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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List




Forerunner looked at Sun Cheng, who was pacing restlessly in front of him, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know!"

Sun Cheng replied irritably. He truly didn't know what was bothering him.

Ever since he left Sori and arrived at another secret base constructed by Forerunner within Africa's borders, his mood had inexplicably become restless.

It was as if there was a voice deep within him, constantly reminding him of something he had forgotten or ignored, but Sun Cheng couldn't recall what it was.

In the past, he had never believed in the concept of a sixth sense.

However, as he experienced more and more, Sun Cheng had begun to believe in the notion of a crisis premonition.

The human brain stored every piece of information received through the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and even touch, without missing a single detail. Among this vast amount of information, only a tiny portion was processed by the brain as useful, while the rest was ignored, and mechanical beings were no exception.

This peculiar sense of impending danger had saved Sun Cheng's life on several occasions before, and it had spared him from many losses.

So when this unsettling warning affected him again, he exerted all the computational power of Frenzy's Body and began to deduce.

Sun Cheng was certain that he had forgotten something, something crucial.

Sure enough, while reevaluating all the information he had gathered after returning to the Transformers Universe with the full computational power of Frenzy's Body, he quickly realized the source of his sudden unease.

"Lord Fallen... right, Lord Fallen has been awake for so long, why hasn't there been any activity?"

Utilizing the full computational power of Frenzy's Body, Sun Cheng filtered through all the information he had collected since returning to the Transformers Universe, and he finally discovered the reason behind his sudden feeling of unease.

Lord Fallen, Megatron's teacher, one of the legendary Thirteen Primes.

According to the information Sun Cheng had obtained from Excavator, nearly half a year ago, Starscream had apparently used the nuclear bomb they had stolen from the U.S. military to destroy Lord Fallen's resting place on the moon, awakening this ancient figure.

Since then, Lord Fallen had never left the moon.

Based on the information Excavator had provided, Sun Cheng knew that Lord Fallen had been severely injured in a battle eons ago and had been recuperating within a ship belonging to the Skytiger Legion on the moon.

It was because of this that he had later overlooked Lord Fallen.

"I'm such a fool... It's been half a year... I should have realized sooner... His injuries couldn't have remained unchanged..."

Realizing that half a year had already passed, and that he had neglected Lord Fallen, Sun Cheng felt a deep sense of regret.

Lord Fallen, someone he didn't know much about but was undoubtedly a more formidable adversary than Megatron.

While Sun Cheng had been focused on dealing with Megatron and the Skytiger Legion, he had pushed this original Decepticon out of his mind.

Just the thought that this individual had likely recovered by now sent shivers down his spine.

"No, I have to prepare for the worst!"

The Autobots could no longer be relied upon. Given the current total number of Autobots on Earth, it would be challenging to maintain two simultaneous battles in the Mariana Trench and Egypt.

Thinking about this, Sun Cheng had to force himself to calm down. He gave orders to Forerunner, who had been waiting nearby, "Forerunner, immediately notify them. Have Thunder and Excavator in North Dovinsk prepare..."

North Dovinsk had already been exposed; Starscream knew about it, and Soundwave had also detected North Dovinsk. Before long, North Dovinsk was likely to come under attack.

While Sun Cheng had prepared defenses for North Dovinsk, he anticipated that the impending attack would be more severe than he had imagined, so additional preparations were essential.

Forerunner hesitated for a moment at the command but eventually complied and left to inform North Dovinsk.

Just as he was about to leave, Sun Cheng called him back, "Wait, also notify Base Two, Russia, and the Far East..."

His ominous premonition was incredibly strong, giving Sun Cheng a sense that a great calamity was imminent.

After receiving the orders, Forerunner left.

Soon enough, Sun Cheng's premonition proved to be correct.

About two days later, Earth was hit by an intense meteor shower.

"Meteorites" fell in an orderly queue from beyond Earth, targeting the planet. New York, Paris, Moscow, Beidou, London—the five most important cities in the rogue nations of the United Nations—all had "meteorites" falling upon them.

The sudden attack by the Skytiger Legion caught all the human nations on Earth, including the Autobots and Sun Cheng, off guard.

Undoubtedly, the United States suffered the heaviest blow.

"Listen, humans of Earth... Your rulers have concealed the truth from you... You are not the only lifeforms in the universe..."

Sun Cheng stood silently in a desolate desert, capturing the broadcast waves drifting in the sky. A mechanical voice, filled with age and weariness, resonated in his mind.

"Our civilization far surpasses yours... and we are no longer hiding... as you can see, we can easily destroy your cities, your armies..."

"Unless you hand over this boy... we will annihilate the entire Earth..."

In his mind, an image of a mechanical giant, far surpassing Optimus Prime and Megatron, occasionally appeared along with the broadcast waves.

"Is this Lord Fallen..."

Sun Cheng muttered anxiously, still waiting for information to arrive from various sources.

Over two hours ago, the Decepticons had transformed into meteorites and were launched from the moon to Earth. Descending like missiles, they attacked the five most powerful nations' cities on Earth, resulting in hundreds of casualties.

Additionally, a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier fleet cruising in the North Atlantic was attacked by Decepticons descending from the sky, losing all communication.

Judging by the scale of the "meteorite" landings, there were likely at least a hundred Decepticons who had arrived on Earth with Lord Fallen.

With this scale, only the Autobots and the nuclear powers of the United States and Russia had the comprehensive military strength to resist. For the remaining nations and factions, including Sun Cheng himself, the cost of eliminating these Decepticons would be extremely high.

Earth had perhaps entered its darkest hour.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 564: Disbanding of the Sound Nest 


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