

Two blue beams shot from Sun Cheng's eyes as he began scanning the temple in front of him.

To his surprise, he detected no signs of energy or electromagnetic fluctuations, contrary to his expectations.

The information about the temple soon appeared in his mind.

"Height: 41.343 meters. Distance from Earth to Cybertron Planet: Approximately 4.37 light-years, or roughly 41,343,000,000,000 kilometers... Length: 36 meters. Cybertron Planet's rotation period: Approximately 36 days..."

This temple had too many coincidental connections to the Cybertronians. Forerunner took a brief look around the vicinity but quickly returned.

"Only this entrance, Master!"

Evidently, he hadn't found any other hidden entrances to the temple.

Sun Cheng nodded, but a furrow formed on his brow. He had just scanned the temple and found no indications of hidden entrances or underground structures.

"Let's go inside."

Sun Cheng approached the temple's entrance. Before entering, he glanced up at the entrance, noticing a crater caused by an explosion.

Due to weathering over time, it was impossible to discern whether the crater resulted from human artillery or destruction caused by Decepticons who discovered this place.

Contrary to its imposing exterior, the temple's interior space was relatively small, measuring only about seven to eight meters in length and width.

The temple was exceptionally "clean" inside, with nothing visible except for the accumulated dust over the years. There were no statues of gods, no remnants of artifacts—absolutely nothing.

"Humans have been here before..."

Forerunner's eyes constantly flickered with zeros and ones. He silently connected to the internet and found records about the temple. "They call this place the 'Lost Temple,' first discovered in 1816 by British explorer William Peaford..."

"The name 'Lost Temple' was given by the British explorer who found it over a hundred and ninety years ago. When he and his expedition stumbled upon this temple in the desolate mountains, everyone thought it would be a world-shaking discovery... Only when they entered the temple did they realize that there was nothing inside..."

"The explorer and his team thoroughly searched the temple, even climbing to the top of the building, but found no statues or artifacts. In the end, they left disappointed. Even after the temple was exposed, it never gained much fame."

"Even within Jordan, the official evaluation of it is merely a 'nameless ancient relic with some historical value, to be periodically inspected and maintained.'"

Forerunner was now competent enough to act as Sun Cheng's assistant, which was one of the reasons Sun Cheng preferred to have him by his side during operations. Many times, he didn't even need to give explicit instructions; Forerunner would take care of things on his own.

Although they found some information about the temple on the internet, Sun Cheng still carefully examined the temple's interior.

However, they found nothing even after a thorough inspection.

The only valuable thing inside the temple was a mural on the wall opposite the entrance. This mural, completely unlike the ancient Egyptian style, appeared to be typical of the European Renaissance period, making it seem out of place in the temple.

Sun Cheng had noticed this mural when he scanned the temple's exterior earlier, but he hadn't detected any anomalies at the time.

The mural on the temple's wall had become somewhat faded over time, with several sections missing. Perhaps because of this, it hadn't been cut out and stolen by the British bandits who discovered this place over a hundred and ninety years ago.

Although the previous scan had found no issues with the mural, its presence within this exceptionally "clean" temple felt incredibly out of place.

Therefore, Sun Cheng decided to conduct another test, even though he had not detected any anomalies during his previous scan. He intended to examine it more closely.

"You check the walls on both sides of the temple carefully for anything unusual. I'll take care of this wall and the underground."

After a brief instruction to Forerunner, Sun Cheng approached the mural.

Two blue beams shot from his eyes, attempting to penetrate the wall.

As soon as he entered the temple, he sensed that something was amiss with the space inside. Although the temple was approximately 36 meters long, its width was only about twenty meters due to its mountainous construction. However, the interior space was only a little over sixty meters long, leaving a considerable thickness unaccounted for.

Forerunner received the order and, like Sun Cheng, examined a nearby wall. The electromagnetic waves used for scanning effortlessly passed through the wall, but unfortunately, they found nothing.

Sun Cheng, not giving up, continued to intensify his scan. He repeatedly scanned behind the mural and even the underground rock layers. Soon, his detection range penetrated the mountain that the temple was attached to and reached depths of over a hundred meters underground.

However, the result was the same—no anomalies were found.

"Master, I found nothing unusual!"

Forerunner had already completed his inspection earlier and, like Sun Cheng, had not discovered any abnormalities.


Sun Cheng responded with some frustration. Clues from the All Spark shard and Skyfire's memories had led him to this place. Although it was just a hunch, it had indicated that what he was looking for was here. However, the protective mechanism of the Leadership Module, most likely left behind by the six Primus, had made it impossible for him to find it.

"Master, how about we send a batch of engineering robots to excavate the temple and the mountain completely?" Forerunner hesitated for a moment before suggesting.

Sun Cheng's mind stirred, preparing to retrieve a group of engineering robots from the Spherical Space to excavate the temple and the mountain, potentially uncovering the Leadership Module and Primus' remains.

However, at that very moment, an extremely dangerous sensation suddenly surged through him. In an instant, even the rhythm of his Spark beating in his chest seemed to slow down.


He shouted loudly, drawing his weapon and remaining vigilant.

Forerunner was startled by Sun Cheng's sudden reaction, entering a state of alertness as well. He scanned the area nearby, ensuring that no suspicious targets were present, and then looked at Sun Cheng with a puzzled expression.

"Master, is there an enemy?"

"Let's go!"

Sun Cheng cast a cold look at the wall. His Spark, as if under some form of assault, gave him a sense of imminent danger. He was certain that something had targeted him, something he couldn't afford to provoke.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Sun Cheng made a quick decision. He rushed out of the temple without paying any attention to Forerunner behind him and instantly transformed into his jet form, flying rapidly westward into the distance.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 583: Stirring Up Troubled Waters in the East 


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