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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


For the Decepticon Legion, their leader Megatron was undoubtedly worth saving.

The Mariana Trench would surely be lively for quite some time.

As for who the ultimate victor would be, Sun Cheng couldn't say for certain, but he had a vague sense that things might not turn out well.

He knew that Megatron hadn't truly died, but the Autobots were unaware of this fact.

Optimus Prime was undoubtedly a qualified Autobot leader, and though Sun Cheng hadn't interacted with him much, a simple comparison revealed that the current Optimus Prime was still somewhat immature compared to Megatron.

Behind Megatron's fake death was obviously a grand conspiracy. He had put a lot of effort into setting up a scheme, but Sun Cheng didn't want to think about the outcome at this moment.

However, there might still be some waves on the Decepticon Legion's side, especially with Starscream being the biggest variable.

After successfully repelling the attack by Soundwave the last time, Excavator, who had been wavering between himself and Starscream, seemed to lean more towards his side.

From him, Sun Cheng had obtained valuable information.

On the moon, the one who seemed to be one of the Thirteen Primes, Lord Fallen, for some unknown reason, had granted Starscream a high position and power similar to Megatron's.

That guy had been busy on the moon, doing what he did most during the Cybertron War – mass-producing cannon-fodder Decepticon warriors.

Sun Cheng was temporarily unsure of where Starscream had obtained enough energy to support the mass production of Decepticon soldiers.

However, Starscream's attitude was clear. He didn't have any intention of sending a large number of Decepticon soldiers to save Megatron, at most, he was just putting on a show.

This was Sun Cheng's conclusion based on the brief clashes between the Mariana Trench, Autobots, and Decepticons.

He speculated that Soundwave was currently attempting to rescue Megatron. The presence of his loyal follower, Ravage, among the Decepticons was the best evidence.

However, Starscream was obviously avoiding significant involvement. If he really dispatched a team of Devastators to assist and suddenly combined into Hercules during battle, not even Ironhide and Sideswipe, let alone Optimus Prime himself, would be able to deal with such a massive combined Decepticon in a short period.

The satellite at the awakening base worked for only two days before losing contact, along with the oceanic meteorological satellite in New Zealand.

Although this was expected, Sun Cheng's good mood had faded.

However, Colonel Vasilievich's unexpected visit brought him a pleasant surprise.

"Lord Frenzy, Moscow sends their thanks. The Prime Minister himself is very grateful for the information you shared with us!"

Colonel Vasilievich seemed to be in good spirits. It should be because of the photos of the attacked American warships that Sun Cheng had shared with them recently, earning him recognition from Moscow!

Sun Cheng's mood was somewhat down due to losing two satellites again, so his attitude was rather plain: "Colonel, intelligence sharing is one of the foundations of our cooperation. We have always approached our cooperation with a friendly attitude, and I believe your country should be the same."

"Of course!" The colonel nodded and then signaled to one of his aides, who stepped forward and took out a storage disk from a locked box, handing it to the colonel.

After taking the storage disk, Colonel Vasilievich held it up and said, "Lord Frenzy, you've shown your goodwill, and we will also demonstrate our cooperation. Please, this disk also contains some satellite photos, captured unexpectedly by our military satellites in Africa not long ago!"

Sun Cheng was slightly surprised but still somewhat interested.

Compared to the several satellites under the control of their base, Russia, as the second-strongest military power on this side of the world, could be criticized for its heavy reliance on energy and arms exports, and mocked for relying on past achievements in recent years.

But there's one undeniable fact: the long-gone superpower, the Soviet Union, left enough capital to allow Russia to squander for at least twenty to thirty more years.

So far, Russia had the second-highest number of operational satellites in outer space above Earth, with a total of 132 satellites.

Although most of these satellites were labeled as civilian in nature, the reality was quite different.


Sun Cheng bent his knees and brought his palms in front of him.

Colonel Vasilievich smiled and placed the storage disk in his broad palm. Then, he stepped back. They had dealt with Sun Cheng enough to know that these mechanical beings had a natural advantage when it came to electronic devices.

As Sun Cheng raised his head, he used two fingers to pick up the storage disk, no larger than a fingernail to him, and held it in front of his face.

A radiant blue light emanated from his eyes, directly entering the data interface of the storage disk.

The light dissipated in the next moment, revealing an expression of excitement on his face.

"...Egypt... giant pyramid... four Decepticon squads appearing near the pyramid... something's odd!"

Sun Cheng hadn't expected that the Russians would provide him with such crucial intelligence this time.

When he had shared the photos of the American warships attacked by Decepticons with them earlier, his intention was to prompt Moscow into action. They could initiate conflict in the Caucasus, effectively activating the two relief lines he had planned.

Unintentionally, this act had actually prompted the Russians to reveal intelligence he found intriguing.

The storage disk that Colonel Vasilievich brought contained data with nearly a hundred satellite photos. These images were captured in northeastern Africa, within Egypt, around a pyramid. The military satellites had captured the images of at least twenty Decepticons in the vicinity.

If Sun Cheng's guess was correct, there might be a small Decepticon base hidden in the arid valley near the pyramid.

Moreover, the fact that at least four squads of Decepticons could appear one after the other around the pyramid made him suspect that something was off about the pyramid itself.

After meticulously inspecting the nearly hundred satellite photos multiple times, while deriving several possible conclusions, Sun Cheng gained a better understanding of Russia's devious nature.

"These Russians really don't wait around! They're always quick to seize an opportunity!"

The timestamps on the nearly hundred satellite photos indicated that they were taken more than two months ago, yet they were only revealed today.

Clearly, though they were cooperating, they were also keeping an eye on him.

If Sun Cheng hadn't voluntarily shared the incident of the American warships being attacked, they might have kept this information hidden.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 482: The Only Way Out 


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