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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Discover a large number of Autobots entering the territory of Solia..."

When this message came from a humanoid Decepticon who had infiltrated the Republic of Solia just two days ago, Sun Cheng didn't feel surprised at all.

Two days ago, through his spy planted within the United States, he had learned that the United States Congress had passed a bill to ban the Sound Nest forces.

Although Sun Cheng didn't know the exact details of what had happened, based on his understanding of the Americans, he could make a rough guess.

"It seems like Optimus Prime and the United States have completely fallen out!"

Sun Cheng and Forerunner were currently in the northeastern part of Kenya, which was close to the Republic of Solia and not too far from another African powerhouse, Ethiopia.

Their temporary base was a vast underground structure, even grander and larger than the one they had handed over to the Autobots.

This underground structure was similar in size to the "warehouse" they had given to the Autobots, but it was clearly built with more care since it was their own place.

It had two entry and exit tunnels, and the main building, though similar to the "warehouse" with only one, was a spacious area measuring 300 meters in length, 300 meters in width, and 20 meters in height, with a total area of 90,000 square meters.

In the sparsely vegetated desert region, constructing such an underground facility required a massive amount of concrete and steel, totaling 60,000 cubic meters and 7,000 tons, enough to withstand most missile, artillery, and rocket attacks.

Under Forerunner's command, more than 400 robots had worked day and night for six days to complete this construction.

Compared to when they built the "warehouse" for the Autobots, they had used two to three times as many robots and triple the time, which indicated the level of importance Sun Cheng attached to this place in Africa.

"It seems necessary to increase our investment in the Autobots!"

After the Skytiger Legion openly revealed itself and launched attacks on many countries on Earth, Sun Cheng could clearly sense a change in Moscow's attitude.

Even though the hidden figure, the president, did not change his stance as drastically as the United States did, the cunning Russians did not want to be drawn into Skytiger Legion's fold after witnessing its power.

After all, long before, when Sun Cheng had tried to distance himself from Skytiger Legion, he had explained the relationship and entanglements between his faction and Skytiger Legion to several cooperating countries.

Moscow's change of heart after witnessing the audacious power of the Skytiger Legion was expected by Sun Cheng, although he didn't like it. However, Moscow didn't alienate him too much, and despite the change in attitude, the cooperation between them continued to yield significant benefits.

The previous contracts were still in effect, and a steady stream of various supplies continued to be transported from Russia to North Dovinsk, and then further to South America and Africa through several Typhoon-class strategic nuclear submarines converted into cargo submarines.

Putting Sun Cheng's situation aside for now, in response to Optimus Prime's order, the majority of Autobots had started to evacuate towards the Republic of Solia in Africa.

"Sam, we've put you in danger!"

After several days, when he saw the United States boy, Sam, Optimus Prime crouched down with a look of apology.

In just a few days, both Sam and his girlfriend, Michaela, seemed like entirely different people.

Michaela was relatively fine, appearing to be slightly less glamorous than before and a bit more modest, which was appropriate for her age.

However, Sam had lost weight overall, especially in his eye sockets and chin.

It was evident that during this recent period of being pursued by the Decepticons and wanted worldwide, he had been living in constant fear.

Sam sat on Bumblebee, the ever-transforming Chevrolet Camaro, and shook his head upon hearing Optimus Prime's words.

Being wanted by his own country and, from what he had gathered from the Autobots, with the United States Government planning to hand him over to the Decepticons in exchange for peace, Sam, an eighteen-year-old youth, felt utterly disillusioned.

"Optimus Prime, let me turn myself in," he said in a low voice, his eyes devoid of any spark.

Optimus Prime frowned slightly, "Sam, I understand that recent events have taken a toll on you. But please believe us, the Autobots will protect you, and we won't let the Decepticons harm you!"

Bumblebee had already reported the events of the day he and Inferno rushed to rescue Sam to Optimus Prime.

Regarding the Skytiger Legion's intentions, Optimus Prime had already deduced some of it, and he continued, "Sam, the All Spark fragment you obtained earlier likely holds vital information... It concerns another Sacred Artifact from our Cybertronian civilization—[Leadership Module]... That's why the Decepticons will stop at nothing to obtain it, even if it means sacrificing your life!"

Finally, his words brought a glimmer of hope to Sam, who had felt betrayed by the world for the past few days.

"The fragment..." Sam murmured, then quickly raised his arm to reveal a special symbol on it.

Ever since Decepticon Rewind infiltrated Sam's home not long ago, intending to steal the All Spark fragment hidden in his old clothes, Sam had accidentally touched the fragment. As a result, he had been seeing strange characters in his mind, which appeared to be a combination of text and images.

Sam had gone to a tattoo artist to have the most memorable of these characters inked onto his arm.

Optimus Prime looked at his arm, and a hint of blue light flickered in his eyes.

"Cybertronian script..."

His teacher had been none other than the rightful heir to the throne of the Primus royal lineage—Sentinel Prime. Naturally, Optimus Prime understood the Cybertronian script.

The Cybertronian script was an ancient writing system that had emerged during the peak of Cybertron's civilization. Each character contained encrypted information and was composed of a vast amount of data and images.

After scrutinizing Sam's arm for a moment, Optimus Prime urgently asked, "Sam, this is an incomplete set of coordinates... Do you remember more of these characters?"

"Of course!" Sam patted his head. "They're all in here, so many... I somehow memorized them when I touched that fragment!"

"Quick, Sam..."

Optimus Prime implored, "These characters you've memorized are an ancient script from our Cybertron Planet. I suspect they may contain information about the [Leadership Module]... I hope you can write them all down. I can assure you that we will deal with the Decepticons as soon as possible and allow you to return to your former life!"

He was, after all, an experienced leader who could easily discern what Sam desired.

Indeed, as these words were spoken, Sam's face, which had previously been filled with despair, regained some of its luster.

He looked at Optimus Prime, and the two of them locked eyes for a while before Optimus Prime nodded solemnly.

"I believe in you!"

After closing his eyes for a moment to recall, Sam found a stick and began drawing the characters on the ground.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 567: Conclusion of the Sea Battle 


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