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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng's thoughts were not wrong!

Just as Xiao Wu finished dealing with the area around his villa, the recently installed monitors had only been operational for a short while.

At the same time, in a residence not far from the upscale community where Sun Cheng lived, several screens that had been monitoring his villa's computers suddenly turned into static.

"What's going on?"

The young people who had just moved in that morning were initially puzzled, but soon someone realized.

"Trouble, the monitors must have been discovered!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the room exploded in commotion.

"It can't be possible. The installation of these monitors was handled by the team from Section Three, experts went there!"

"Yes, the placement of these monitors is all in blind spots. Not just ordinary people, even those who have undergone specialized counter-surveillance training might not be able to detect them!"

"How were they discovered, though?"

The National Security personnel who had been assigned to monitor Sun Cheng hadn't even discussed for long when they reported the situation to their superiors. They were hesitant to send anyone to check on the monitors for fear that whoever discovered and destroyed them might still be there, and they didn't want to risk exposing themselves.

So, the situation was reported to higher-ups.

Before long, the information had reached Liu Zhen's desk.

"They've been discovered?"

Just like the intelligence agents sent to monitor Sun Cheng, upon learning that the monitors set up near Sun Cheng's villa by the agency had been rendered useless within three hours of being deployed, Liu Zhen only furrowed his brow and asked a single question before his expression grew stony.

In a way, although the opposing party's response was quicker and more decisive than Liu Zhen had anticipated, it should have been within his expectations.

Whether the secretive organization calling itself "P·C·F" was real or not, the fact that there were people behind Sun Cheng was already believed by the National Security agency.

In just over an hour, the National Security agency had thoroughly investigated every detail of Sun Cheng's background, including the fact that his biological parents had died in a car accident when he was just a child, and he had been adopted by a former friend of his parents through some connections.

Several intelligence analysts from the National Security agency meticulously reviewed every aspect of his life from childhood to adulthood during a meeting.

Based on the analysis of the intelligence experts, it was essentially confirmed that there were no significant issues with Sun Cheng's behavior until he was preparing to start his own business in his senior year of college.

The change, or rather, the contact with the organization known as "P·C·F," seemed to have occurred around the time of his first entrepreneurial failure, roughly in March of this year.

At this time, various suspicions converged on one thing.

Sun Cheng had obtained a passport and traveled abroad for a period of time, and his destination happened to be "Nubra Island," which had been placed on the watchlists of various intelligence agencies around the world in the first half of the year.

This island was controlled by a United States biogenetics company, and though it was now heavily restricted by the United States, it was almost impossible to get near or even set foot on the island.

However, according to news reports from Central America and information gathered by intelligence agencies, the United States biogenetics company known as the "International Genetic Technology Corporation" had already successfully resurrected ancient dinosaurs, creatures that had been extinct for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years, using genetic editing and reverse genetic reconstruction techniques. This was no longer a secret.

Due to the United States' strict controls, the information that the National Security agency could gather about "Nubra Island" was very limited.

They didn't know the specifics of what was happening on the island or what had led to its lockdown by the U.S. military.

But it was a fact that Sun Cheng, who was relatively unknown back in March, had been invited to "Nubra Island" by the "International Genetic Technology Corporation."

Shortly after returning from "Nubra Island," Sun Cheng had founded "Cybertron Technology Group," which was rumored to possess cutting-edge storage technology.

Over a month ago, a team of CIA agents had apparently infiltrated South Capital for investigation, but they had all been killed.

Based on the investigations of both the police and the National Security agency, these agents had engaged in a fierce firefight before their deaths. However, the evidence suggested a one-sided engagement. More accurately, the CIA agents had been completely overwhelmed, rendered defenseless, and swiftly eliminated within a very short time.

In an attempt to recreate the battle scene as accurately as possible, the National Security agency had even tried to use CGI animation. However, the resulting animation left everyone, including the experts, shaking their heads.

The walls and floors where the CIA agents were wiped out were marked by gouges and scratches from large hooks, cracks from impacts, numerous bullet casings scattered around, and distinctive marks from hitting hard metal surfaces.

If these traces were not taken into account during the scene recreation, then the conclusion reached by the experts was that the CIA agents had encountered a team of at least ten to fifteen top-tier special forces operatives who had attacked them.

These operatives were armed with firearms capable of shooting highly toxic metal needles and extremely sharp metal hooks. The battle lasted less than two minutes, during which not a single agent managed to escape.

However, when factoring in the cracks on the walls and floors, the bullet casings, and the distinctive marks from impacting metal surfaces, two incredibly absurd possibilities emerged.

One was that a "martial arts expert" wearing an armor weighing at least two hundred kilograms, a character that should only exist in movies and TV shows, had wiped out the team of CIA agents. This expert was incredibly skilled, able to perform gravity-defying feats, wearing heavy armor as if it weighed nothing, wielding a hook-like weapon that could slice through iron like mud, and expertly launching poison needles.

Alternatively, it could have been a machine warrior weighing over four to five hundred kilograms that had attacked the CIA agents during a nighttime raid.

Clearly, neither of these possibilities was acceptable to the experts.

If it was the former, it meant that all the modern science humanity had developed over the past several centuries had been upended.

As for the latter, it was even worse. Anyone with a modicum of international political and technological sensitivity knew what it meant for a faction on Earth to possess the capability to manufacture and weaponize robots.

Liu Zhen and the National Security agency now knew that the mastermind behind the elimination of the CIA agents in South Capital was the same individual who had previously breached their internal network.

So, whether the organization "P·C·F" was real or not, the fact that there were people behind Sun Cheng, armed with considerable technology and force, was undeniable.

The opposing party had warned them not to investigate Sun Cheng any further, yet they had gone ahead and installed monitors at Sun Cheng's residence. However, these monitors had been swiftly destroyed.

"This is a warning!"

Liu Zhen furrowed his brow for a moment, then gradually regained his composure.

It seemed that dealing with the enigmatic organization known as "P·C·F" would require unconventional methods.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the desk, quickly formulating a plan in his mind.

Then he picked up the phone on his desk, dialed a number with familiarity, and said, "Hello, connect me to the president's secretary's office, please!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 514: Contact (Part 1) 


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