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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng was taken aback when he heard those words. He hadn't expected that what seemed to be a troublesome matter would be resolved so easily.

He immediately suspected that Arcee, the female Autobot, had something to do with it.

In fact, Sun Cheng's suspicion was not unfounded.

Optimus Prime had effortlessly resolved the issue of the All Spark fragment that Sun Cheng had taken from the United States boy, Sam. It was indeed because of Arcee.

Sun Cheng was unaware that Arcee and her two sisters had undergone modifications and training from the Autobot elder known as Titan Master.

While Titan Master rarely interfered in Autobot affairs, his position among them was highly esteemed. Very few Autobots knew about his past, and most only knew that Titan Master had been around since the days of the Council of Primes.

Initially, he had been in charge of managing the library, silently recording the history and civilization of Cybertron Planet. It wasn't until the first civil war that Titan Master showed any clear inclination to support the Autobots. Although he had been closer to them and provided some assistance, he had not interfered with Decepticon military actions.

It was only during Megatron's and the Skytiger Legion's destructive exploitation of Cybertron Planet, which led the planet to the brink of death, that Titan Master had firmly revealed his stance by offering mechanical body modifications and training to the Autobots.

Arcee knew about Skyfire's past because of her connection to Titan Master.

After recalling Skyfire's identity, she had briefly introduced him and relayed Titan Master's assessment of him to Optimus Prime.

"...Skyfire is different from his teacher, Shockwave. He is a gentle scientist who believes in maintaining peace, values friendship, and science!"

Optimus Prime had also interacted with Titan Master in the past, and his current mechanical body had been modified with Titan Master's help. Moreover, his former teacher, Sentinel Prime, seemed to hold Titan Master in high regard. Therefore, after Arcee's brief introduction of Skyfire and Titan Master's appraisal, Optimus Prime chose to believe Titan Master.

What had initially seemed like a troublesome issue had now been easily resolved, which undoubtedly improved the atmosphere of the meeting.

Although Sun Cheng was unsure of Optimus Prime's thoughts, he was relieved that one less problem was on his plate.

He spoke up, saying, "Thank you, Lord Optimus Prime, for your understanding. When Skyfire recovers, I believe he will personally come to express his gratitude!"

After a brief pause, he continued with a serious expression, "In recent years, with Megatron's tyrannical rule and the destruction of our homeworld, Cybertron, even within the Skytiger Legion, many have begun to doubt the legitimacy of his rule. However, out of fear of the Legion's formidable military power, we have followed in the footsteps of Lord Skyfire, coming to Earth with the intention of establishing a new home here."

As Sun Cheng spoke, he noticed that the faces of several Autobots had changed.

"Lord Frenzy..."

Optimus Prime had the most displeased expression. "Earth belongs to the humans. Our war has ravaged Cybertron, and this place does not belong to us. We are just guests here."

When they first arrived on Earth, Optimus Prime had considered peaceful coexistence with humans and turning this place into a new home, a second Cybertron. However, he had since abandoned that idea. After nearly two years of dealing with the United States Government and facing adversity, he had come to realize the growing hostility of humans toward them. It wasn't due to the damage caused by the Decepticons but rather directed at all Cybertronians.

Optimus Prime had a growing sense that their cooperation with humans might not last much longer. Once the United States gained access to weapons that could deal with them, it was highly likely they would tear up the alliance agreement and drive all Autobots out of Earth.

Sun Cheng observed the changing expressions of those around him, including the Autobots who had remained silent, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Lord Optimus Prime!"

He spoke again, with even more solemnity in his tone than before. "It's only when we've experienced loss that we truly learn to cherish. Those of us from the Skytiger Legion, we're different from you. We don't have the power to confront Megatron, so there's likely no chance of returning to Cybertron in the future."

"This is why we've been avoiding direct conflict with your side. Whether it's me, Onslaught, or Lord Skyfire, I believe we all share the same sentiment."

"We will strive to make Earth our second home and do everything in our power to protect it from further war."

"However, there are still some among us who fear Megatron and dare not openly oppose him."

"So, not long ago, when we discovered a large number of Decepticons operating in Egypt and posing a potential threat to Earth's safety, we made a decision!"

Sun Cheng looked gravely at the Autobots' leader and spoke word by word, "We hope to form a Secret Alliance with the Autobots, with your forces sent to eliminate Decepticons within Egypt. As a gesture of goodwill, we will provide all the information we have and offer the necessary supplies and energon... even..."

He paused, his gaze shifting beyond Optimus Prime to the other Autobots who seemed reluctant.

"...even a location above Earth that belongs to the Autobots as your New Home!"

As soon as these words were uttered, not only did Optimus Prime's expression freeze momentarily, but the other four Autobots also stared at him as if seeing Sun Cheng for the first time, their expressions filled with astonishment.


Optimus Prime hesitated for a moment before responding, "Earth doesn't belong to us; it's for the people of Earth..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Sun Cheng rudely interrupted.

He suddenly opened his chest cavity, revealing a specially designed metal disc. Sun Cheng picked it up, shook it, and then tossed it to Optimus Prime.

"Contained within is information regarding the Skytiger Legion that we found in Egypt. There are also supplies and energon that we are willing to provide to your side... everything has already been transported to the location prepared in advance for you within the New Home..."

"As long as you're willing to form a Secret Alliance with us, everything mentioned inside belongs to you... and with our cooperation, there will be even more supplies and energon provided to your side!"

Having said that, he slightly bowed, turned, and walked away.

It wasn't until he had walked more than ten meters away and saw that the Autobots showed no intention of attacking him that Sun Cheng seemed to recall something suddenly.

He turned back to face Optimus Prime and the others, smiling as he said, "Thank you for your trust. So, consider these items as compensation and accept them!"

With that, he snapped his fingers.

Dozens of crates, previously concealed by sand and some special coverings within an area covering tens of thousands of square meters of sand dunes, began to levitate under the control of certain mechanisms.

Inside those crates were nothing but electromagnetic bombs, the trump card that Sun Cheng had prepared for this meeting.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 554: The New Lend-Lease Act (Part 2) 


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