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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Megatron had been feigning death in the depths of the Mariana Trench. Ever since Sun Cheng discovered this secret, he had remained vigilant against him.

One of the base's military satellites had been practically fixated on this area of the ocean.

So when the U.S. military suddenly ceased sending naval fleets to patrol the Mariana Trench half a year ago, Sun Cheng was the first to know.

Not only that, he was even aware of the subsequent fact that the U.S. continued to dispatch a few of the submarines from the Fifteenth Submarine Squadron stationed at Guam to rotate patrol duties in the Mariana Trench region.

Just a week ago, upon their return to North Dovinsk, they had seen that the U.S. had only a single nuclear submarine conducting routine patrols in the Mariana Trench area.

But don't think for a moment that nuclear submarines can't be detected. Quite the opposite, traveling the open seas isn't as straightforward as one might imagine, given the constraints of weather, ocean currents, and hydrography.

Sea navigation is restricted by numerous factors, and a thorough examination reveals that international maritime routes are almost fixed.

Even nuclear submarines aren't so powerful as to be entirely free from the constraints of nature. What's more, while modern technology allows nuclear submarines to generate oxygen in deep waters, the cost is a significant drain on electrical power.

Even the mighty nuclear submarines can't bear such consumption. Generally, they can remain submerged and hidden for weeks only during exercises, incursions into foreign waters for intelligence gathering, or tracking the naval vessels/fleets of other nations.

During routine patrols, nuclear submarines periodically surface to replenish their oxygen supply. The numerous military spy satellites in outer space work to capture the foreign nuclear submarines as they surface to replenish oxygen.

Unfortunately, the base's satellites had captured images of the Fifteenth Submarine Squadron's nuclear submarines surfacing to replenish oxygen in the Mariana Trench area. Combined with their analysis of the number of ships berthed at the naval base on Guam, Sun Cheng learned that only one U.S. nuclear submarine was responsible for patrol duties in this area when he returned to North Dovinsk with Forerunner and Thunder a week ago.

Upon initially seeing the satellite photos that Forerunner had brought, Sun Cheng was startled by what he saw.

Although he had only briefly encountered Megatron a year ago at Sector Seven and Las Vegas, the brutality and terror of the Decepticon Legion's commander had left a deep impression on him.

Furthermore, he was well aware that he had thoroughly offended this cunning and enigmatic tyrant. Once he was "resurrected," Sun Cheng was bound to end up on Megatron's hit list. He would be facing a massive and invincible Decepticon Legion when that time came.

Due to this fear, Sun Cheng's thinking was undoubtedly affected, causing him to overlook many details.

So much so that it was only now that he realized how a U.S. naval fleet suddenly appeared in the Mariana Trench area.

Although the warships in the satellite images were somewhat blurry, Sun Cheng had full confidence in his eyesight and memory.

While there might be several countries on Earth equipped with Perry-class frigates, there was only one country capable of simultaneously deploying Perry-class frigates, Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers, and Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers—the United States.

But how could a U.S. naval fleet, which had long discontinued patrols in the Mariana Trench area, suddenly reappear?

"... The Americans found out that Megatron was buried in the Mariana Trench. They resumed their patrols abruptly, and there are only two possibilities... The intelligence previously leaked was accurate—the Americans also possess All Spark fragments and they were recently stolen by the Decepticons... Or perhaps those rusty-headed Autobots have finally believed the information I passed on..."

As he thought about this, Sun Cheng couldn't contain his excitement.

Sun Cheng believed that as long as the Autobots took this matter seriously, even if Soundwave and Starscream personally intervened, it wouldn't be so easy for them to take away the still-playing-dead Megatron in the trench.

Megatron had been planning for so long, even feigning death once, all in order to scheme against his teacher, one of the Thirteen Primes, Lord Fallen.

Though for various reasons, Sun Cheng had not observed this firsthand before, he understood Megatron well enough. If that guy didn't immediately reveal himself and chase after him once Sun Cheng discovered him, it meant that he wouldn't give up his carefully prepared feigned-death plan for a small fry he looked down upon.

Thus, Autobots and Decepticons would undoubtedly clash fiercely in the Mariana Trench over Megatron.

Sun Cheng didn't know how many Decepticons and Autobots were currently lurking on Earth, but just looking at the nearly nonstop meteor showers in the past year, there had been over 130 such occurrences, as even astronomy enthusiasts on the internet had counted.

Among these, as long as there were Autobots arriving on Earth to provide support, it was enough to ignite a catastrophic battle between Optimus Prime and the Decepticon Legion on the scale of nation destruction.

Well, based on the standards of Earth's countries.

"We must confirm this matter as soon as possible!"

The more Sun Cheng thought about it, the more he realized he needed to swiftly ascertain whether Autobots were involved in the commotion in the Mariana Trench.

Sun Cheng immediately used his network connection in his designated area to notify Forerunner, "Forerunner, contact the base immediately through the dark web. Tell Mirage that I authorize the awakening of a satellite. I need to quickly determine if Autobots are involved in the battles in the Mariana Trench. At the same time, send another message to Sam's phone, informing him that we have accurate intelligence that the Decepticons are planning to resurrect Megatron."

He was feeling incredibly fired up now because once the Autobots clashed with the Decepticons, the pressure he currently felt, including that from Starscream and Soundwave, as well as the potential attention and pressure from the possibly playing-dead Megatron, would all be instantaneously shifted toward the Autobots.

These two races had been at odds since the fall of the Elder Parliament, battling for millions of years until the present day. Their hatred for each other had long been deeply ingrained.

When Sun Cheng had originally designed the pressure for himself by creating two battlefronts, it hadn't been a casual decision.

Forerunner's response arrived quickly, "Understood. There haven't been any updated images from Yuri's side. I will immediately contact the base and Bumblebee."

The cell phones they had given to Sam and Mikaela had indeed been passed on to Bumblebee.

Saying that he was contacting Bumblebee was indeed quite fitting for Forerunner.

The waiting lasted for a little over an hour.

Just as Sun Cheng was growing impatient and starting to second-guess himself, Forerunner appeared again. The usually emotionally neutral and grim visage was now adorned with a smile that could be seen from afar, albeit a rather sinister one.

"It's good news!"

Sun Cheng was certain, and he heard Forerunner, who had already arrived before him and Thunder, report with a slightly elevated voice that carried a tinge of excitement.

"Master, it's confirmed. Ironhide, Sideswipe, and the others are in the Mariana Trench, engaging in a battle with the Decepticons!"

This strategic move had finally been set in motion.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 480 


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