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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng slowly descended to the ground. Just as he landed, he was targeted by two Decepticon warriors.

One of them roared and kicked away a close combat meat-shield type battle robot encircling him, brandishing a mallet and charged towards Sun Cheng.

The other Decepticon toppled over another one of its own kind, but before he could run a few steps, he was entangled by two heavily armored assault battle robots.

Sun Cheng glanced at the nearby Forerunner, knowing that this was due to Forerunner's interference.

But in his previous battle with Ramjet, he hadn't enjoyed himself fully.

He reached behind his waist, summoned his Plasma Cannon, and aimed it at the charging Decepticon, firing a shot.

The energy bullet precisely hit the Decepticon in the chest, instantly detonating his Spark, dimming the glow in his eyes as he fell to the ground.

"Don't worry about me; help Thunder and deal with Surfboard first..."

Sun Cheng's mechanical body was designed with the power level equivalent to the commanders of both Autobots and Decepticons.

Although limited by technology and other factors, making the final product somewhat weaker than the commanders, it still holds a significant advantage over elite warriors.

He had undergone combat training with Forerunner, Thunder, and Excavator. If he went all out, he could defeat any one of them in two minutes, and even if all three teamed up, he could finish them off in five minutes.

This demonstrates the dominance of a powerful mechanical body, just like the mighty Autobot, Jazz, who couldn't even last a minute against Megatron, getting his Spark destroyed and his mechanical body torn in half.

After receiving his orders, Forerunner joined the battle between Thunder and Surfboard.

Strictly speaking, Thunder's new mechanical body is not inferior to Surfboard's.

However, Thunder had only recently been awakened, and much of his memory had been replaced, so his combat skills and instincts are now clearly weaker than during his Blackout period. As a result, not long after facing Surfboard, he was at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, combat experience can be regained through continuous training and actual battles.

Although Thunder quickly found himself at a disadvantage against Surfboard, he only suffered minor setbacks. Once Forerunner intervened, the two quickly turned the tables on Surfboard, who had been gaining the upper hand.


With a sweep of his ship-cutting blade, the Decepticon who had just defeated the two heavily-armored assault battle robots charged at Sun Cheng. However, with a slash, Sun Cheng cleaved him in half.

Starscream's expendable warriors could, with their vast numbers, wear down many elite warriors on the battlefield.

Unfortunately for them, they encountered Sun Cheng. Since their engineers couldn't make advancements in cultivating Decepticons, they had to shift more resources and energy towards developing battle robots.

Long ago, Base Two started mass-producing these battle robots.

While they might be much weaker than the Decepticon warriors individually, once they form a large group, they can handle these expendable warriors quite efficiently.

Kicking away the bisected remains of the Decepticon, Sun Cheng surveyed the battlefield.

On this Gobi desert battlefield covering hundreds of thousands of square meters, the battle was nearing its conclusion.

The close-combat meat-shield battle robots, which Sun Cheng's side had deployed in the largest numbers, had all been torn apart by the Decepticons.

The heavily-armored assault battle robots, which were next in line, had also suffered heavy losses, with fewer than twenty remaining.

However, the Decepticons also paid a heavy price. Over a dozen were taken out by the long-range sniper-type battle robots. Currently, less than ten active Decepticons remained on the battlefield.


Noticing Forerunner seeming dazed, the suppressed Surfboard fired a grenade launcher, sending him flying.

Sun Cheng uttered a soft exclamation and charged at Surfboard with his blade.

"Master, there's another Decepticon!"

Suddenly, Forerunner said, looking several kilometers away.

The long-range sniper-type battle robots stationed on the high ground had lost more than three units in an instant.

One of the falling battle robots sent the image captured by its electronic eye to Forerunner, showing a fierce metal giant scorpion emerging from the ground.

"A giant scorpion attacked the snipers!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng immediately thought of the crab monster, Sacks.

Sacks, a Decepticon resembling a giant metal scorpion, was always Blackout's partner in his memories.

Both cold and ruthless, they together committed several massacres against the Autobots and accomplished numerous missions.

In the battle of Las Vegas, Sun Cheng hadn't seen Sacks and had subsequently forgotten about him.

Unexpectedly, a year later, they encountered each other again in Africa.

"Troublesome guy!"

Sun Cheng fired his Plasma Cannon, blasting off the head of a Decepticon warrior. At the same time, he pulled out an electromagnetic grenade, blowing away several Decepticons and battle robots still in combat.

He then ignored Surfboard and headed towards the area where Sacks appeared.

Sacks' giant pincers, head, and tail can all transform into drills, allowing it to move freely underground. The soft sandy soil of Africa is particularly problematic when it's targeting someone.

Sun Cheng had seen Blackout's memories. In them, Sacks, who many Decepticons considered a cold-hearted killing machine, was surprisingly an erudite "intellectual."

It was this vast knowledge that endowed the giant scorpion monster with infinite patience to calmly execute those "long-line big fish-catching" tasks.

In past missions with Blackout, Sacks could lurk underground for days or even weeks, patiently waiting for his target to reveal a vulnerability before suddenly launching an attack.

He was an expert at hide-and-seek and even had a record of trapping a group of Autobot warriors in a valley, eluding their pursuit and inspection, and then successfully ambushing and killing two who tried to escape.

Facing such a formidable opponent, Sun Cheng knew he had to deal with him as soon as possible.

However, by the time he arrived at the high ground area a few kilometers away, he found over a dozen long-range sniper-type battle robots all dismantled.

Despite his warning system's full scan, while Sun Cheng could detect a Decepticon lurking dozens of meters below, neither his Plasma Cannon nor any other weapon could reach that depth.


He cursed. Sun Cheng was utterly confident in dealing with Sacks, but now he didn't know how to draw out the giant metal scorpion.

"Be careful, Master!"

Suddenly, Forerunner's voice came over the communicator.

Sun Cheng had just noticed a shadow flashing past his peripheral vision, followed by a sharp pain in his waist.

Turning his head, he saw Sacks' sharp pincer penetrating his mechanical body and lifting him into the air.

His system displayed a series of alarms, indicating severe damage.

Sun Cheng's eyes were filled with a touch of anger. The real battle was just beginning.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 572: Escalation 


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