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A shell grazed Sun Cheng's body and exploded about a meter away from his side.

It was Soundwave's sonic cannon, and the explosion created a gust of air that made him stagger before regaining his footing.

However, this gave Lazerbeak the opportunity to swoop low and strafe a barrage of bullets at his shoulders and head. The splattering sparks ignited anger within him.


Sun Cheng coldly shouted. He was wary of Soundwave, but Decepticons respected strength, not weakness. Only by hurting them could he gain a momentary peace.

Following his command, Forerunner and Thunder immediately drew their weapons and counterattacked Soundwave and Lazerbeak, who had launched a surprise attack.

Raising his hand, Sun Cheng fired a shot towards the sky, but Lazerbeak easily dodged the hurried shot.

Soundwave had already charged up to him, his left hand transformed into a high-speed machine gun, relentlessly firing at him.

"Bang bang bang..."

Bullets struck Sun Cheng's body, causing sparks to burst on the surface of his mechanical armor.

Ignoring the attack, Sun Cheng reached back and pulled out a plasma cannon, aimed it at Soundwave, and fired. At the same time, he closed in on him rapidly.

Forerunner had engaged Lazerbeak, preventing it from further disturbing the battlefield.

Thunder cooperated seamlessly with Sun Cheng and joined in the fight against Soundwave.

Soundwave seemed wary of Sun Cheng's plasma cannon, which gave Thunder an opportunity. From the side, he suddenly pulled out his own plasma cannon and ambushed Soundwave, hitting him in the lower back with a plasma blast. Soundwave stumbled and was sent flying seven or eight meters away, with numerous cracks appearing on his waist and metal fragments scattered on the ground.

"Insect, get lost!"

Seeing Sun Cheng approaching him with a cutlass that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, Soundwave angrily shouted. The sonic cannon on his shoulder was aimed at Sun Cheng's head and fired with a resounding blast.

Sun Cheng instinctively used the cutlass to block in front of him. In the next moment, a tremendous force struck him, and like Soundwave earlier, his mechanical body was sent back several meters. He narrowly avoided crashing into Excavator, who seemed hesitant about whether to help or not, and was standing nearby.

"Stay back!"

Sun Cheng didn't expect Excavator to come to his aid. The fact that he didn't turn against them on the spot was already helpful enough.

Although Excavator was somewhat useful to him, Sun Cheng quickly scolded him as a reminder. Whether Excavator listened or not was up to his whim.

Thunder truly deserved the title of "Blackout Awakening," as he almost perfectly inherited Blackout's combat memories. Even though he hadn't fully familiarized himself with his new mechanical body, he demonstrated astonishing combat prowess.

After landing a high-speed melee strike on Soundwave, disrupting his attempt to blast Sun Cheng again, Thunder closed in on him, sticking closely to his opponent.

"Nicely done!"

Sun Cheng praised. He had to admit that Cybertronians' battles possessed a unique sense of beauty.

Soundwave's primary weapon was the sonic cannon on his shoulder, along with a powerful plasma pistol. His other armament was similar to that of other Decepticon warriors.

On the other hand, Thunder was completely different. He was a war machine designed solely for combat, with over 160 various missiles integrated into his internal combat system.

These super-miniature missiles produced using Cybertron Technology were only about thirty centimeters long, even thinner than a roll of paper. However, they were specially designed to penetrate armor and generate extremely high temperatures, forcing Soundwave to be cautious and evasive after suffering some losses.

The two Decepticons exchanged attacks, using their speed to rapidly close in or create distance while continuously firing their own weapons at each other.

However, the battle did not stalemate for too long. The difference in speed between Thunder and Soundwave was evident. As the fight intensified, the slight discrepancies in Thunder's mechanical body caught Soundwave's attention. Seizing the opportunity when Thunder was caught off guard, Soundwave's left hand transformed into six or seven transparent liquid-like tendrils that swiftly concentrated on Thunder and sent him flying.

Just a moment ago, Sun Cheng saw Thunder fighting with a certain degree of proficiency, so he focused on assisting Forerunner and managed to create a hole in Lazerbeak's wing.

But when he saw Soundwave's sonic cannon aiming at Thunder's head, his expression changed. He reached into his abdomen, violently flung a round, melon-shaped object, and hit Soundwave with it.

At the sight of this, Excavator's face turned pale, and he quickly turned to run.

Unfortunately, just as he turned around, a violent electromagnetic wave suddenly erupted, followed by Soundwave's furious roar echoing throughout the battlefield.

Pulse grenades!

Sun Cheng personally suggested the development of these small electromagnetic weapons by engineers.

They had undergone multiple tests on the North Dovinsk side. A single pulse grenade could paralyze a Decepticon like Excavator for four to five minutes and inflict significant damage on its internal components.

However, the downside was similar to human hand grenades. Once thrown, it became a map-wide explosion, affecting everything within a 70-meter radius that contained electronic components, including friendly Decepticons.

Sun Cheng himself was not exempt from the effects, but fortunately, he activated the anti-electromagnetic interference system within his body in time, minimizing the impact.

However, Thunder and Soundwave, positioned at the center of the explosion, suffered more. Thunder emitted smoke all over his body, indicating damage to his internal components from the blast.

Soundwave suffered the most. He looked as if he had just emerged from a hot spring, with white steam rising from his body. Countless tendrils suddenly shot out from him, moving up and down alongside his fierce gaze.

"Who gave you the courage to challenge me? Frenzy..."

Soundwave's voice was deep, and his electronic eyes fixed firmly on Thunder, cold and menacing. "Onslaught, huh?"

Mockingly observing him, Soundwave's dozens of tendrils suddenly shot toward Thunder, stopping just a few centimeters above his chest and head. "Hand over the fragments. That is not something you can possess."

"You can try!"

Sun Cheng wasn't angry. Thunder suffered because he hadn't fully mastered his new mechanical body. Otherwise, with his original body, specially prepared for him, Thunder would have no fear of Soundwave's power.

His performance in the previous one-on-one battle with Soundwave had already exceeded his expectations.

However, Soundwave's strength also exceeded his expectations.

Sun Cheng never expected that a single pulse grenade would be enough to take him down, but Soundwave's current state indicated that he had been hiding his true power.

This battle couldn't continue. Sun Cheng lightly snapped his fingers, and a dozen sets of electromagnetic weapons systems hidden throughout the base were simultaneously activated, locking onto Soundwave.

At the same time, a powerful electromagnetic barrier appeared once again over North Dovinsk.

"Twelve sets of electromagnetic pulse weapons and four large pulse bombs in the military port capable of destroying all electronic components within a 35-kilometer radius. These were originally prepared to deal with Autobots... Lord Soundwave, would you like to experience their power in advance, on behalf of the Autobots?"

A smug smile appeared on his face, making him even more menacing.

This was the trump card Sun Cheng had left in North Dovinsk. Ever since Starscream discovered him, he had been preparing for the second Decepticon invasion, which could happen at any time.

He couldn't hold on to his territory, but he wouldn't allow anyone else to take it either.

In a critical situation, Sun Cheng didn't mind detonating all of North Dovinsk. He could slip away in the real world, never to enter this wondrous Transformers Universe again.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 468: Soundwave's Retreat 


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