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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng didn't have to wait long. About seven to eight minutes later, a black Beidou-branded car pulled up in the parking spot on Meiwei Xuan Street.

A well-built and muscular young man stepped out of the car. He walked into the restaurant without acknowledging the greeting from the waiter at the entrance who said, "Welcome." His gaze quickly scanned the not-so-large restaurant, and when he spotted Sun Cheng, he briskly walked over.

"Mr. Sun Cheng, Director Wang Yuan sent me to pick you up."

Sun Cheng wiped his mouth with a wet napkin and nodded.

This man, who appeared to be a few years older than him, was someone he was meeting for the first time. However, judging by his physique and the air of authority, he likely came from the National Security Bureau or even the Military.

Since this small restaurant required payment before dining, the two of them left directly, one after the other.

Sun Cheng glanced curiously at the somewhat old-fashioned Beidou-branded car parked by the roadside. Ye Qi's family also owned a domestically produced car of the same brand. Honestly, he hadn't seen a Beidou-branded car on the road for a long time. After all, these cars were produced by old state-owned enterprises, and their design concepts were quite conservative, catering more to the aesthetic preferences of middle-aged and older people in their forties and fifties.

The young man, who didn't introduce himself, quickly walked a few steps and opened the rear door of the car for him.

Sun Cheng thanked him and bent down to see a middle-aged man with a slightly balding head sitting inside the car. He was not unfamiliar with this person; it was none other than Wang Yuan, the Director of the National Asset Management Bureau, whom he had met not long ago.

"Mr. Sun, I hope I didn't inconvenience you?"

Wang Yuan smiled warmly, showing more familiarity than their first meeting.

Sun Cheng took a seat beside him and nodded as a form of greeting. "As soon as I received the notification that the items had arrived, I rushed over to Shen Cheng. Director Wang, have you completed the inspection on your end?"

Wang Yuan chuckled, though it was unclear how much he believed Sun Cheng. "The Port has already made arrangements. I'm on my way there now, and considering the timing, the experts from Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company should have arrived as well."

Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company was also a state-owned enterprise in Xia Country, responsible for the production of cutting-edge precision instruments such as Photolithography Machines and Etching Machines.

Although this company operated at a loss every year and relied on government funding from the National Asset Management Bureau, its name had never appeared on any "Fortune Global 500" list. However, in many European and American countries, mentioning this company would often lead to serious expressions.

The United States government had even listed it seven times as a sanctioned Xia Country company, strictly prohibiting signatory countries of the Bawa Agreement from exporting even a trace of raw materials to it. This showed the level of fear surrounding Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company, a Xia Country state-owned enterprise that perennially operated at a loss.

In reality, it lived up to this reputation. Founded in the early 1970s, Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company had successfully localized more than 180 types of advanced instrument equipment that were the pride of Western countries. It had even surpassed the originals in some cases, most notably with the Megawatt Laser and Etching Machine, making it the undisputed leader in its field.

Sun Cheng had studied Microelectronics in university, and many graduates from the South China University of Technology in Microelectronics didn't immediately choose Xia Country Microelectronics Manufacturing Corporation after graduation; their first choice was Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company. For a period of time, Sun Cheng had shared this perspective.

Therefore, when he heard that experts from Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company were coming, Sun Cheng's expression became more serious.

He nodded and said, "As it should be. Let's go now."

After some brief pleasantries, the car started up again and headed towards the port.

About forty minutes later, the car slowly entered a warehouse at the port.

When Sun Cheng and his group arrived, a team of individuals dressed in Customs Police uniforms had already sealed off the area.

As soon as the car approached, two Customs Police officers stepped forward to block its path.

The driver rolled down the window and presented a document with something written on it that Sun Cheng couldn't see. The two Customs Police officers immediately saluted and stepped aside.

The car continued into the warehouse before coming to a stop. After the car had parked, Wang Yuan smiled at Sun Cheng and said, "We're here, Mr. Sun. Please get out of the car."


Sun Cheng opened the car door and as soon as he stepped out, he saw two machines that he was very familiar with. They had already been delivered to this sealed-off warehouse.

A dozen people in plain clothes, white lab coats, and casual suits, wearing various types of clothing, were inspecting one of the machines.

As for the results of their inspection, Sun Cheng was already well aware of them.

He kept a composed expression on his face and stood quietly near the car.

After getting out of the car, Wang Yuan made a "wait a moment" gesture to Sun Cheng and then briskly walked towards the two 14nm-level Photolithography Machines that had been transported here at an unknown time.

He exchanged quiet words with the dozen or so expert engineers who were inspecting one of the machines with various equipment. His smile became even more pronounced.

Soon, Wang Yuan returned with a tall, slender middle-aged man by his side, heading towards Sun Cheng.

"Mr. Sun, I apologize for keeping you waiting. Let me introduce you. This is He Qing, the General Manager of Precision Instrument Manufacturing Company. He's also a senior alumnus of your South China University of Technology. You'll have the chance to interact with him in the future."

"Manager He, this young talent is Sun Cheng, the President of Cybertron Technology Group. He's a recent graduate of South China University of Technology. The two advanced Photolithography Machines you are inspecting right now were acquired through Mr. Sun's connections."

He Qing, upon hearing this, looked at Sun Cheng with some surprise. He had been summoned here abruptly and had only heard some rumors before arriving, so he didn't know much about the situation. Despite having many questions as the head of a key state-owned enterprise, he managed to keep his composure and extended his hand with a smile. "So, you're a junior from our alma mater. Hello, junior. I graduated in '94 from the Mechanical Automation program at South China University of Technology."

Sun Cheng was a bit surprised to find that He Qing was actually a senior from South China University of Technology. However, considering his own past from a few years ago, it wasn't that surprising. As one of the top-tier technical universities in the country, many graduates from South China University of Technology went on to work in state-owned enterprises, research institutes, and laboratories, with countless success stories.

Putting on a smile, Sun Cheng shook his hand and extended his goodwill. "Hello, senior. I graduated in Microelectronics."

After some brief pleasantries and small talk, Wang Yuan, who had been silently observing their interaction for a while, finally spoke up, interrupting the unproductive conversation.

"Manager He, have you finished inspecting the Photolithography Machines? These two treasures are thanks to Mr. Sun's efforts."

As soon as these words were spoken, He Qing, who had been initially reserved, seemed to open up like a floodgate. His demeanor changed completely, and he became enthusiastic.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 529: Testing 


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