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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Assistant to the President?"

Sun Cheng was taken aback. He knew about this position.

Although in the domestic context, the roles of president's assistant and secretary were often confused, and some companies even specified that both positions should be filled by women with certain appearance and height requirements, the role wasn't just a casual job. In modern management, it held significant importance for a company's development.

After all, as the president's assistant, one needed to assist the president in handling parts of their work, provide suggestions, and communicate with various departments. This position required considerable abilities, resources, and insight. In some foreign companies, it was often considered as a department head or a potential candidate for higher-level positions.

However, the 【Cybertron Technology Group】 didn't have a position for the president's assistant.

Sun Cheng didn't want anyone in the real world to get too close to him and notice any unusual behavior on his part. Even though the role of president's assistant wasn't of a personal nature, due to the specific nature of its management, it required spending a lot of time with the president every day.

Even the best actor couldn't continuously hide their true self. Sun Cheng was worried about this aspect.

Unexpectedly, although the list of recruitment positions from the group didn't include the president's assistant, there were still people who volunteered, and even the resumes they submitted intrigued the HR department.

In an instant, curiosity also arose in his heart.

Since he had instructed the HR department to send over the candidate's resume, Sun Cheng decided not to change his decision.

He didn't have to wait long. The HR department quickly dispatched a tall and thin young person who handed over the resume.

Sun Cheng thanked them, took the resume, and started reading it, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"... Lin, Shen Cheng, 28 years old, graduated from the United States Stanford University Graduate School of Business with a doctorate in business administration... After graduating three years ago due to family reasons, she returned to China. She worked for three companies: FeidunCloud disk, Ke Lin Commerce, Xinjie Data Processing..."

The resume was both ordinary and not. Ordinary because it was printed from a common online template, with a photo and various information typically needed for interviews.

What was extraordinary was the young woman named Lin.

She had a fairly delicate face, but what was even more striking than her face was her educational background and work experience.

In the past few days, Sun Cheng had interviewed several senior managers who had studied abroad and obtained master's degrees in business administration from European and American universities. However, someone who had graduated with a DBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business at such a young age was something he had never seen before.

The resume was only three pages long, but the accompanying documents made it four pages.

The first page contained Lin's photo, educational background, and work history. The second and third pages detailed her past work experiences and decisions made during her employment.

The last page contained the results of the HR department's investigation. After quickly scanning through it, Sun Cheng roughly confirmed that the HR manager, Wang, had found Lin's information through Stanford University Graduate School of Business's official website, which mostly verified her doctorate in business administration.

What interested him even more was Lin's past work experience.

According to the HR department's investigation, all three companies she had worked for after returning to China had quickly grown from insignificant small companies to successful startups, only to decline again later.

Although it wasn't explicitly stated that all this was related to her, all of her past work experiences mentioned in the resume were positions as president's assistants.

And the decline of the three companies investigated by the HR department happened after this woman left.

"... She seems to be a woman with magic..."

Thinking that he hadn't finalized the position of Chief Operating Officer for the group yet, and that the three companies where Lin had worked before had overlapping business with 【Cybertron Technology】, if she truly had the capability, she could be employed immediately.

After contemplating for a moment, Sun Cheng took out a dedicated work phone from his drawer and dialed her contact number.

After a couple of rings, a soft and gentle female voice answered, "Hello, who's calling?"

"Hello, this is the 【Cybertron Technology Group】. We've received your resume, Ms. Lin. May I ask if you have time to visit the 【Cybertron Technology Group】 headquarters tomorrow? Regarding the position you're applying for, we would like to have a detailed discussion with you."

"Tomorrow? I'm sorry, that might not be possible... I have some things to attend to in the next couple of days..."

Her voice on the other end of the phone sounded apologetic but still gentle, not arousing any irritation.

Sun Cheng wasn't bothered either. The position of Chief Operating Officer for the 【Cybertron Technology Group】 hadn't been filled yet, and it was quite important. He hadn't been satisfied with the candidates from recent interviews.

Considering a slight delay of two days to allow her to come for an interview, he didn't expect her to continue, "How about this... I happen to be meeting a friend near your company at the 'Misty Alley' area. There's a restaurant called 【Dandelion】 there. If it's convenient for you, we can meet there?"

Indeed, senior managers had the right to assess the companies they were interviewing with, in addition to being interviewed themselves.

Sun Cheng had also interviewed several professional managers recommended by headhunting agencies outside of the company. They had all chosen restaurants outside for the interview, so he readily agreed, "Alright then. Please wait a moment. I'll be there soon!"

After tidying up a few things and having a short conversation with the HR department about some important interview positions, he left the company.

Sun Cheng hadn't noticed the restaurant named 【Dandelion】 before, but Misty Alley was only three or four streets away from the 【Cybertron Technology Group】 headquarters. It was just a ten-minute walk.

He walked at a moderate pace. Dissatisfied with his own somewhat frail body, Sun Cheng had been spending two to three hours a day exercising. His physical fitness had significantly improved compared to a few months ago.

He soon arrived at the restaurant called 【Dandelion】. It was a well-decorated Western-style family restaurant with an elegant style. Although it was by the street and only had two floors, the entrance wasn't very large. When he arrived, he peered through the glass window and saw that the first floor was almost full, occupied by young couples and some nearby white-collar workers who cared about their quality of life.

He followed the waiter's instructions and went up to the second floor. As he turned a corner, he started hearing suppressed discussions and low arguments that constantly reached his ears.

"Hey, did you see the beauty over there? She's like a goddess!"

"She has an amazing figure. But why would she come to a place like this?"

"If you dare look at her one more time, I'll dig your eyeballs out!"

"Hey, honey, don't really start a fight!"

Subconsciously following the directions of passersby, he looked towards the source of the discussion. With just one glance, Sun Cheng recognized that the woman in the center of the discussion and argument, who he had just seen in a photo a dozen minutes ago, was Lin.

"What an enchanting woman!"

The young woman named Lin had slightly wavy, ash-blond hair. At the moment, she was sitting alone in a seat near the wall. She picked up a cup of something that he couldn't tell if it was coffee or black tea, blew gently on it to cool it down, took a small sip, then put the cup down with grace and elegance.

Perhaps due to not expecting to have an interview today, Lin was wearing a somewhat fluffy Bohemian long skirt. Although it wasn't a low-cut dress, her ample bust still pushed her upper body high.

This type of dress wasn't cheap. Ye Qi had the exact same style, a gift Sun Cheng had given her a week ago.

Unexpectedly, Lin also had one.

Looking at her clothes, hairstyle, and appearance that were similar to Ye Qi's, Sun Cheng, who usually didn't pay much attention to the differences between genders, couldn't help but form a positive impression of this woman he was meeting for the first time.

Though Lin was sitting there, her long, slender legs still revealed her tall figure, estimated to be at least 170 centimeters in height.

It was an instinctive evaluation. After confirming that Lin was sitting alone, Sun Cheng quickly walked over.

"Ms. Lin, nice to meet you..."

"Sun Cheng, President of the 【Cybertron Technology Group】, I know you..."

Lin smiled gently. She wasn't reserved and extended her fair right hand, "Mr. Sun, although you've always been quite low-key, I could still find some photos of you online!"

Sun Cheng shook her hand and then pulled away, sitting opposite her.

Recently, after the acquisition of PandaWeiyun by Cybertron had been exposed, the media had come for interviews for a while. Sun Cheng wasn't sure if his photos had leaked during that time.

Anyway, Revenge had found some news articles with his photos online, but they were few in number, so he hadn't forced Revenge to delete them.

"Would you like something to drink? It's on me..."

"No, I just had dinner with a friend earlier. Feel free."

"Alright then!"

Sun Cheng picked up the menu placed aside, looked at it, called over a waiter, and ordered a cup of "Ceylon Black Tea" for himself. Then he began, "I have something to attend to later, so let's get straight to the point. Thank you, Ms. Lin, for considering joining the 【Cybertron Technology Group】. The HR department has already verified your information. The position of president's assistant, I feel, might be a bit underutilizing for someone like you..."

"I don't know much about Stanford University Graduate School of Business, but I do know it's a world-renowned business school. So I'm curious. With your DBA, even if you didn't want to work abroad, you should have been able to find a satisfactory job in many companies after returning to China. However, you chose to work in several startups and small companies after coming back. Why is that?"

Interviews were essentially about verifying the authenticity of the candidate's resume and assessing their demeanor, speech, and experiences.

Since the HR department had confirmed that Lin's resume was authentic, Sun Cheng's interview was more of a formality, focusing on her personality and speech.

Generally speaking, he found himself quite appreciating this woman who had a gentle yet strong personality.

However, the rise and fall of the three companies, which might or might not be directly related to her, wasn't enough for him to immediately appoint her as the Chief Operating Officer of the group just because of her exceptional physique and appearance.

So, after thinking for a while, he decided to let Lin temporarily hold the position of president's assistant.

Since the company had just upgraded to a group, Sun Cheng had a lot of things on his plate.

In the near future, he had more than enough work to delegate to Lin, which would keep her busy and less concerned about other matters.

If she truly had the capability, he could promote her later.

If not, Sun Cheng wouldn't keep her around just because of her impressive figure and looks.

With that in mind, he extended his hand once again and said, looking at her, "Regarding work, our company recently upgraded to a group, and there's a lot of work to handle. So, if you're interested in our company, Ms. Lin, we welcome you to join as soon as possible."

"No problem, boss! Once I finish up my personal matters in the next couple of days, I can report to the company!"

"I'm looking forward to seeing your performance!"

Perhaps it was an illusion, but when Sun Cheng met Lin's gaze for the first time, he faintly felt that her black pupils seemed a bit discordant.

Could she be wearing colored contacts?

He shook his head slightly and quickly dismissed this insignificant discovery.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 503: Sleep Pod Late at night


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