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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


When he woke up, it was already past 8 o'clock in the morning.

After taking a shower, getting ready, and having some breakfast, Sun Cheng drove to the location of Cybertron Technology company as he remembered. To his surprise, it was already half past ten in the morning when he arrived.

"...I'm really sorry, General Wang. I had a bit too much to drink last night, and it seriously affected today's schedule!"

The professional manager Wang Lu, whom he had recruited, had recently been promoted to CEO of Cybertron Technology. He had also attended the banquet hosted by the formidable Panda Communications Group last night, where they had turned the tables and taken the initiative.

Wang Lu, who was obviously seasoned in such "alcohol battles," was far more suited to these situations than Sun Cheng. He remembered that Wang Lu had helped shield him from excessive drinking at the banquet, but today he still seemed as composed as ever.

Wang Lu probably remembered his performance at the dinner last night. Based on the subtle twitch of his expression, he likely found it somewhat amusing. However, he ultimately remembered Sun Cheng's identity and politely said, "Alcohol isn't a good thing after all. If it weren't for work, I rarely drink as well."

He fetched a canister of Longjing tea from the office cupboard, pinched some tea leaves, brewed two cups of tea, and handed one to Sun Cheng.

"Thank you!"

Sun Cheng took the cup and expressed his gratitude.

He was fond of tea, so after Cybertron Technology was established, he allocated funds to purchase a batch of tea as a hospitality and daily consumption item. This standard applied not only to various technical teams, mid-to-high-level management, but also to his own office. The only differences were the brand and variety of tea based on individual preferences. However, the unified purchase price for a 500g canister of tea remained around two hundred yuan, roughly the price of newly released premium tea.

Sitting down, Wang Lu adjusted the office's air conditioning temperature slightly lower before taking a seat beside Sun Cheng. Then, he asked, "Mr. Sun, how do you see last night's banquet?"

Sun Cheng took a sip of tea, blowing out some hot air.

"Panda's signing wasn't too willing!"


Wang Lu chuckled softly, understanding that he had overthought it last night.

This young technological genius in front of him, who seemed to provoke envy, was clearly much more perceptive than the young people fresh out of school whom he had worked with before.

That was for the best, as it saved them from being swallowed up by the insatiable capital monsters that controlled advanced technology companies like them.

"Mr. Sun, you've also noticed. Yes, as one of China's IT giants, Panda Communications Group started as a social media company. After more than twenty years of development, their business now covers the entire internet landscape, encompassing hundreds of online and offline categories. The group has over nine hundred subsidiary companies, and their annual investment in venture capital alone exceeds one billion US dollars. What do they want from us? In short, it's all about profit!"

Wang Lu also picked up his tea cup, took a sip, and then began discussing the thoughts that had occupied his mind all night. "...What's most appealing about Cybertron Technology now is the revolutionary new Portable Hard Drive technology... Or, to put it more clearly, it's an entirely new storage technology different from what's currently available on the market. That's what Panda wants the most!"

Sun Cheng nodded, his face not showing much emotional fluctuation.

The storage technology he had brought from the Transformers World, even after being simplified by Decepticon engineers commissioned by him, was undoubtedly the epitome of cutting-edge technology in the real world.

Currently, Cybertron Technology relied on its product Cybertron Cloud Disk, with only Portable Hard Drive temporarily available to the public.

However, anyone with even a slight understanding of semiconductors knew that increasing the capacity of storage products wasn't as simple as making the devices physically larger. The capacity to write data also had to increase proportionally.

Contrary to popular belief, semiconductor development since the 1970s and 1980s has always trended toward smaller and more refined components.

To further enhance the capacity of increasingly smaller storage devices, breakthroughs had to be made in materials, writing technology, core architecture, and production processes.

In recent times, Cybertron Technology had sent tens of thousands of paid members Portable Hard Drives. Some of these had ended up in the hands of companies and evaluation organizations, all of which provided evaluations such as "excellent production technology" and "excellent quality."

Combined with the fact that Cybertron Technology was only a newly established company with a few months under its belt, it was not difficult to draw a conclusion for anyone who wasn't foolish. Cybertron Technology had developed an entirely new storage technology.

As a behemoth that could monopolize virtually every category of the Chinese internet industry, Panda Communications Group must have been interested in Cybertron Cloud Disk once it started to gain popularity. Moreover, they had certainly tested and evaluated various Portable Hard Drives sold to Cybertron Cloud Disk members.

Otherwise, during the previous negotiations, President Wang Zilong of Panda Communications Group wouldn't have offered 3 billion US dollars to acquire 30% of Cybertron Technology through share ownership.

What they were interested in wasn't just the current membership base of slightly over 2 million registered members and around 500,000 lifetime members of Cybertron Cloud Disk, but the brand-new storage technology held by Cybertron Technology.

"Panda's growth from a social media company to what it is now indicates that their vision is quite shrewd. It's highly likely that someone from our product line has caught a glimpse of the company's future direction."

Sun Cheng blew on his cup, causing steam to rise.

Wang Lu nodded thoughtfully. He had already exchanged thoughts with Sun Cheng regarding the company's future direction.

That was why he knew that in Sun Cheng's plan, Cybertron Cloud Disk was just an online product introduced to accumulate users and build brand recognition. Even Portable Hard Drives wouldn't be the company's main product in the future!

Holding revolutionary storage technology, Cybertron Technology had its sights set on the entire DRAM industry from the very beginning. It could even use storage chips as a springboard to become one of the giants in the upstream segment of the global semiconductor supply chain.

Of course, Sun Cheng had only shared this part of his plan with him.

There were many things Wang Lu didn't know, such as Sun Cheng's need for many resources in the real world, such as steel, rare metals, rare earth elements, energy, and even weapons and equipment, to achieve the goal of cultivating Decepticons. To obtain these resources, he needed high levels of national reputation and influence.

To achieve this goal, Cybertron Technology had to become a behemoth controlling the upstream segment of the semiconductor supply chain in the real world. After all, most of the world's major storage giants controlled the upstream semiconductor supply chain, and a slight price increase, production reduction, or supply restriction could easily cause severe profit declines for well-performing electronic consumer product manufacturers, or even heavily damage certain export industries that contribute significantly to a country's economy.

By achieving the level of those storage giants in the real world, Sun Cheng could obtain most of the resources he desired. As for the remaining few, it would depend on their future planning.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 486: Taking Off (Part 1) 


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