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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Do you remember when you stood up Lady Loki?"

Stark nodded stiffly and said, "But it wasn't intentional. JARVIS told me the news too suddenly, and I had to order a cake and inform the other Avengers..."

"No need to explain," Schiller interrupted, extending a hand. "I'll just ask you, did you stand her up?"

"What does standing her up have to do with this?" Stark pointed at the little girl with his finger. His intelligent brain hadn't been in such a mess for a long time.

"Lady Loki is extremely angry, she's almost going crazy," Schiller said, placing the little girl on the desktop and hugging her to prevent her from running away. He continued, "As you know, Thor loves his sister very much. He lent Lady Loki his weapon, Mjölnir, for self-defense."

"Previously, when Thor became the God of Light, he merged the first Thunderbolt from Space into Mjölnir, enhancing the power of this divine weapon. Moreover, the first Thunderbolt often signifies rebirth, giving Mjölnir's Thunderbolt the ability to ignite the flame of life."

Stark's gaze fell on the little girl at this moment, and he gradually recovered from his shock. He began to carefully observe the little girl.

She was very young, seemingly unable to walk yet, and she was beautiful and cute, like a doll. However, she couldn't escape the impression of a young Lady Loki.

At the same time, what puzzled Stark was that the little girl had spikes on her shoulders, neck, and ankles, making her look less human and more like some kind of exotic beast. Furthermore, her eyes were slanted, and when she smiled, she revealed sharp teeth.

The characteristics of destruction were well reflected in her, except she wasn't as massive and brutal as expected, but she had all the necessary features.

As Stark observed the little girl more closely, his gaze finally focused on the reactor on her chest. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, this isn't the latest version of the reactor... Isn't this the one you took as a hallway light bulb?"

"The problem lies here," Schiller said innocently. "Previously, I obtained a monster egg, but the monster's soul inside the egg had already disappeared, so it couldn't hatch. Therefore, I placed it in the basement of my sanatorium."

"I installed your reactor in the center of my hallway. But who knew, when Lady Loki came looking for you with her hammer, the Bifrost's landing point was closer to my sanatorium. She mistook this light bulb for your armor and swung Mjölnir at it."

"However, after the light bulb hanging from the ceiling was shattered and fell, it pierced through the floor of my sanatorium and directly into that egg."

"And coincidentally, Mjölnir, with the power of the first Thunderbolt from Space, reignited the soulless egg with the flame of a new soul, causing it to hatch."

"But your reactor happened to crash into its embryo. Perhaps this new life didn't know how to deal with the light bulb, so in the end, she turned it into a part of her body."

"Since Lady Loki was the one who reignited the soul fire, she looks more like Lady Loki. And because your reactor ended up inside her body, so..." Schiller gestured towards the little girl, indicating that this was the situation.

"Wait! What did you say before you called me? You want to give her to me? Damn it, don't joke around. I'm not even married yet, how can I raise children?!"

"No relationship, if you don't want her, I'll take her for a flight over New York. After all, over 90% of New York citizens know about your arc reactor. Tomorrow's front-page headline will be 'Iron Man, who doesn't shirk responsibility, has a secret daughter and heartlessly abandons her, leaving her to wander the streets...'"

"I..." Stark was taken aback and said, "But they should know that my daughter couldn't possibly be born with an arc reactor."

"You can explain that to the journalists and media..."

As Schiller was about to leave with the little girl in his arms, Stark hurriedly stopped him and said, "No! Wait! You can't damage my reputation like this!... Well, I know I don't have much reputation, but still..."

Schiller directly stuffed the little girl into Stark's arms. Stark awkwardly held the child, but he had no idea how to hold a baby. When he held the little girl, it was like holding a mechanical part.

After fumbling for a while, Stark couldn't find the right position, so he simply used both hands to hold the girl's armpits. He extended his arms as far as possible to keep the girl away from him, then pushed his head back, even forming a double chin, and squinted his eyes to look at the little girl.

Suddenly, he leaned his neck forward, widened his eyes, and carefully observed her, as if observing a newly acquired toy.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to the details because it's already irreparable. Can you find a way to put her back? I can't."

Stark turned his head and stared at Schiller, who shrugged and said, "From an ethical standpoint, you should be her parent because the soul in the egg had already disappeared before. In other words, the embryo in the egg had died."

"The software device that resurrected this embryo is the lightning bolt thrown by Lady Loki. She reignited the soul of this embryo, and your arc reactor is the hardware device. Although I don't know why it absorbed this light bulb, perhaps this is the fate between you and your daughter..."

When Stark heard the word "daughter," he pursed his lips, forming a downward U shape that only appears in cartoons, and continued to focus on the little girl.

"What exactly is this egg?" Stark asked.

"If I say I don't know, would you believe me?" Schiller said, and Stark kept staring at him, so Schiller had to continue, "All I can tell you is that it was originally a very powerful monster, but for some reason, it died in the egg. So, her body is still that of a monster, but her soul has been newly acquired."

Stark put the little girl down, covered his forehead with a headache, and said, "If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have given you that arc reactor..."

"But the main culprit of this incident is still you. If you hadn't stood Lady Loki up, would she have thrown lightning at you? If she hadn't thrown lightning at you, would she have hit the wrong person?"...

"No, I'm not talking about the birth of this child. I'm talking about the fact that I gave you an outdated version of the arc reactor. It has many problems." Stark stared at the arc reactor on the girl's chest and said, "And she's just a child. Don't you think this reactor is too big for her?"

"Implanting mechanical devices into carbon-based organisms involves many considerations, and maintenance is also troublesome. Even if she's not a human, forcibly combining a reactor with her body will definitely cause problems."

Considering that Schiller only knows how to change light bulbs, Stark had to explain this in more detail. He said, "After obtaining the Molten Steel material, I found that it integrates very well with the bodies of carbon-based organisms. Many structures that couldn't be realized before due to weight, density, or safety can now be made with it."

"So, after obtaining this material, I completely upgraded the arc reactor. Although the overall appearance looks similar, the internals are far superior."

"And what she has on her is the old version of the arc reactor, made of Vibranium alloy. It has too many flaws and has been phased out. If you hadn't said you were just using it as a light bulb, I wouldn't have given this thing to anyone."

Schiller also bent down and looked at the thing on the little girl's chest.

The Ark Reactor is actually not big, but it looks big on the chest of the steel combat suit because Stark added a lot of external mechanical structures to it, just to show off. The truly useful part can be held in one hand.

This size is nothing for an ordinary adult and, if successfully implanted, it doesn't affect daily activities.

But this little girl, who transformed from Destruction Day, is even smaller than Aisha, who transformed from Parallax. It's probably because when Destruction Day transformed into Aisha, the time difference monster was already an adult, while Destruction Day was still in the egg. So this little girl transformed from Destruction Day is about the age when she just learned to walk, even younger than Aisha.

In that case, the Ark Reactor, which is the size of a fist, occupies a large proportion of her body. Her entire chest cavity is the Ark Reactor, and the way it is integrated is obviously not very scientific.

Schiller didn't expect that the embryo of Destruction Day would actually fuse with the Ark Reactor on the shell. The process he explained to Stark also has some reasonableness because Schiller suspected that it was the lightning that brought the Ark Reactor from the outside into the eggshell.

And Destruction Day, which is in the process of hatching, probably doesn't know how to deal with this foreign object, so it integrated it into its own body. This also fits the characteristic of Destruction Day's infinite evolution.

Stark frowned deeply and said, "Regardless, this way of integration is not very feasible. Even if it is feasible, it's best to give her a newer version. Otherwise, when this technology becomes obsolete, I won't have the parts to maintain it."

"So, are you agreeing to adopt her?"

"Uh..." Stark was taken aback. His expression changed several times, and a complex expression appeared on his face. He reached out and pinched his brow, saying, "No, I'm not prepared at all. I know I will have a daughter in the future, but not now. It's too early for me, I just..."

"But now, only you can adopt her. She inherited the Ark Reactor in your chest, as you said, she may need improvements and maintenance, which cannot be completed in just one or two times..."

"If you're sure you can't do it, I'll go find Lady Loki and ask her to take this child back to Asgard."

"No." Stark instinctively refused, and after refusing, he himself was stunned for a moment, then he instinctively expressed his thoughts:

"Asgard is not a good place at all. The education there is a mess, Thor is reckless, Lady Loki lacks love, Odin is still that kind of authoritarian father, and Queen Frigga is probably an indulgent mother. No, it's not possible..."

Then, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, this is the mess I caused, I'll clean it up myself."

He fell silent for a while, murmuring to himself in a low voice, "Stark... of course, you can. You won't become a rotten person like him. You will do better than him. You will definitely teach and raise more outstanding children..."

"In fact, you don't have to feel too much pressure. This child's talent may be even better than you imagine." Schiller lifted her up again and gently shook her up and down. The little girl seemed very happy. She raised her hands high and shouted.

Then, Stark saw that her eyes and hands were emitting a brilliant light—

That was the radiance of magic.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 562: Every Plan of Marvel Schiller Leads to... (Part)


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