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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the end, after giving him a deep look, Soundwave recalled Lazerbeak and left, just as he had arrived!

Sun Cheng silently watched the two Decepticons' figures disappear into the distance, squinting his eyes slightly.

He didn't know much about Soundwave, just like his former self, Frenzy. Otherwise, Frenzy wouldn't have inexplicably died on the battlefield during the previous civil war.

Although the missions of the Cassette Legion were dangerous, they were, after all, an intelligence team. Apart from gathering information, their main activities were harassment and sabotage behind enemy lines. If they couldn't win a fight or were discovered, they would run. That was the way of the Cassette Legion.

This made Sun Cheng feel that Frenzy's death was quite strange and even suspected that it was related to Soundwave.

This was one of the reasons why he was particularly wary of Soundwave before. Sun Cheng disliked engaging in battles without certainty.

However, most of the time, fate didn't give you the chance to choose.

"An enemy advances, we retreat; an enemy retreats, we advance." This was an ancient wisdom from the experiences of the past.

"...Forget it, this crisis is over for now. Although Soundwave and I are probably in an endless feud..."

After a while, he withdrew his gradually cold gaze and turned around.

Forerunner took a step forward, "Master, did he discover something?"

His gaze paused on Thunder before shifting towards Excavator, insinuating something.

Sun Cheng frowned, but then quickly relaxed.

Forerunner understood the implications of his gesture. Thinking back to when he had replaced his mechanical body and Soundwave immediately recognized him, he also had some unpleasant speculations.

He couldn't be sure if Soundwave had noticed the connection between Thunder and Blackout.

After all, although mechanical bodies could be altered, their electromagnetic spectra would still leave some traces, just like when humans underwent plastic surgery or changed their appearance. Their voices, walking styles, and mannerisms would still retain many echoes of the past.

Moreover, Soundwave and the original Blackout were both loyal right-hand men to Megatron, so they must have had numerous interactions in the past.

If Soundwave had indeed discovered something, it wouldn't be surprising.

Preparing for the worst, Sun Cheng's mood eased as he turned around. "Even if he did discover something, it doesn't matter. Soundwave will soon have no time to think about these things..."

Sun Cheng coldly snorted. A few days ago, he happened to spot a suspicious cargo ship in Mexico, which concealed four Decepticons. Feeling that something was amiss, he returned to the base and activated the long-unused hidden intelligence network to investigate the cargo ship, the "Windsor Wife."

Eventually, he traced it back to a man named Dylan Gould.

Not long after, a spy satellite in the base lost contact, and the CIA senior agent who provided him with information suddenly died under mysterious circumstances.

Such a blatant cover-up only heightened his suspicions of Dylan Gould and the cargo ship "Windsor Wife."

He currently couldn't mobilize the base's forces for investigation, but that didn't mean he had no other means.

Yuri Olov, the former United States CIA senior agent who was currently living comfortably in Bolivia, had received a significant amount of funds from the base in the past year and was quietly accumulating wealth.

Sun Cheng had turned a blind eye to this matter. Firstly, the base's money was mostly from unknown sources, from illegally mining gold to smuggling arms. Additionally, under his permission, they could use the immense computing power of his system to infiltrate any country's banking system and make money without being detected.

Secondly, Yuri was a greedy person, but he had some abilities too.

He had always been able to surpass the base's expectations with the tasks they assigned to him.

According to the base's investigation, although Yuri lived a luxurious lifestyle, he had indeed invested a considerable amount of money in expanding and recruiting his old comrades. He had formed a formidable force around him.

After the investigation of Dylan Gould and the cargo ship "Windsor Wife" was handed over to Yuri, he somehow managed to deploy a meteorological satellite belonging to New Zealand, responsible for studying Pacific storms, to monitor the "Windsor Wife" throughout its journey.

The ship's route was also found on the International Maritime Information Network. Its final destination was Manila, but the route had to pass through the Mariana Trench. After all, the Mariana Trench was located between the Asian continent and Australia, stretching from the Sulphur Islands in the north to near Yap Island in the southwest, covering a total length of 2,550 kilometers.

Most cargo ships traveling from North and South America to the Far East and Southeast Asia had to cross this arc-shaped trench area.

Moreover, Megatron's burial place was located in the ultra-deep abyss of the Mariana Trench, where the liquid static pressure was high, the darkness was absolute, the temperature was low, and the oxygen content was low. It was one of the most inhospitable places on Earth, which was why the United States chose it as Megatron's resting place.

Unfortunately, the route of the "Windsor Wife" happened to pass through the ultra-deep abyss area, less than thirty nautical miles away from Megatron's resting place.

For Decepticons, such a distance was practically within reach.

Taking all these factors into consideration, Sun Cheng now basically confirmed that the four Decepticons aboard the "Windsor Wife" were heading for Megatron's burial place.

Having reached this conclusion, Sun Cheng, who was no saint, couldn't simply let Megatron, who would want nothing more than to kill him, easily return from his state of feigned death.

A short letter and a dozen pictures of the four Decepticons hidden on the "Windsor Wife" that he extracted from his memory were already sent to Sam Witwicky through various means.

And don't forget that Sam had an elite Autobot warrior and intelligence expert, Bumblebee, by his side.

Time to calculate... Autobots should already be prepared!

Considering the speed of the "Windsor Wife," it would take about a week or so for it to reach the Mariana Trench area.

By then, they would "surprisingly" discover the "surprises" that Sun Cheng had prepared for them long ago.

"Frenzy, do I need to report these matters here to Lord Starscream...?"

Seemingly having finally recovered from the shock of Soundwave's retreat, Excavator, who had been idle and watching the show, respectfully stepped forward to ask.

Sun Cheng remained expressionless, but he was actually quite satisfied with this deceitful Decepticon's performance just a while ago.

Facing a big shot like Soundwave, even he wanted to delay things as much as possible. The fact that Excavator managed to restrain himself from betraying immediately was already an achievement in Sun Cheng's book.

Calmly, he said, "You can report to Starscream as you see fit. However, if there's anything, inform me in advance, understood?"

Having successfully driven off Soundwave, Excavator knew he had secured a position in Sun Cheng's camp. So, how could Sun Cheng miss the opportunity to make more demands?

There was no discernible change in the hideous face of Excavator, but he nodded. Just as he was about to agree, Forerunner's voice interrupted him.

"Master, Colonel Vassilyevich is here!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 469: Two Battlefields (Part 1) 


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