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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


For over half a month, the battle had raged on in the Mariana Trench. After the United States Government's betrayal and the increasing influx of Decepticons, the Autobots found themselves at a disadvantage.

Sideswipe raised his left hand, aiming a grenade launcher at a nearby Decepticon and fired a grenade, forcing them back a few steps. His right hand brandished a blade, and with a swift step on the soft seafloor, he cleaved one Decepticon in half.


Skids shouted, "We need to retreat; if we don't, it'll be too late!"

In the pitch-black depths of the ten-thousand-meter trench, the vision of mechanical warriors like the Autobots and Decepticons was unaffected. However, conditions were still challenging. The prolonged stay in the trench consumed the energy from their Sparks, and they had to maintain their mechanical bodies to prevent corrosion by seawater and damage from the immense water pressure.

Sideswipe snorted, glancing at over forty Decepticons who were closing in on them in the trench.

If not for their concern about damaging Megatron's remains, they would have already been surrounded completely.

"Autobots, prepare to retreat!" Claudia shouted loudly. As a formidable female Autobot, she had been on the frontlines since her injuries healed, assisting Ironhide, Sideswipe, and the others in repelling at least four Decepticon invasions.

However, this time, it was clear that they couldn't hold on any longer. The American naval fleet had retreated, and the whereabouts of the nuclear submarines roaming the sea were unknown.

Relying solely on the Autobots to face an increasing number of Decepticons was becoming untenable.

"Retreat!" Ironhide echoed her, having been sent to the Mariana Trench by Optimus Prime a day before the Autobots evacuated from Diego Garcia Island.

With the Skytiger Legion's audacious presence revealed to the world, the stable alliance between the Autobots and the United States Government had crumbled. Decepticons had poured in from the moon, gathering at the Mariana Trench.

It was clear they intended to seize Megatron's remains, which would allow them to awaken the former Skytiger Legion commander with the fragments.

Before coming here, Ironhide had received approval from Optimus Prime that the Autobots could evacuate from the Mariana Trench to rendezvous with them in Africa. However, Optimus Prime had not yet decided how to handle Megatron's remains.

His command to Ironhide was to try to take the remains as intact as possible, so they could later find a secluded place to bury them.

Clearly, the situation at the frontline had deteriorated beyond Optimus Prime's expectations.

"Ironhide, we need to decide quickly!" Claudia urged, her gaze fixed on Megatron's remains not far behind them, her tone urgent.

Only thirteen Autobots with combat capability remained, and they had ten injured comrades to protect. If they followed Optimus Prime's order to carry Megatron's massive remains on their journey, the fate of the Autobots could be guessed.

They wouldn't be able to successfully retreat from the Mariana Trench under the increasing encirclement of Decepticons.

"Destroy it!" Sideswipe's cold voice rang out as he took a step toward Megatron's remains. Just moments earlier, he had kicked a Decepticon who tried to ambush Skids, but in doing so, his left leg was slashed by the enemy, leaving a long gash.

Ironhide hesitated, "Leader's order is to take it with us."

One of the first Autobots to follow Optimus Prime and his most trusted deputy, Ironhide understood the predicament Optimus Prime was in. Sentinel Prime had disappeared just a few hundred years ago, and within the Autobots, there were still many staunch followers of the Primus royal lineage.

Although they had reluctantly recognized Optimus Prime's leadership after Sentinel Prime passed on the mantle, it didn't mean they truly regarded him as the Autobots' rightful leader. Some Autobots still desired a leader like Sentinel Prime, who could be ruthless towards the Decepticons.

But Optimus Prime's character was gentler and more humble than his predecessor's, and he had successfully gained the trust of a large group of Autobots who saw him as a friend. However, among the Autobots, there was also a strong faction of young and assertive individuals who considered him unfit for leadership.

If Ironhide decided to destroy Megatron's remains here, it might win him favor with some of these younger Autobots who were critical of Optimus Prime's humble and gentle nature. However, those Autobots who had trusted and followed him precisely because of his humility and gentleness might have different opinions.

Respect for the remains was deeply ingrained in every Autobot's core.

Skids screamed in agony as he was almost cut in half by a Decepticon.

"Hurry!" he cried in his shrill voice. "If we don't leave now, it'll be too late!"

Sideswipe, seeing Ironhide still hesitating, snorted and approached Megatron's remains.

Originally a Decepticon, he had switched sides to join the Autobots due to ideological differences, and his hatred for the Decepticons surpassed that of most Autobots.

To him, Megatron, the former commander of the Skytiger Legion, was the source of all evil.

"I'll destroy him!" he declared as he limped toward Megatron's remains. Just as Ironhide was about to intervene, Claudia firmly slapped his arm.

"Captain (Ironhide's former rank), you're the commander here now. Please take a look at our brothers around us seriously. Due to your hesitation, we've lost two warriors. Now, Captain, I need you to make a decision and lead us to a successful retreat!"

Claudia, when angered, was like a thorny rose—stern and serious. Ironhide followed her pointed finger and saw a brave Autobot warrior who had been severely injured while being surrounded by three Decepticons.

In an instant, his fiery temper returned.

"All Autobots, listen up! Countdown to thirty seconds, prepare to retreat!"

After a loud roar, he reached for two black spheres, each the size of a fist, from his waist.

"I never thought we'd use these here!"

They were the electromagnetic bombs that Optimus Prime and the others had acquired during their encounter with Frenzy not long ago, intended to detonate at their meeting location.

The power of these devices should not be underestimated. As a weapons expert, Ironhide had collected all the high explosives and crafted these two special bombs.

"Claudia, retreat immediately..." he ordered in a buzzing voice.

After his command, the Autobots immediately rushed toward Megatron's remains.

Claudia's words had finally shaken him awake, and before leaving, Ironhide had firmly decided to destroy Megatron's remains.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 568: Approaching Storm 


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