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A satellite lost contact!

Teletraan's voice interrupted Sun Cheng's thoughts and furrowed his brows.

"A satellite lost contact? Which one? What's the situation?"

In addition to the satellites deployed in several locations in Brazil and the United States that could radiate to the base, Sun Cheng and his team also had their own satellites in Earth's outer space orbit. Since the energy problem was solved half a year ago, the base had entered a stage of rapid development.

To maintain their awareness, they used a network of modified radars, capable of detecting Decepticons, Autobots, and any flying objects from the major military powers on Earth. They also launched several satellites through various means.

Currently, there were over two thousand satellites in Earth's outer space orbit, but only around six hundred and fifty were still operational.

Sun Cheng had collaborated with China and Russia to launch two satellites under the names of Russia's "Glornass" and China's "Beidou."

These four satellites were publicly known and a result of collaboration, so at least China and Russia were aware of their purpose. They had also left a backdoor in case they needed to disable the satellites.

Sun Cheng knew this very well, but there was an unspoken agreement among the three parties that they would not take action against the satellites unless the base damaged the national interests of China or Russia.

In addition to these four satellites, the base also controlled four to five other satellites through various means, such as infiltrating ground receiving stations and providing high-performance chips to certain countries and corporations for their satellites.

However, those satellites could not be used lightly because they did not belong to the base. They were only used in critical situations, as using them without proper precautions might lead to irreversible consequences.

"Six minutes ago, a-6 satellite suddenly lost contact in the airspace over the Atlantic Ocean... I immediately attempted to awaken its self-destruct system following the procedure, but there was no response."

Sun Cheng's expression darkened upon hearing this, making his mood even worse.

The satellites had simple names, just the letter "a" followed by a number representing the launch time. The a-6 satellite was one of the seven satellites controlled by the base and was the sixth satellite launched into space.

If Sun Cheng recalled correctly, the a-6 satellite had been launched into space in November last year, using an Indian carrier rocket. It was one of the three hidden spy satellites created by the Decepticon engineers.

"The satellite was launched just at the end of last year, and it was made by Atlas. It can't be a malfunction; there must be an issue!"

Sun Cheng considered countless possibilities that might have caused the satellite to lose contact in an instant, but he couldn't find any clues. He suppressed his annoyance and ordered, "Try to activate the self-destruct device inside the satellite immediately... right now!"

Although he had sensed that something was amiss, he wasn't clear about the specific problem. When the base manufactured the satellites, they had considered the possibility of being taken advantage of or invaded by hostile forces. However, if they encountered a highly skilled adversary, the enemy could still uncover many things through clues.


Teletraan replied, and the laboratory fell quiet once more. As the current control center of the base, Teletraan, the highly intelligent Cybertron computer, had followed Sun Cheng's instructions to activate the self-destruct device inside the satellite.

He didn't have to wait long. After only about two minutes, Teletraan's voice, somewhat confused, sounded again in the laboratory.

"Master, we are unable to activate the self-destruct device inside the a-6 satellite. We have completely lost it!"

Sun Cheng let out a long sigh; his face was still grim, but his mood wasn't as bad as he had anticipated.

"It's expected!"

His emotions had calmed down, and his voice became much steadier.

"I had already guessed who was behind this. Fortunately, the data reception station for a-6 is located in French Guiana, far away from the base. Go there immediately and clean up the station. It's no longer usable..."

His fist clenched tightly, and the blue glow in Sun Cheng's eyes gradually intensified, but his voice remained calm.


Teletraan replied and then disappeared again.

The laboratory was once again silent, leaving only Sun Cheng pondering the entire incident.

He was confident that with Earth's various anti-satellite reconnaissance technologies, someone might eventually notice the abnormalities with a-6. However, discovering or even destroying a spy satellite created by Decepticon engineers within only half a year was highly unlikely.

Eliminating some possibilities, the target was well identified: either Autobots or Decepticons.

The Autobots were likely still chasing Decepticons all over the world. Among their most outstanding intelligence experts, only "Bumblebee" had come to Earth. However, compared to the true intelligence collector "sneak," "Bumblebee" was more like an expert in assassination. From the intelligence Sun Cheng had gathered, there was nothing particularly impressive about "Bumblebee's" intelligence collection abilities. His continuous and effective assassinations of traitors were far more astonishing. Therefore, the Autobots' involvement could be temporarily ruled out.

As for the Decepticons...

Several figures instantly came to mind, and Sun Cheng's face grew even more ferocious!

"Soundwave" and his "Cassette Legion," at least four of them had arrived on Earth.

"Soundwave" himself was one of the Decepticon army's top intelligence experts. Invading, controlling, or even destroying a satellite would be a piece of cake for him.

If Sun Cheng guessed correctly, his lost satellite must have something to do with "Soundwave."

With this thought in mind, he sensed an approaching storm and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Was this guy coming to settle scores with him?

Ignoring the time he was nearly killed by him and Starscream last year, he couldn't believe that the heavy injuries he sustained could be healed in such a short time.

Moreover, with "Soundwave's" loyalty to "Megatron," Sun Cheng didn't believe that he would abandon "Megatron" and immediately come to deal with him!

"Definitely... there must be something I overlooked..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 455: Dylan Good



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