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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


With that said, Sun Cheng leaped into the sky, transforming into a gracefully poised fighter jet and soaring into the heavens.

As he disappeared into the far reaches of the sky, Inferno, who had been glaring at him like a hawk tracking its prey, let out a grunt and then briskly walked forward.

"Damn it, those are Electromagnetic Bombs!"

He angrily clenched his fist. "I really want to give him a blast!"

Inferno, one of the most famous warriors in the Autobots' ranks, was known for his fiery temper.

He had been a warrior long before the Cybertron civil war erupted. When the Decepticons initiated the first civil war, aiming to eliminate the opposition - the Autobots - and forcibly take control of the Cybertron Planet, all peace-loving Cybertronians willingly joined the Autobots' ranks.

Inferno was among them, leading an elite Autobots squad that fought on the outskirts of the Trypticon District's airport, attempting to hold back the Skytiger Legion soldiers pouring towards Tigepax.

Little did they know that behind their battlefield lay the hiding place of the Sacred Artifact, the All Spark.

It was during that battle that Inferno and his elite squad engaged in a life-and-death struggle against the attacking Decepticons.

In the end, the fierce battle triggered the All Spark's protective mechanism, launching it into outer space to prevent it from falling into the hands of evil entities.

Inferno, the first-generation, met his end in that battle.

He was captured by members of the Skytiger Legion's vehicle squad, particularly Dead End, who refused to reveal the whereabouts of the All Spark, even under brutal torture. He met his demise in the cruel interrogations.

Ultimately, the Decepticons obtained the information they sought from his memories.

Perhaps due to the torture he endured before his death, after the war, the Autobots tried various methods to reawaken this warrior, but his personality underwent significant changes.

The Inferno who was once capable of handling many dangerous missions and never disappointing anyone had vanished.

In his place was a hot-tempered, clumsy, careless fellow who always managed to mess things up.

Optimus Prime quickly reached out to stop Inferno, who had already raised his weapon. "Inferno, hold your fire!"

He had dealt with the Skytiger Legion for so many years and had even prepared for the possibility of an ambush by Frenzy before arriving.

However, only one person from the opposing side had shown up, leaving some hidden tricks behind. It wasn't surprising that they were cautious around these Autobots.

In reality, the enmity between the Decepticons and Autobots, accumulated over countless years of conflict, couldn't be resolved with just a few words or a single cooperation.

Arcee, the female Autobot, was slightly slower than Inferno, but she had many admirers within the Autobot ranks and held a high position.

Although female Autobots were limited by their mechanical bodies and generally had much lower combat capabilities than male Autobots, this did not prevent Arcee from being an outstanding female commander among the Autobots. She was a close combat specialist and a sharpshooter who could provide emergency medical treatment to wounded soldiers on the battlefield. She also had considerable knowledge of weapons.

Close to one of the Electromagnetic Bombs, Arcee crouched down and touched it for a moment, and the data about it became clear to her.

"Unknown model of Electromagnetic Bombs... Once activated, it only takes three to five seconds to initiate... The explosion can cover a radius of 150 meters from its center, causing fatal damage to most machines..."

She looked at Optimus Prime and explained with a gentler tone than that of the male Autobots, "It's not activated, and I can easily read and change the activation code... For now, it seems they don't have malicious intent."

Ratchet scratched his head. "Leader, do you think Frenzy is lying?"

Bumblebee's high-pitched voice immediately chimed in, "I disagree with cooperating with Frenzy. They are trying to take over Earth, and the Decepticons can't be trusted!"

Inferno nodded in agreement and was about to speak when Arcee shot him a warning look and went to check the other Electromagnetic Bombs.

Optimus Prime pondered, then looked at Ratchet.

"...I can't be certain if he's lying, but based on some past events, his words have a certain degree of credibility!"

In fact, if you carefully considered it, apart from the time when the fragments were lost, Frenzy had never actively provoked conflict with the Autobots.

It was them who had launched two major operations against Frenzy.

Ironically, in these two operations, they lost their fellow Autobot, Mudflap, and several other warriors were injured as a result.

To say that there was no hatred between the two sides was impossible. Both Skids and Sideswipe, as well as Ironhide, would have loved to personally kill Frenzy.

But Optimus Prime was the leader of the Autobots, and after Sentinel Prime's retirement, he had led the Autobots alone in a fierce battle against the Skytiger Legion for over a hundred years.

In the past hundred plus years, countless Autobots had fallen at the hands of the Skytiger Legion.

Although they had also made the Skytiger Legion pay a heavy price, the Autobots' strength was undeniably declining, compared to the Skytiger Legion, which had completely taken over the entire Cybertron Planet.

If a dissenting faction were to emerge within the Skytiger Legion at this moment, leading to a split, it would undoubtedly be a good thing for the Autobots.

This was the reason why, despite his skepticism, he was willing to meet with Frenzy with goodwill.

As the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime would do his utmost to pursue anything that was beneficial to the Autobots.

Ratchet was the most outstanding physician in the Autobots' ranks and also one of Optimus Prime's most important officers.

Most of the time, many Autobots were drawn to his humorous language but overlooked his meticulous thinking. Often, in crucial moments, he would identify and propose the most reliable solutions.

Seeing Optimus Prime's gaze on him, Ratchet thought for a moment before responding, "I don't trust any Decepticon, but I believe limited cooperation with Frenzy and their group could be an option."

Optimus Prime frowned. "Explain your reasoning."

"Leader!" Ratchet, in an unusual display of seriousness, continued, "There are more and more Decepticons on Earth, and that's an undeniable fact."

"We came from Cybertron to Earth initially to find the All Spark, and later, to prevent Earth from being occupied by the Decepticons, which eventually led to this place becoming a second Cybertron!"

"So, all this time, we've been hunting Decepticons, and that won't end just because of one Frenzy!"

"Even if we don't have his intelligence, once we learn that the Decepticons are gathering in Egypt and possibly scheming something, we will still coordinate with humans to deal with the Decepticons!"

"Since cooperating with them won't compromise our original objectives, limited cooperation is not a problem!"

He briefly analyzed the situation and then went straight to the point, saying, "Besides, our supplies are running low!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 555: The New Lend-Lease Act (Part 2) 


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