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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia Island.

Inside the Sound Nest base, the most significant overseas military installation.

Optimus Prime's face wore a somewhat displeased expression as he looked around at dozens of American anti-tank armored vehicles and tanks tightly surrounding them. In the sky, several armed helicopters were hovering.

"Hey... hey..."

Sound Nest's commanding officer, Colonel William, rushed over upon hearing the news and witnessed this tense standoff.

He hurriedly walked to the middle of the two opposing groups and gestured to Optimus Prime, indicating, "I'll handle this." Then, he shouted loudly, "Everyone step back... step back! Who gave you the order to aim your weapons at our allies?"

His voice calmed down the Autobots, who had already begun to gather and were mostly in combat form. After all, Colonel William and his team had been firmly standing by the Autobots' side for over a year.

If Sam was the flag bearer of goodwill raised by the Autobots towards the United States Government, then Colonel William and several other Sound Nest commanders were the actual human allies cultivated by the Autobots.

However, despite Colonel William and some other Sound Nest commanders arriving promptly, the group of American soldiers surrounding the Autobots remained unyielding. There was even a team of fully armed American soldiers stepping out of armored vehicles, taking cover behind tanks and armored cars, aiming their guns, grenade launchers, and shoulder-fired anti-tank rocket launchers at all the Autobots present.

Colonel William's expression grew even more grim.

"Hey, tell your people to lower their weapons!"

He saw a Marine Corps Major commander and hurriedly approached, shouting angrily.

However, the Marine Corps Major flatly refused, "I'm sorry, Colonel, but I can't do anything about it. If you have any concerns, you should take it up with him!"

The Marine Corps Major pointed to a heavily armed Humvee that had just come to a stop nearby, and Colonel William immediately knew that a high-ranking official had arrived.

As soon as the car door opened, and Colonel William saw the face of the person who emerged, his expression turned even more grim, "This is trouble!"

And indeed, it was just as he had feared.

"Colonel, order your people to withdraw immediately. Sound Nest is disbanded, and from now on, I command you to cease all actions against the Decepticons!"

The man who stepped down from the armored Humvee was a balding white man, and his face was familiar to everyone present.

Gabriel, the Secretary of State of the United States, had been assigned to visit the Sound Nest base on Diego Garcia Island twice before.

Gabriel was one of the most prominent domestic politicians in the United States who strongly opposed cooperation with the Autobots. Even though Colonel William was not politically savvy, he could tell that Gabriel's presence here was not a good sign.

The Decepticons had just made a grand appearance in front of the world, and the entire Second Fleet had been annihilated in their attack.

Based on Colonel William's understanding of domestic politicians, they were now suddenly emerging to potentially break the alliance between the United States and the Autobots, allowing the Autobots and Decepticons to fight amongst themselves. This possibility was very high.

However, he still held a glimmer of hope and said, forcing himself, "I'm sorry, sir. Sound Nest only takes orders from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs..."

Colonel William's words were interrupted by the stern-faced Gabriel before he could finish speaking.

"The Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting will convene shortly, and I will officially inform them there," Gabriel said coldly. "Now, Colonel, this is an order from the President, authorizing me full command."

He sneered while glancing at Optimus Prime, who had remained silent not far away, and raised his voice. "Whether it's Autobots or Decepticons, they don't belong to our Earth. They are invaders from another world. And now they intend to wage war on Earth. Do we want United States soldiers to shed blood for the internal conflicts of these invaders?"

He stared directly at Optimus Prime, not hiding his hostility. "You guys have messed everything up. Now all nations know about your connection with the Decepticons. They even boldly attacked our Second Fleet. This is a war, a war between us and you damn aliens. We will achieve victory in this war, just like before."

Gabriel said all of this in one breath, and he seemed a bit tired afterward. He took a few deep breaths to calm his rising chest, then continued, "I came here today to deliver United States' final ultimatum!"

"Autobots, if you want to continue receiving protection from the United States..."

He looked at Optimus Prime with an unmistakable expression, "You must either fully obey our commands or surrender the boy named Sam and leave Earth!"

Optimus Prime sighed in resignation. From the very beginning, when he first made contact, he had sensed the underlying greed of this nation called the United States.

Based on their investigations afterward, the Autobots had realized that although the United States portrayed itself as the world's policeman, more than ninety percent of the wars and chaos on Earth were caused by the manipulations of this nation's politicians and interest groups.

Initially, out of a principle of non-interference in human affairs and because the United States was the most powerful nation on Earth, they had chosen to ally with them.

However, in order to maintain this fragile alliance, Optimus Prime and the Autobots had even made several concessions.

Now, it seemed that he, as the leader of the Autobots, had made a massive mistake by allying with such a greedy nation. Working with Decepticons like Frenzy might have been a better option. At least Frenzy always made his scheming apparent, unlike the insatiable and opportunistic nature of the people from the United States.

"So, what is your choice?"

Gabriel sneered at Optimus Prime, seeming confident that he had the Autobots cornered.

"You will regret this, Humans!"

Optimus Prime fell silent for a moment before speaking slowly. He knew that there was no turning back now, and he was no longer willing to concede.

After answering Gabriel, Optimus Prime paid no further attention to the increasingly dark and grim-faced man. He turned to the Autobots gathered around him and raised his voice.

"Autobots, Humans have broken the cooperation agreement between us. All Autobots, prepare to evacuate from the base and United States territory. We won't stay on Earth for long, but before we leave, let's eliminate all the invading Decepticons."

"Long live the Autobots!" Ironhide roared loudly. His fiery temper had been building up frustration with the meddling of the United States Government.

"Long live the Autobots!"

"Long live the Autobots!"

"Long live Optimus Prime!"

With roars from different Autobots, all of them transformed back into their vehicle forms amidst the thunderous roar of engines. Under the leadership of Optimus Prime, they broke through a gap in the line formed by a U.S. armored vehicle and headed toward the sea.

Colonel William watched the departing Autobot convoy and muttered, "The world is about to change!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 566: Preparations 


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