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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Speed up, end the battle!"

With a plan in mind, Sun Cheng remained composed, his thoughts hidden.

As if he had no trouble at all dealing with the giant scorpion-like creature hidden underground, he collected the remnants of the long-range sniper-type battle robots that Sacks had taken care of into his Spherical Space. Then, he walked back toward the battlefield.

After repeatedly probing Skyfire's memories, Sun Cheng had discovered the 'Space Bridge' technology in Skyfire's possession. Though he hadn't mastered it yet, he no longer concealed the existence of his Spherical Space.

The reason Sun Cheng deliberately displayed this ability in front of Sacks was, in essence, to bait him.

As expected, Sacks, who had been lurking underground, had been watching him all along.

The cunning Sacks had long noticed that Sun Cheng had discovered his presence. However, relying on his skills and daring, Sacks continued to lurk underground, waiting for an opportunity to ambush or gather more useful intelligence.

Now that Sun Cheng had revealed this skill, he had immediately piqued Sacks' interest.

Seeing him heading back towards the main battlefield, Sacks continued to stay hidden underground and followed him towards the battlefield.

After receiving Sun Cheng's orders, Forerunner and Thunder didn't hold back in their attacks on Surfboard.

Each of them had the capability to take on Surfboard individually, though they might have some shortcomings. Both Forerunner and Thunder recognized their lack of combat experience, so after assessing the situation in their favor, they patiently honed their combat skills against Surfboard.

Excavator, on the other hand, had steadily improved his strength over the past few months by selling information about Starscream and the Skytiger Legion to Sun Cheng. He had reached the level of an advanced warrior, far surpassing the ordinary Decepticon cannon fodder. Now that he had betrayed his former master Starscream, Excavator had no complaints about working with Sun Cheng.

These Decepticons who had tracked them became their outlets for frustration.

When Sun Cheng returned to the ground, he saw one of them using brutal methods to cut through a Decepticon cannon fodder's mechanical body, severing both arms and the head.

"Such a ruthless character!"

He silently cursed in his heart but didn't intervene.

Raising his Plasma Cannon, he aimed at the last two Decepticon cannon fodders who were still in combat and ignited the Sparks in their chests. Now, only Surfboard remained in battle.

Surfboard had noticed the change in the situation and attempted to break free from the encirclement of Thunder and Forerunner, and he was close to succeeding.

However, the ill-tempered Excavator, without any prompting from Sun Cheng, joined the attack against Surfboard, sealing his fate.

About two minutes later, a roar echoed through the battlefield.

A sharp battle blade successfully pierced Surfboard's chest. After his Spark was destroyed and extinguished, he struggled for a few seconds before crashing heavily to the ground.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Sun Cheng noticed that Sacks was still lurking underground, motionless. He ordered Forerunner, Thunder, and the others to start cleaning up the battlefield.

They first brought Ramjet and Surfboard's remains to Sun Cheng. Then, they spent over half an hour gathering the remains of the Decepticon cannon fodder soldiers, piling them together. Finally, they collected the damaged mechanical bodies of the battle robots and gathered them in one place.

This was a habit that Sun Cheng and his team had developed a long time ago, especially when Base Two was newly established, and resources were not as abundant. Recycling these items saved a significant amount of resources and provided Decepticon engineers with valuable materials for their research on Decepticon breeding and Spark manufacturing.

Ignoring Sacks, who was still lurking underground, Sun Cheng first stored Ramjet and Surfboard's remains in his Spherical Space. Then, he collected the remnants of the battle robots gathered by Forerunner and Thunder.

Finally, he approached the pile of Decepticon cannon fodder corpses.

This time, he didn't collect all the corpses. Instead, he left one behind and concealed an Electromagnetic Bomb within its remains.

After setting the timer, Sun Cheng quietly notified his subordinates. Excavator, who couldn't fly, understood that Sun Cheng was up to something and left on his own.

Sun Cheng, Forerunner, and Thunder stayed behind. Once they confirmed that Sacks was still hiding underground, they waited for the Electromagnetic Bomb to detonate. When the bomb was about to explode, they transformed into flight mode and quickly ascended into the sky.

A few seconds later, Sacks, who was getting curious and about to emerge to inspect the Decepticon corpse left behind, was caught in the explosion.


A violent electromagnetic pulse instantly enveloped an area of several hundred meters around.

"He deserved it!"

Several kilometers away, Sun Cheng and his team hovered in the air, feeling the sudden disruption in the electromagnetic waves. Sun Cheng remained emotionally detached.

"Master, should I check it out?" Forerunner asked.

"No need, let's go!"

Sun Cheng didn't bother having Forerunner check if Sacks had been severely injured. His plan wasn't particularly clever; it was a gamble that Sacks would be interested in the Decepticon corpse Sun Cheng had left behind.

He had seen Sacks in action in Blackout's memories - Sacks was a very confident and daring Decepticon who had collaborated with Blackout in attacking many Autobot warriors.

So Sun Cheng had bet that Sacks would be confident in his tracking abilities and wouldn't immediately pursue them. Instead, he would investigate the Decepticon corpse Sun Cheng had left behind.

Although he wasn't sure if he had made the right bet, Sun Cheng didn't care.

After dealing with this group of Decepticons who had dared to challenge him, he believed that whether the mastermind behind the scenes was Starscream or Soundwave, they wouldn't have the energy to deal with him in the short term.

With the Autobots having taken Sam, and with no further constraints from the United States Government, they would soon begin searching for the legendary artifact, the Leadership Module.

At that point, a more intense conflict was bound to erupt between the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots.

Sun Cheng had already decided to multiply his chips in the Autobot camp.

He would provide more supplies and energon to the Autobots, allowing them to have more confidence in confronting the Decepticons after suffering significant losses in the Mariana Trench battle.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 573: Autobots Base (Part 1) 


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