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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the Transformers Universe, Sun Cheng established his own power in the South American region.

With the support of a small American country, his influence is gradually spreading throughout South America.

Unfortunately, because Core's Base Two is located in the mountains, many of South America's major mineral resources are concentrated in valleys, plateaus, and even rainforests.

To facilitate the transportation of minerals and supplies, Sun Cheng had his Decepticon engineers develop a series of robots long before. Among them were high-performance transport robots.

Of course, what Sun Cheng brought out were not perfect transport robots designed by Decepticon engineers. Some of the key components could not be manufactured with Earth's current level of technology within at least twenty years unless he had the assistance of Decepticon engineers in the real world.

What was displayed in the warehouse for the Equipment Department team to visit were two rough versions of cargo robots, modeled after the Boston Dynamics Corporation's large dogs and redesigned.

The "Spider" robots used the same Lithium-Air Battery as the mechanical exoskeleton armor, which was far superior in performance to the lithium-ion and ternary polymer lithium batteries currently on Earth. It could store nearly twice as much energy per gram and provided enough power even for full electric propulsion.

Of course, the batteries used on the spiders were much larger than those on the mechanical exoskeleton armor.

Although the Spider was a simplified version of a transport robot, it incorporated many new technologies. Its main body and several mechanical legs used a new type of carbon steel with strength far beyond ordinary steel, easily bearing weights many times its own and easily traversing various terrains.

To prevent cargo from falling during the transportation of goods in complex terrains, the researchers at the Intelligent Mechanics Laboratory also designed a special alloy cargo box and equipped it with an electromagnetic adsorption device. Even if the spider tilted at a steep angle while crossing mountains or encountered an attack, the cargo would not easily fall off.

Of course, to make the spider capable of handling various complex terrains, an excellent core was essential.

The processing terminal of the spider was a chip that Sun Cheng brought back from the Transformers Universe, produced by Base Two. It was originally a chip he had prepared for making robots in the Real World before returning.

In a short period, with the current state of reality, Base One and Base Three did not have the ability to manufacture such chips, so bringing back these chips would always result in fewer of them.

Fortunately, he had brought back quite a few chips, and the final price of the "Spider" was likely to be more than ten times that of the X-1 mechanical exoskeleton armor.

For now, there was no need to worry about running out of chips.

For the Equipment Department team, Sun Cheng personally demonstrated the two spider robots traveling at full load on flat ground. He even arranged for a lot of debris to be piled up in the warehouse, creating some "steep" mountainous terrain.

The two "Spider" robots did not disappoint him. Each carried one to three tons of heavy cargo, artificially created in the warehouse, and easily traversed steep terrain that was six to seven meters high.

"...How do you like it, General... are you satisfied with our new products..."

"Satisfied... very satisfied..."

Transporting goods and heavy weapons in special terrains had always been a difficult problem for countries worldwide.

Even powerful forces like the Soviet and American armies had no solutions when facing mountainous terrain in the Middle East.

Various military transport trucks couldn't enter, and helicopter capacity was limited. Using military transport planes was not only costly but also easily exposed.

As a result, even now, you could find instances of the Soviet and American armies conscripting a large number of mules to transport supplies for soldiers in mountainous areas in the Middle East.

In order to compensate for the lack of firepower on the ground in mountainous and other special terrains, armed helicopters, which were easily targeted weapons, often had to venture into those areas to provide fire support.

The appearance of the Spider not only solved the problem of transporting goods in special terrains but also with a maximum load of three tons, it could easily transport heavy weapons like large-caliber mortars over mountains and through valleys.

However, satisfaction aside, the Equipment Department and the military still needed to conduct a series of discussions and verifications regarding whether they really wanted to purchase the spiders.

Captain Sun Long realized as soon as he saw the Spider robots that he should record the entire testing process with his phone, which he carried with him. Later, he asked Sun Cheng for the more detailed introduction and explanation documents about the two Spider robots that Sun Cheng had prepared in advance before leaving the Equipment Department to report.

As expected, within a few days, the Equipment Department and the military would send evaluation teams to conduct a more comprehensive assessment of the performance and capabilities of these two Spider robots.

Afterwards, they might even experimentally purchase a few and send them to military regions in the southwest, south, west, and other regions for field testing.

Sun Cheng also knew that it would not be possible to finalize the purchase of the spiders in a short period of time.

Moreover, the "special terrain transport robots" currently manufactured were only experimental models, and there were still many issues that needed further improvement.

After seeing off the Equipment Department team, Sun Cheng did not stay in the factory area for long and drove back home.

In October, he and Ye Qi had returned to their old hometown in northern Jiangsu together. However, they had only stayed there for two days before choosing to return to the South Capital somewhat displeased.

The reason was simple: Ye Qi had been pressured to get married, as it seemed to be a common ailment among the older generation.

While Sun Cheng was still on the road, his phone rang.

He gently tapped his Bluetooth earpiece, and a familiar, charming voice came through on the other end.

"Boss, the exhibition should be over by now!"

The call was from Lin Meng, who had already been promoted to assistant to the chairman. Hearing her seemingly enchanting voice, Sun Cheng complimented her calmly, "You're very good at timing... I just sent off the Equipment Department team, and I'm on my way back home now. You called at the right moment. What's up?"

Laughter immediately rang out on the other end of the phone, and after it subsided, Lin Meng said, "Can't I call you without a reason, Boss?"


She was quite tactful. Although Sun Cheng had also noticed that his charming assistant had been teasing him, overtly or covertly, recently, he replied, "You can call me anytime you want."

"This time, I'm calling you to report on a work matter. Regarding the investment in Laurel Network that you instructed earlier, General Wang and the others have more or less completed the negotiations. I've already organized the specific documents, and I'll send them to your residence later. Would you prefer them to be faxed or sent to your email?"

"Negotiations are done?" Sun Cheng was momentarily surprised and nodded instinctively. "Send them to my email. I'll be home soon, and I'll take a look shortly!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 543: Magic House 


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