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This wait lasted for over a dozen hours, and as more and more information came in, Sun Cheng's nervousness began to subside slightly.

"North Dovinsk was attacked by fourteen Decepticons... The local air defense system launched anti-air missiles and took down eight of them... but six Decepticons remain in North Dovinsk... the military port in the C2-C5 area suffered heavy damage... 134 combat Robots lost... 221 losses among various types of Robots... all Invaders have been eliminated..."

"Moscow faced an attack by five Decepticons... current status unknown..."

"Beidou also encountered a Decepticon attack... number and losses unknown..."

"Brazil was hit by three Decepticons... substantial losses... one of them was taken down by the armed forces of Duke, the drug lord, while the other two continue to cause havoc..."

"In the controlled areas, no Decepticon invasion has been detected..."

North Dovinsk had indeed suffered a Decepticon attack, but luckily, all those who invaded the northern port were cannon-fodder-type Decepticons mass-produced by Starscream.

Since establishing a sub-base in North Dovinsk, they had faced two previous invasions by Starscream and Soundwave.

Since then, Sun Cheng and his team had strengthened the defenses in North Dovinsk several times.

Thunder and Excavator sustained minor injuries, and they sacrificed some combat Robots that could be mass-produced, along with some Electromagnetic Bombs, to annihilate the invading Decepticons. For Sun Cheng, this cost was acceptable.

Especially since Base Two had not been discovered yet, that alone was a relief.

As long as Base Two remained safe, Sun Cheng was confident they could recover from the losses in other areas in the shortest time possible.

However, they couldn't easily use satellites now due to Soundwave's presence. They weren't sure if Soundwave was still monitoring Earth from outer space.

Soundwave's mechanical body was unique; his combat abilities were only slightly stronger than some high-level warriors but much weaker than other one-level commanders.

However, Soundwave was one of the few Decepticons who could remain in outer space for extended periods and move freely.

It was this ability that allowed him to collect information about Earth and even destroy satellites launched by various nations like it was a walk in the park.

Despite this, Sun Cheng had managed to gather quite a bit of useful information through Earth's own broadcasting news channels.

Although the United Nations' "Big Five" were the primary targets of this Decepticon invasion, it wasn't limited to just these five nations.

Clearly, Soundwave had gathered enough intelligence, and this audacious invasion included nearly twenty of Earth's most economically prosperous, militarily powerful, and heavily populated countries.

The United States suffered the heaviest casualties as Starscream, Lord Fallen, and Surfboard descended upon the North Atlantic, heading straight for the U.S. Second Fleet, which was patrolling the North Atlantic at the time.

Clearly, the Second Fleet, which had not experienced a war atmosphere since the end of the Cold War, was ill-prepared and suffered severe damage.

Including the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-one warships, and over seven thousand U.S. soldiers were completely wiped out, with ship fragments and soldier remains scattered over an area of more than three thousand square kilometers of the sea.

Soundwave clearly intended to use this to intimidate the United States, the most powerful country on Earth. Therefore, he did not prevent satellites from capturing images when passing through this region.

So, shortly after the attack on the Second Fleet, many countries' satellites successively discovered and photographed the still-burning oceans.

"Still no contact from Moscow... Prepare for the worst-case scenario: the authorities may turn against the Skytiger Legion camp... Arrange for a submarine to wait in North Dovinsk in advance, ready for evacuation at any time... Take away all the resources we can and install explosives on equipment we can't take. In case of any change in the situation, try not to leave anything for the Russians..."

After making these arrangements, Sun Cheng patiently continued to lurk within the borders of Africa, waiting.

He knew that the final battle would undoubtedly take place within Africa, with a high probability in Egypt.

Waiting here in advance was undoubtedly the right decision.

Lord Fallen had mentioned a United States boy named Sam in the public broadcasts of all countries on Earth.

Sun Cheng pondered that Sam must have had some extraordinary experiences.

As for what those experiences were, he could guess them to some extent.

"He's truly a lucky one. That All Spark fragment containing the Leadership Module must be the one Sam got!"

In the Battle of Las Vegas, Sun Cheng had also obtained several All Spark fragments, and he had been researching them for over a year, gaining some understanding.

The Decepticons and Autobots both referred to the All Spark as a Sacred Artifact, not just because it was a massive energy source.

Another important reason was that the All Spark could store information, a vast amount of information.

As for why it could store information, Sun Cheng didn't know. He didn't have a complete All Spark, and the fragments he had were small, so the information he obtained from studying them was limited.

In the fragment that the United States boy Sam obtained, it likely contained information about the location of the Leadership Module. Although Sun Cheng didn't know how Sam accessed the information inside, considering that Lord Fallen had taken an interest in Sam, he felt that his guess was highly likely.

Lord Fallen seemed to still be recovering from his injuries, which made sense. Sun Cheng didn't know who had wounded him badly enough to force this ancient being to slumber for so many years.

But with his power, complete recovery was only possible with Sacred Artifacts like the All Spark and the Leadership Module.

After patiently waiting for a day in Africa, Sun Cheng received some intelligence.

"The anti-Autobots faction in the United States Congress has won a resounding victory and just passed a bill to ban the Sound Nest..."

This heavyweight news was transmitted to Sun Cheng by an intelligence operative he had developed within the United States. This person worked within the CIA and was an informant Yuri had helped cultivate.

There was no doubt that this was extremely vital intelligence.

Along with the news, there were also detailed records of the debates in Congress.

These records clearly reflected a fundamental change in the attitude of the United States' high-ranking officials towards Autobots and Decepticons.

"...The United States should not be involved in the internal conflicts of two alien races... The government's previous wrong decisions have cost the lives of over a thousand elite U.S. soldiers... We have even lost a large amount of equipment and weaponry for this...

"So far, the United States has not gained the slightest benefit from cooperating with the Autobots. Instead, we have been carrying the burden of an alien war!

"...Either make the Autobots obey our orders and hand over their technology... or make them get out of Earth..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 565: The Sky Has Changed


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